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Hey guys so I wanted to start this thread to brainstorm ideas on how to get Timer reactions to work for mobile users.

I searched some apps that split screen browsers and ran into the issue that I can get the anime up and a Vimeo video up, but they won't play at the same time.

There just has to be a solution to this problem out there so if anyone has ideas or suggestions please comment below! 

Also if people want to try this site:

I will as well: https://reasync.netlify.app


Hairy Potter

This is sidetracking a bit, but is it possible to post the Vimeo or whatever links in Discord instead of Patreon? That way you can bypass the Patreon algorithm since mods don’t have access?


Yours a hardworker Thankyou !! Love you and your content ! I’m sticking for the long haul for sure for sure


Is it possible to get timer + subtitles ?


Theres probably a way with samsung phones somehow since they have more features, but with iphones itlll be tricky, dont think theres a way. Theres also the issue of sync issues since its so much hard sot sync up on the phone, but as long as you show a small portion of the episode (either very bottom or very top) i guess itll make it easier for them.


Maybe give this website a go? I think it can sync two different videos up, and it works, even on mobile. Not sure if it will work with non-youtube videos, havent checked that yet. https://reasync.netlify.app


She's talking about mobile not desktop

Felipe Alaniz

So when it comes to timer reactions... Some YT channels do something like put a "timer reaction" by having a box (90% blacked out) so you can see the timer but also the subtitles on the bottom... I.e ~ JennAnime is one i know that does this.


This was an idea I came up with the mods, but that still doesn't save you from potential legal issues.

Monster Zero

We need an Aizen IQ level guy in here


I suggest to fans to use an application to combine ( full reaction video with a timer + the download video) synchronized in a single video, it's take a few minutes. So, SMF, please put a timer in the down left corner with small size 😁


I've tried that website before but sadly it doesn't always work if the videos are private. So for example, if her reaction was on Vimeo, those are set to private so that we need the link to watch it. Well private videos on vimeo don't work on that website you provided. It will say something like "because of privacy settings, this video cannot be played here"


the web version of kissanime can do split screen on mobile so that can work but you need to manualy sync


What about MEGA!? Can't you use that


A mobile user could try this since I tested it out and it worked for me: Download 3 apps which are Vimeo, Patreon and the VLC (Video Player) apps on the your versions of the app store. (Downloading the Patreon app, the Vimeo app or even the VLC app could be optional for your own preference, but these three apps are what made it easier for me and made it work for my phone) Then, get the episode she is watching onto your mobile device by downloading it from some anime downloading/streaming site or copying it from your computer to your phone. Then, she could implement a timer with no video/audio on the future reactions while the mobile user uses an option while watching their copy of the episode in the VLC app called Pop-up Player in the settings. This option turns the full screen into a mini-frame which you can move around your mobile screen freely. The beauty of this option is that the Vimeo app, as far I know, allows you the opportunity to play the mini-frame that is playing your copy of the episode and the video playing on the Vimeo app at the same time without any pause issues. I could be very wrong about this and there could be complications with this option, but I figured I just wanted to try and come up with an idea. Hope this helps.

Cleven Anthony

Is this something new your doing for fans or did Patreon make some kind of change that requires you to do these kind of reactions ?


The links that are on Patreon are the problem and can still get you removed off of Patreon


Too bad it happened just berore the Jojo finales being posted


This solution might not work for everyone, but whenever I watched timer reactions from AnimeCentrul on YouTube I'd play the reaction on one device (usually my phone or my Nintendo Switch) while I watch the anime being reacted to on another (mostly the TV via my PS4.) As for the legal stuff, as long as the video you yourself are posting doesn't contain more copyright-protected content than Fair Use allows, and the site you're posting links (or directions) to is legally permitted to stream the anime (or movie) then you should be fine.

Oliver Segelhorst

I do not know but why not send these links via e_mail . Massmail programm is easily set up and cheap. It only takes time once to inculde all E-Mails. You just need to make sure to not send all at once but in bulks of 10 (all automatic) so your E-.Mail adress get not defined as Spam


Thank you for this, you’re the best!

Markub El Jaden

It might not be a timer reaction, but have you considered doing a reaction with a mirror? Like you watch the episode and you have a mirror behind you to reflect what you're watching.


On android you can get an app called 'video popup player'. I download episodes and reactions first using tubemate, then play then using 'video popup player' and VLC. Both will play at once. Then I use an app called Sound Assistant to balance the audio.

ryan anderson

Can anyone not scroll down on the page?


That will still get posted, I don’t think the creators of Jojos are that against reactions because some people post them uncut on YouTube


Maybe you should just wait and see how it plays out. If the anime companies start cracking down on reactors then you start deleting your vids and do time reactions. Suzy Lu may just be an unique case.


It would be very appropriate if you could do your last Jojo reaction the normal way before switching over to these Timer-based reactions.

Brandon Sanders

I just want full fairy tail reactions to stay then ill be happy


Hey, I just thought of something. If Patreon for some reason does not pan out, what if you open an “Only Fans” account as a backup. I got this idea from a random YouTube comment.😅

Joni Newgate

pleasee jamie keep doing fairy tail uncut at least, I am sure u will have no problem with it, same as with JOJO, do it for ur FT fans :(

Kyle Smith

So one thing that might be worth thinking about with uncut reactions is how some youtubers like Teaboo do it. He posts timer reactions on Youtube but provides a link to Vimeo or mega for the uncut reaction. Maybe if you just provide a link that redirects people away from Patreon for the reaction instead of embedding the uncut video directly on Patreon you can avoid some of these copy right issues.

Maxime Desmarais

Poeple saying please still continue to do uncut non fair use you wont get caught are selfish . Dont try to bypass anything its not worth it .


Split screen functionality is built into current android os. Whether or not you can run two apps at the same time is contingent on how good your hardware is.

John S

People also arent required to be fine with the change in format. It sucks, but it is how it is. Timer reactions suck. Thats a fact. Its a gigantic pain in the ass.


Its ok to be on the safe side. I personally really doubt that anything will actually happen and its a little bit to much of a panic but I guess its better to be safe than sorry. Timer reaction are kind of ok I guess but she wouldnt be able to stop the videos anymore (at least not often) because it would suck to adjust her reaction to our video everytime. And she would need to provide us her video source, because there are different translations and different sources with different time stops because of the commerrcial breaks etc.