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At the end of my very first shoot with the stunning Sian, pretty much this time last year, we had a small amount of time for a quick experimental set. I was keen to try some motion blur with a studio strobe and a long shutter speed.

These were shot with my Interfit Honey Badger with softbox and modelling light turned on, using the following camera settings:

Aperture: f/20

Shutter speed: varied between 0.5 sec to 1sec

ISO 100

Colour toning was all done in Lightroom and Photoshop.




Great to see Sian back


I had a shoot with her on Wednesday as she is back in the country for a few months. Wednesday's shoot was possibly our best to date, and we are looking to get several more shoots in before she goes away again, so expect many more images of Sian to be posted on here in the future.