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FT 161 and 162 patreon

Watch "FT 161 and 162 patreon" on Streamable.



So 163 is a single reaction because that episode was... uhmm... interesting xD But there will still be two more reactions for this week my computer is very slow but I am trying to get these out as fast as I can.


Even if there are haters, dont stress urself with that and thanks for the Updates. Wish you luck for the new PC then!


So with the motion sickness thing, it’s kinda implied that you have to get to a certain level of power before it affects you. Gajeel didn’t have it until after the 3 months of intense training, and obviously Wendy is still younger and weaker than the rest of them. I love natsus speech during the chariots episode though, it always hits me in the feels. It’s hard to quantify how hard it must’ve been for the weaker guild members that had to wait 7 years. Seeing them all tear up over Natsus words is so wholesome


Motion sickness is a Dragon Slayer thing they gain at some point of their growth.


Also 168-169 must be in one video :)


You were right. It's Nanami VA.

Romi Alfan

Cant wait for erza match at ep 167


Since you are getting close, I will let you know that OVA 5 should be watched between episodes 170 and 171. It is canon and adapted from a chapter and it takes places between these two episodes. It's best to watch it here so as not to mess up the flow of the story with later episodes.


Actually Raven Tail didn't do any foul play this episode thinking about it lol. But ripping Toby's sock is the highest offense and I will join you on teaching the snake guy a lesson

Eric Rinehart

Wendy motion sickness healing spell wears off more times she does the spell

Eric Rinehart

Also we need an animation of ya patting laxus head like a good boy instead of gajeel in the future


When a dragon slayer is strong they get motion sickness the stronger the dragon slayer the stronger the motion sickness


i need more reactions vidss !!!


She be simpin' hard. 163 is one of my favorites because of Mirajane so I'll simp then!

Marissa Johnson

The reason why Wendy doesn’t get motion sick is because dragon slayers only get motion sick when they reach a certain power level, and Wendy is behind all of the dragon slayers right now


It is somewhat implied that at a certain level of strength, dragon slayers get motion sickness. I think in episode 161 when Gajeel is confused about his sudden motion sickness, Sting says something like "Congrats on becoming a true dragon slayer" or "Welcome to the club." (I can't remember the exact quote).

Marek Pfeifer

Oh no next episode 163 an infamous episode that is XD

Luiz Gustavo

yeah the dragon slayer motion sickness thing is forced as heck, they messed up hard on that one


Dragon slayer motion sickness works only for true dragon slayer. Wendy isn't mature enough (or her powers) to be called real Dragon slayer. That's why Sting said only "real Dragon slayers" have that. As you can see Natsu, Gajeel, Sting, Rouge and Laxus said or implied they have it. They are quite strong Dragon slayers. Gajeel became stronger since he joined Fairy Tail :)


ft reaction = life energy 😁


Yeah gajeel says he never had issues before. Sting says he's finally become a dragon slayer. There's a concrete explanation as to why but it would be spoilers. Just know its not technically a retcon gajeel and Wendy just were not "true" dragon slayers but they awakening the nature of a dragon

Frank Rosales

189 is the end of the grand magic games seeing you wanted to know how many episodes but I'll say this this arc is more two in one and doesn't just end at the magic games.


S class losing to elfman doesn't seem right to me.


that voice actor was yonji & chisaki from my hero too lol he isss a good va


Me neither. I wish we got more development with Elfman's strength. But we still have to consider a few things. 1. Elfman was a candidate to become an S class wizard. 2. He also did 3 months of intense training, so he should be way stronger than he was before. I still believe we should've gotten more time developing Elfman as a character so his feats feel more believable.


So it only took Gajeel 161 episodes to achieve the level of dragon slayer that Natsu already got since the show began.


Im starting to remember why i didnt like the Fairy Tail Anime and started to read the manga instead....There's no Animation going on in most of the action scenes. It's always just Colored Pictures while the Camera is the one moving. Look Closely at the Chariot Event when they are showing their powers, their lips are moving but not one of their limbs are moving. The Manga was a good read and i loved it though.


heys was watching the eps on hulu, the first ep subs are a little off from hulu's translation but the following ep was spot on. Also I'm noticing some after credit scens on some of these eps. I hope you'll be reacting to those when they come


Dragon Slayers that reach a certain level of power get motion sickness. Gajeel wasn't strong enough to have it before and Wendy is still too weak for that.

Ultra Instincts Shu

carla annoyed me so much during this arc. she never tells

Kimmo Hagberg

That means Toby haven't changed socks in 3 months


Bacchus voice actor also does Kento from Jujutsu Kaisen and Taek Jegal from God of Highschool