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Hey guys sorry for all of the updates. I have been trying to figure out what to do. Please read my previous posts for more details. Some reactors that do timers also show the subtitles so I think I am going to use that route so syncing will be easier.

I recently heard that another reactor is using a white bar to block most of the screen. I am just trying to figure out things to do because I do pause during my reactions so I have to make sure to know what direction I am going to go before I record more videos.

Jojos I haven’t recorded yet but that will be the same format as previous Jojos ep

I think timer + subtitles will be helpful and I’m looking into this site that auto syncs the videos for mobile users.

Next reactions to go up will be Prison School, Bleach, and Konosuba. (bleach I am going to test the timer method with subtitles since it is a filler arc)

Would it also be helpful if I time stamp the moments I pause? If I am going to talk so it prepares you guys when to pause your video? I could just not pause but sometimes I probably will want to say something and don’t want to talk over important parts but idk.


Oui Oui

They do those for the reactions they upload to YouTube


The best would be no pausing then :D so its a lot easier to edit the anime into your reaction ^^

Lye Batenkaitos

I would like for you to still pause the video and share your thoughts, but watching it in sync would mean I’d have to pause my video once you pause yours 😅😂


When you say the timer method, do you mean the thing that the Normies do to keep reactions short for YouTube?


Yes tower of god. But I think I am going to wait and do a double episode reaction next Wednesday

Ian Kirk

Haven't heard anything concerning Howl's Moving Castle. Is that yet to be recorded and has been pushed back?


I might as well mention this to you now since I haven’t seen you acknowledge anyone else who has said this but even though with 🔥Bleach🔥 you are in a “filler” arc, it’s what we like to call Anime Canon since all of the designs for the Zanpaktou are official and actually do look the way that they do. The only thing that’s made up is the rebellion story itself. With that out-of-the-way, I seriously hope when you go from bleach 342 to 366 (which is the beginning of the final anime arc to date) that you can consider reacting to them transparently like you do with YouTube but with the audio turned down so we can get the full version. Believe it or not this has worked for many Youtubers and still does.


No Fairy tail?


Is Fairy Tail gonna go on hiatus until something is figured out on what to do with the reactions for Fairy Tail?


No, that’s a timer showing how much footage they show in their video. A timer is showing you the time of the episode I am on


Any chance we as a community are overreacting to the events surrounding this issue? The reactor in question has long been spouting nonsense from her mouth - I believe in life when you do that, you make yourself subject to harsh action. I say that to say this; her situation is not the same as yours, Mecha Freiza. Hope you make the right decision - cheers!


No there will be more fairy tail. I would just rather get a solid recording method down before I get into the next arc


Yeah nobody really knows what is going to happen. Maybe it won’t be that bad who knows but better to be safe than sorry

Enoch Washington

timer method is a good shout, you don't necessarily have to give your thoughts halfway through an episode, it's cool if you summarize all your ideas at the end.


No it’s recorded, but I’m trying to figure out everything else first before I post it. And how I am going to post it. I didn’t pause during the movie so I am debating whether to do a timer or not for that


Time stamps for when you pause would be awesome. Like a 10 seconds warning before you pause, that way we can also pause our video and don’t lose the pace


Yeah I probably pause like twice maybe during an episode to begin with. I guess I can try to minimize that but I know sometimes I will forget the point I was going to say at the end so I’m not sure


I agree with Ley. You should keep pausing in your reactions. Maybe while editing you could put like a 5 second countdown to whenever you're going to pause or unpause? That'd give us time to pause/unpause and keep us synced up.


That was an idea I had. Like have a screen countdown or warning when I will pause if I do. So everyone can pause with me ( I plan on showing subs too so that can help people sync it)

Oliver Segelhorst

will we still get the normal reaction videos on the discord or so? I really do not like having two videos open. to be honest.


Are all of the old reactions that are already uploaded on here still going to be here as is?


Just don't stall out.


Well it’s not like you pause constantly. You always give your thoughts at the end of every episode, but this is thinking ahead so we’ll keep this in mind.

Mr Evol

Having a timer for pauses may be tricky for people who watch anime from different sources. Could potentially be better just to go back like 10 seconds when you restart so that folks can sync up again, but whatever way you choose we'll all find a way to make it work :)


I rather have you upload the full reactions with footage on discord and only available for Patreon people. Timer is really difficult


Why is everyone for timer????


Bc we aren't so lazy that we can't bring up the episode next to her reaction lol


All this paranoia over suzylu patron getting deleted i have look at over 100 reactors and nothing has happened to them . I feel like everyone is overreacting over something everybody should have seen coming.


timer it timer that u just sceared boz of this stupid girl that got her patreon page deleted? its totaly bullshit i think she just put herself in this situetion/ if patreon goin to delete all of reactors from it it loose so mutch of ppl and money

Peacefinder Simply

well they can't help, they might lose support in doing something they love. They may be overreacting but are they?


I do feel like this hasn't happened at all to anyone else I follow and it sucks that this had to happen right as you were about to finish JoJo's but I understand you want to stay safe.


As long as there are subtitles shown, it doesnt really matter if you pause it beacuse we will be easily able to sync back up with subtitles shown


I do hope that the reactions are not all going to be timer. It would be really sad to leave really enjoy your reaction


I cant afford timer sorry, my internet isnt the embodiment of speed for me to be able to watch two separate videos at the same time


I personally think timer is inconvenient since I’m on mobile I’ll have to get on my pc or get another device.


Why don't you do it like Hibou 3HD does for his YouTube videos? I honestly understand why people don't like timer and shiz since not everyone's devices support 2 videos playing at the same time or has good internet connection like people in the US or other more developed countries and even if they were like myself in Australia. The internet 80% to 90% of the time sucks really hard and when you stop a video. then you have to wait for some time for it to load again, I know this cause it used to happen to me. lastly, going forward don't be surprised to see you lose some supporters because of all this shiz situation.


You can look for deanbarry1971 on Youtube. I think his timer videos are very well done. You can see the timer, the subs, part of the video and a bit of sound.

Zachary Provenzano

im all for timer but i can see why it would be an issue for mobile users I hope you pick the choice you think is the best. Will support any choice you choose with this issue.

Cleven Anthony

Honestly I hate the idea of the timer but I’m okay with doing it, you were super transparent with us and your putting such an amazing effort into finding solutions so I definitely appreciate all of it

Oliver Segelhorst

One last thing. Sorry for the spam. But there is also an issue that you need exact the same version she is watching. For netflix it is not a big problem I guess but stuff out of netflix it will become an issue with many different sub groups as well.


I’m cool with a timer since I have a pc so go for it. I totally get how not everyone has a computer and that sucks but what can you do. Anyway can’t wait for fairy tail and and bleach! :) oh and you should look at spherical films he’s got it pretty down with the timers.


Wait shouldn’t jojos come first :/ such a huge delay


I won't be able to do the timer as my internet won't let me watch two videos at the same time. Please try to figure out a way to continue on doing your reactions how you've always done them as I would love to stay as a patreon for you


Man I checked that girl's videos and other videos about her and lets say she wasn't really that good. she kept on getting unwanted attentions for her unjust copyright strikes and posting the whole episodes on YouTube and creating a totally new web for these copyrighted content and said some things about anime company or tv or something like that (I've forgot what the name of that huge corporation in Japan was, since I watched a while ago) lastly doing things on Patreon when she wasn't supposed.


I dont like the timer idea at all, sorry.

Alhamza musid

So is she getting copyright strikes on vamio????


@Alhamza musid, no she is just trying to take some steps to prevent her Patreon getting deleted. since an idiot of a YouTuber, kept on breaking copyright rules, saying shit, giving false copyright strikes to other people and getting unwanted attention for her actions, got her Patreon account deleted.


When I watch timer based reactions, I prefer using my own sources then the one they use. I have most of the Blu-ray here so I sync the reactions with those and enjoy high quality content. And if you're not an English as I've seen some people here, you could take the opportunity to put the episode subbed in your first language.

Alhamza musid

@comedy world, thanks for the explanation was confused and I agree better safe then sorry.


Hey, don't forget Tower of God.


@Alhamza musid mate no worries and yeah that is true, who knows what will happen in the future.


we didn't even bother to do timer for Uzumaki khan and he's like the goat of reactors lol. it's really hard to get motivated to sync the timer like we are here for your reactions but we're also here sort of for the actual anime. it's missing something if you have the video edited too hard or we have to resync the timer + make two minimized windows which just feels weird compared to the one window overlays we are used too. it's not awful but it's definitely less enjoyable


Wait what? Are we also getting a timer for the patreon reactions?


https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/208020666-What-happens-when-I-receive-a-DMCA-notification-of-claimed-infringement- Read this she maybe able to keep things the way they are and not have to use a timer


Where is the reaction to One Piece Stampede? I can't find her. Help me please


she watched it in Cinema theatre. There is no reaction to it

Cleven Anthony

What’s the discord link ? & are you taking a step back from reacting for a few days in light of the situation ? Not that I mind I just watch older reactions lol


Well it’s not just that. An actual Voice actor directly contacted the companies and is speaking to an attorney so it is more serious than people think.

Hairy Potter

-.-almost a week without reaction...I feel empty. Hopefully the situation resolves soon.


You should react to Sword art online


I mean its fair for her to chill out and take it seriously, most of these reactors have no backup plan and are using this as their monthly income/spending money like smf. this is her job lmfao and she has no idea when it's going to end it could end tomorrow or it could be made legal and she keeps going another few years. who knows. she doesn't and that's why she's chilling out. on the flip side though, her collaborator for ideas to edit videos has already pumped out maybe 10 episodes of anime? while smf has not even done 1. think she's seeing it more as a break since you could tell smf was getting destroyed by her schedule. let her relax and see the situation unfold and if you don't like her decision then just leave if you're unhappy. its that simple guys she's not going to take your opinion at the end of the day if she thinks it goes against her bottom line...…..I mean who would cut into their own pay and even risk being fired from their job for someone they don't know? i'm sure none of you would, well maybe a few of you. TLDR: smile and wave boys, smile and wave. the dust will clear soon i'm sure. hopefully?

Cleven Anthony

I respect your explanation. But one a copyright on Patreon is no where near what it is on YouTube. You take it down or they take it down for you after notifying you followed by a penalty if you didn’t listen. And secondly I get your point but a decision has to be made, she can go the sync up watch along route or like a lot of YouTubers out there slightly edit the full reactions and see what happens. Cause you said buddy, this is her job that we the fandom pay for and we now understand the situation but that doesn’t mean there isn’t more than one legit way to produce the content. Also what you said other creators are pumping out videos.


At this point I couldn't care less about the upload schedule and I'm just more interested/concerned about how she's handling everything.


someone who has their big boy pants on and not nagging. I see not every one of Jaime's followers are not all edgy boys with no jobs. we need more people like you. these people need to calm down. have a cool day.\