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Hey guys I know there has been a little break on FMAB due to hitting finales of current arcs in other animes I decided it would of been too hectic. FMAB will be back Tuesday.

Also for the week I ran out of memory space on my vimeo so One Piece for tomorrow morning will only be on Mega until sunday morning when the weekly limit refreshes.


Daniel Burgmann

Thanks for the update on that!


Yay! One Piece only on mega! Finaly!


Is there a way to increase the limit?


Yup. Pony up more cash. Their business tier has no weekly limits. EDIT: Also before someone starts bitching, I'm not telling her to do it.


huh? Its better to have One Piece on mega only instead of both viemeo and mega? So not having options to choose from is better than having options?! What kind of strange logic is that?

Christian Thomassen

Oh well, nothing we can do about it, but we can be patient.

Laugh N Half

Thank you for the update always nicer to be informed so we don't complain all the time. ^^

Laugh N Half

Btw is it just me or is the twitter and youtube link removed here on patreon?