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💮Watch Demon Slayer on Crunchyroll:








password: Tengen




After reading the manga a couple years ago, I know what'll happen, so I'm just trying so hard not to say anything lol. I'm loving your reaction and take on these episodes. It's been a wild ride so far.


Yeah, the mugen train was actually the pain train and we never got off of it.


Can we please get a moment of silence for my man Uzui


i think the volume was a little loud, it was louder then you voice. maybe its just me :)


I wished Zenetsu had yellow lightning instead of blue, side to side with tanjiros water just looked like buttcheecks, also inosouke should've gotten an aura graphic so he could fit in with the others; he looked like a plain cheeseburger 🍔 😅


i saw a comment somewhere saying that the title of the episode should be "after defeating an upper rank",(referring to what the wife said in the flashback), not " defeating an upper rank" . if this is true then it wasn't a clickbait title, but a miss translation


I mean lightning is more blue-ish naturally but it still looks cool imo

Cleven Anthony

Nah demon slayer is out of pocket this season n I’m here for ALL of it 😭😭😭


This episode had me so stressed out. Idk how I’m gonna hold out until next week

Brian Gerald Ford

Demon Slayer does a really good job of showing how strong these demons really are. Like every battle feels like an uphill battle.


I saw that and the word “if” was even caught by google translate, so I think it’s safe to say it wasn’t a miss translation, but a deliberate chance either by the translator or high ups, they probably didn’t wanna ruin the suspense or last episodes cliffhanger with a ambiguous title or something


What demon slayer does right for me is that the good guys don't always win! I'm really tired that the good guys always win...


also crunchyroll spoiled the title before the episode, we got rick rolled ....