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Hey guys sorry I am a bit behind since I am still getting back into the swing of things after my vacation and being sick. But tomorrow morning I am recording bleach, SDS and 2 ep of Violet evergarden.

Also update with current One Piece I will record reactions either Saturday night or Sunday morning and post them on Patreon.

Saturday tends to be a busy day for me so I will try my best to get the new One Piece reactions up as soon as possible.



Would you watch bleach more now? Sorry if you answered that already | Get well soon! :)

Ian Kirk

I posted a recommendation for One Piece on your last post. I hope you get a chance to read it and give it some consideration. I think it'll give your channel a breath of fresh air.


Take all the time you need, your health comes before anything else. Let them wait, it's your channel and your videos.




Get well soon !! ❤️


Take your time we appreciate you and what you do!!


thank you


thnx <3


So is Violet Evergarden only available on the other tier or will it be available on tier 1 patreon on a later date?

Javier Enrique

No rush ... just get better . ❤


Take ur time :):)):

Ali Cat

The next episode of One Piece is set to be wildly insane judging from what I've read in the manga. I can't wait to watch it! And I can't wait for you to watch it too! But we've been patient with your 900+ episode catch up! I'm sure we can wait a few days for you to get settled! All the best Jaimie-chan!


Please do not write things like that. You are changing the expectations for all who are anime only. That's a spoiler too