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FT 163 patreon

Watch "FT 163 patreon" on Streamable.


Ernesto Martinez

Ah yes... This is an episode for the people of culture


Ahh we love Fairy Tail fanservice

Renzo Dragneel

I've always felt like this fanservice was justified in some way due to Mirajane absolutely wrecking her in the end. It just shows Jenny wasn't even a match for her anyway so they might as well get some fun out of it.

Andrew Lolavar

So many cosplay choices...


mira <3


There's my waifu! I would gladly only simp for Mirajane! There's one other but that person is much later in the serie.

Tevin Logan

Can you imagine the amount of blood lost from sanji if he showed up here

Tevin Logan

It wouldn't be fairy tail without over the top fanservice


Certainly a memorable episode lol! To answer your question, Lucy got Gemini (and Aries) from Angel of the Oracion Seis. Angel was last seen being crazy during the last arc and was saved by Gray. Yukino from Sabretooth is a different person, although she does wear the same kind of outfits with feathers that Angel wore.


The final nail in the coffin for Lissana X Natsu lol

Hairy Potter

How many FT reaction vids are coming out after this?


i just wanted to say this past year has sucked but your reactions have made my days easier. you got me into anime reactors and i've always enjoyed all your work you've put into your reactions. i'm sure you have tough days, but you're always so happy and cheery. thanks for being you


"imagine if this aired on TV?" How do you think Japan watches anime lol. But yeah, don't mind this episode at all. Fairy Tail characters are hot as hell in general and of course I enjoy the ladies. Mashima knows where his strengths in art lie lol


Fanservice but the best one. I'm a little mad that Mashima never developed Natsu/Lisanna relationship since she got back. What's was even the point of bringing her back? One of the biggest missed opportunities in FT, imo.


The Lisanna thing you mentioned is one criticism I have for the series, not cause of shipping reasons but it's just I feel her character is built up so much only to be underutilized. It's weird cause the Strauss siblings are arguably the most prominent of the guild outside of the main A team 5 with sometimes Wendy, but I wish she did more. Not even as a fighter as I don't think battle strength necessarily makes a good character, just like her dynamic with Natsu and Happy should've been explored more too. But what's done is done, still do like her a lot though


Also iirc drunken fighting is an actual irl martial art style so you'll see it depicted in a lot of media, typically fighting games in my experience


Also, Mirajana overcoming her trauma and moving on with her life would have been 100x more emotional and impactful but they had to bring Lisanna back.


I love that Fairy Tail offers fan-service to everyone.


Erza is a baddie for sure.


you are thinking of Angel one of the oracion seis. But its amusing you make that connect


I did noticed that they drew Erza very well in the past few episodes.

Eric Rinehart

I feel lisanna really gets shafted on great skills and abilities I feel like lissana+Natsu would make a better combat team but leave her out like they made Gohan like useless character after the cell games even tho he was supposed to be the main character after the cell games and gajeel becomes my favorite character in fairy tail cause he's pretty much like Vegeta of fairy tale series


Finally got to able to join here and subscribe to watch this :)

Ryuuji Gremory

Well Lisanna was never supposed to be a main character any more then Elfman or Mira, in fact afaik initially she wasn't even supposed to come back to life. And they were actually set up as (formerly) powerful mages right from the start.

Quinton Teratino

It's fan service being pushed to its limit while adding comedy and making fun of itself as it does.


Why is there not the password for streamable in the info?


What’s the password of stream able


The password is often the name of a character that's in the episode, so I tried mirajane and it worked


The password is : mirajane