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Watch One Piece on Crunchyroll: https://www.crunchyroll.com/one-piece/episode-946-stop-the-emperor-of-the-sea-queens-secret-plan-797710 

Luffy tried. A for Effort


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When I first saw this episode, when I saw Hyogoro death, I was like nooo. When he just woke up, I said...why do you play me like this?


Yo Luffy got that "I like your cut G" treatment in this EP boy got Lit up


On a scale of 1-10. How screwed do you think Luffy is now that Big mom got her memories back?


I get what you're saying about Big Mom being a joke for the time being. I think it's just because she's not using anything just her strength and not her DF like in WCI, so it makes her look kinda normal


It was re-animated haha, it was not the exact same as last episode, especially not the flashy bit!


then see what happens once her memories got back. We were like "OH SHIT!" lol


Big mom was not using either Haki or her devil fruit, well she didn't remember anything so none of her techniques or powers she learned. She was literally using her base body strength and still whooped Queen and Luffy(who was using Haki)


It use to be one manga chapter per episode, now it's half of a chapter instead. The pace is getting slower every week :D


you're right about Big Mom becoming a joke but I think it was just for her until her memories return and to make Kaido seem like a bigger threat.


One Piece definitely has pacing issues, usually when it comes to the anime,they cover a chapter or even less than a chapter these days instead of covering 2-3 chapters each episode compared to seasonal anime!


Last week was 1:1 .. .while I don't disagree pacing is bad it's not '' getting slower every weel ''


few thoughts. when i read the the manga chapter i also expected luffy to block it, cause waited a week for that in manga too. the big mom thing: you're not the only one who feels that way, hell people during Whole Cake didn't like how nami, brook, chopper could do damage and stop her when she was on the ship. so not alone in thinking of big mom as a joke. i hate villains in every anime so i personally don't care if villains come off as a joke


The reason the pacing is so slow since Wano is because of Oda's current release schedule. Because of his health, Oda creates about 36 chapters a year. Meanwhile Toei has to make about 48 episodes a year (due to contracts with Shueisha). So they can only cover about 50-75% of a chapter per episode on average to not catch up with Oda. That's why One Piece might seem a little slow compared to seasonal animes (which cover about 2-3 chapters per episode on average)


"I don't want to believe he's dead but this is One Piece", ahh remember the simpler times of Pell and Skypia, where people dying outside of flashbacks was unthinkable.


Didn’t coby use that kind of haki once or em i trippin??

Garris Tacheene

The jokes in this are better in the manga like Luffy trying to block Big Mom punch and then instantly into a wall, and then Hyrogoro jumping up. The anime really draws things out. The debate about Big Mom has been really a hot topic on the community. We all noticed that she is being used more as a joke plot device and not as much respect as the other Yonko. The amnesia thing made us all pull our hairs and throw pillows and say WTF. but i guess depends on how you look at it.


they literally animated luffy with a kaio-ken


I think you might consider doing 2 episodes at the time. Like skip a week and do them together. This might increase the enjoyability of the show. I think Hibou started doing that a few weeks after he caught up.

Declan Gastineau

Not that I'm aware of? Hibou did 2 this week because he took a break from all reactions last week, but he's been doing 1 a week since 909.

Jimmy Orchid

Wano-kuni is supposed to be like a Kabuki play. You got the acts and the intermissions. When BM lost her memories, she kinda reverted back to her six years old self. Wanting what's good for other people.


I feel like the anime did a bad job explaining what Luffy really did with the bombs

Kay M

no he doesnt use that kind of advanced haki. His color of arms is pretty strong and his color of observation is high level but he only uses basic haki. he cant use any advanced techniques like future sight or ryuo as far as we know

Kay M

Back when the technique was shown in Saboady they didnt wanna spoil what haki looks like when the color of arms is used so they never actually showed what Rayleigh did with his hand turning black until this episode. It was less flashy last time on purpose so they could wait to reveal it now. Thats why they didnt even show his hand at all when he did it Also the flashy design for haki that we see now is something that was added later just for the Wano Kuni portion of the anime. It doesnt look as flashy and colorful in the manga but I think it looks better this way for sure. Even if it had been used in the manga they still wouldnt have used it in the Saboady arc to avoid spoilers and yes it is intended to look like a play because the entire Wano arc is based on Japanese kabuki plays. Since Kabuki plays are usually split into 5 acts so is the Wano arc but they are also throwing in extra play aspects into the anime just to keep the theme going


Damn no Katakuri was the first thing came to my mind XD

Felipe Alaniz

I think this episode really only covers about 6 - 8 pages of a chapter from the manga


It covers about 12 pages. Page 2 - 13 of chapter 947


Who were those silhouetted characters supposed to be? I don’t remember em in the manga.


The 4 Yakuza Bosses grandpa Hyou talked about them few episodes ago.


damn it Toei stop dragging it. also damn it all Queen.


Yeah. Big Mom is basically a retard, for most intents and purposes. She kinda got rekT when she met Strauss, as he somewhat was a bad influence on her, as we can see from flashbacks. Now of course there's some chance she might have turned like she is regardless once she hit the adult stage anyway, but who knows.


I heard a lot of people say that Big Mom is more of a joke this arc. Here are some reasons why I think that is the case. (1) Her memory loss makes her weaker and less terrifying. She probably doesn't even remember how to use haki, so she isn't as big of a threat. (2) We are no longer on her territory and she is alone. I think one of the most frightening things about Whole Cake Island was that everyone there was loyal to Big Mom (with some exceptions). We had a small Strawhat team vs an entire Yonko army. (3) Luffy has gotten stronger. He can now see into the future, and I don't know if Big Mom can do that. Even if she could, she wouldn't be able to right now as she has memory loss.