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"Don't look at me like that, dood. I told ya I was the GOAT at fighting games. Isn't it funny, though, how my character did that thing with her legs to your fighter as a finisher? Pretty sure I can do that in real life, too. Wanna try it?"


Sorry for the super late update. My weekend was hectic and only now is it slowing down enough that I can sit at my computer and write something for you all to read.

The biggest news right now is that I finally released Hypnotized By My Assassin on Itchio! It is the same version (build 1.1.1) I previously shared here, nothing has changed, so do not worry about missing out if you've already downloaded from here.

As I've stated many times, I am unsure how the general public will deal with the subject matter of the game. I think the game treats it fine, and with some taste, but the fact remains that it plays with a very extreme and specific fantasy, so I'd rather keep it vague and not attract TOO much attention to it. I probably won't advertise it at all. Still, I worked on it, it's a complete product, and I want to give it a small chance to gain back its production budget, so yeah, here it is.

You can see the store page by clicking here. It's currently on sale 25% OFF to celebrate its release.


In other news, I started writing the next episode for Don't Flex On Me, Yumi-Chan! It's always a pleasure to work with these characters, and I am eager to show you all the new girl.

The episode opens with a scene where you play videogames with Yumi, hence why I generated this picture to accompany the weekly update.

I am still waiting for artist Chayon's new art for the episode's CG scene, with a delivery date set to mid-may. We're still at least a week-and-a-half away from it. My intention is to write the scene in advance and adapt it when the CG illustration is delivered, in order to save time.


And that's it. The beginning of may is always loaded with birthdays in my calendar. Just so happens that a lot of people in my life celebrate their birth during the first two weeks of the month, so I tend to get busy a lot during this period.

Also, the hot spring days are upon us, and I finally had to turn on the AC in my home. Now is the perfect time to start planning your summer vacation! I hope you're making good plans to see friends and family in the near future.

Until then, stay safe out there!




I’m a little out of the fighting game business, so please help me: what is “the thing she did with her legs” that she thinks she can do in real life? 😅


As a matter of fact, there are several moves from several games this could refer to! Almost every fighting game with female fighters have a hold / throw using their legs. Like Dead Or Alive’s Kasumi spin-jumping to sit on a standing opponent’s shoulders, or Tina’s piggy-back ride hold where she pulls her opponent’s arms the wrong way. The epitome of this trope being Mortal Kombat’s Sonya Blade. She has a leg-grab hold to throw an opponent across the screen, her thighs grabbing the head. Or in MK Gold she stands on her hands and cuts her opponent in half with her legs. Kinda silly. Of course, Yumi could probably do all of that. Probably. According to her, at least.