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Watch Fairy Tail on Crunchyroll: https://www.crunchyroll.com/fairy-tail/episode-115-frozen-spirit-589128




Watch "FT 115 116 PATREON FIN" on Streamable.



SMF are you able to re-upload your old OP reactions on Patreon? All links are dead


Thanks for uploading. Can you watch 4 episodes on Thursday? If that is possible, the tenrou island arc is over.


We are not ready! I am not ready for what's coming. Let's hope you don't fall of the chair. :)


ep made me cry. My tears -> Ul -tear ;(

Kay M

i think the tenrou arc actually ends at episode 122

Marek Pfeifer

Ultear is really tragic character


I think she should do the 4 ep Tuesday and then the 2 ep Thursday to finish off the arc for the week


Why...? There´s no need for her to rush this. I can totaly understand that people are really excited for "that" episode in this arc, but again, there is no need for her to rush it.


I can't wait for she to get the ending it's so Good


Wow that is an amazing memory, to recall Ul's conversation with a shopkeeper like 70 episodes ago and also to recognize Brain. Brain wanted to use Ultear as part of his Oracion Seis but gave up on her and left just before she destroyed the laboratory. So I think that means Ultear has technically been part of every single major story arc.


Ul...Tear ✨😥


Yeah Brain was like working for the magic council in some secret shit


Gray always fighting and turning around his Ice Make siblings. But yeah everything about the Ul family is heavy


Btw when you finish the arc PLEASE react to the ending credits. Its a very special one and my favorite ED for the show


I really love Ultears character. She is one of my favourites in Fairy Tail. I really wish she would have a bigger role in the last arc though...


Ultear has one of the saddest backstories in FT. Every time I rewatch it I tear up😢

Renzo Dragneel

Has anyone else always problem with the video not being able to play at 720p? Even when you have the best internet?


I really excited for u to react to episode 121 and 122


Guys. Please stop talking about THIS episode or THAT episode. No expectation = better reaction for her and us.


this was the thing that I was talking about before. saying that they censor blood but only showed it when someone used it as a move but couldn't say when and who cuz of spoilers xD


It was episode 91 & 92 (had to check lol)

Quinton Teratino

Notice how ultear unlocks her magic at the same age as erza did when she was about to escape the tower of heaven and the fact that they're magic got unlocked when they where feeling intense and strong emotions? That should give you another hint that magic power ups do come from emotions. The Power of Friendship is intentional people. It's part of the humor and slice of life that makes this anime unique.


Oh good point, I feel like a lot of animes have that too. When a child is in distress they normally unlock something. At least I am thinking that way for DBZ

Christopher Solero

I’m glad to see you are enjoying fairy tail... the show gets so much hate 😞


well, some of it is deserved, but not everything, i love this show, but the last season had so much problems, most of the hate comes from it I think

Luiz Gustavo

Yea it happens. I had this issue before and prob still have if i try to watch it online. Someone here told me to dowload the videos from another website and i’ve been doing that, fixed for me


The way that Ul described her love for Ultear @43:20 is perfect. I know it bothers some, but that's the reason Mashima writes characters like Mest into his story, because he can see the beauty that he voiced through Ul in that moment.

Eric Keatts

Soon... My favorite fight of this arc and the creation of the LFD. SO HYPE!!!!


Ultear is one of the most important characters in fairy tail, she will do so much for fairy tail in the future.