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Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/343374416/c2d3157c78

Mega: mega.nz/embed#!LH5XxSDJ!_e32NViPCoVA-px7rzxF_o1UN6vPqNml92T2OzJdqsg"


PATREON OP 714, 715, 716

This is "PATREON OP 714, 715, 716" by Mechy Frieza on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



One would never think that some ridiculous looking side character in a baby outfit would have a compelling backstory but that's Oda for ya.


what do you think about Oda's flashback style?? :D ppl like undestimating and talk low about him at first and now boom, ppl feel sad about him although he is just a random villain


It is amazing that you would think Señor Pink was just a weird man that loved to dress up like a baby to actually finding out why which is tragic. AMAZING writing. I swear these flashbacks get more creative every time.




Forgot how terrible the pacing in Dressrosa was. Stopped watching for about a year because of it. Bellamy vs Luffy in particular was insufferable.


Yea, I only watch the anime till mid of dressrosa and switched manga all way


Oda pulling them heart strings this arc. Hated the pacing but those backstories of all these characters and the amazing story made it worth. Senior pinks is a real one


waiting for mega, vimeo dwnld takes 2-3 days on avg


I have been waiting for this one. Pink's backstory is such a curveball. Oda is fantastic at writing great villains.


hey, do we have any updates related to Cowboy Bebop?


I am trying to find a good time to finish it. I really want to finish it because I did enjoy the anime. Hopefully soon


Yes Diamnte's design was based on Steven Tyler.


i wonder what youre doing with that doflamingo pillow hahaha great reaction !!!

Tom Horza

Thanks for your hard work!


not too many shows can make you feel sympathy for an enemy, but this show does manage to do so. I hope that Law can be convinced to bury the hatchet with Senor Pink soon and use his powers to help his wife Russian.


P.S. you should continue your trend of doing reaction groups of 3 episodes at least until episode 725 (you'll understand once you get there.)


I think she probably died the day Senor walked to the room and saw all the flowers dead. He brought her fresh flowers every day, so it could have been symbolic.


Jamie, I even got a couple ecchi figures. I'm the last person who would judge someone owning a body pillow. BTW, you got a keen eye. Diamante's design is indeed inspired by Steven Tyler.


"Ka.. me..." No no no, hm. Maybe more like... "KAAA... MEEEE" Hm, or perhaps... "KAAA! MEEEE!" *notices people watching* *facepalm* Ep. 115. Yall know the one.


Lucy Anne,, my fave background story. Don't judge a book by it's cover.


What she's not letting on is that she has a Frieza body pillow, too!


it's a lesson you can learn very early in one piece. appearances are NOTHING


First meeting Señor Pink: "pffft what a clown, Franky wreck his shit" After learning good story: "SEÑOOOORRRRR, SO HARD-BOIIILED! *cries in Franky*


You're right, relationships that start on a lie end up so badly, even if for good intentions. I think One Piece has shown various examples of relationships (both romantic and non) and the ways they can go well or end badly.

Morgan Hellström

Hmm. She was reacting to people mocking him for being dressed like that. Earlier she was mocking him too. Never judge a book by its cover.


I think it's too late for his wife :( Remember what he said while he was lifting franky to the sky


Oda can make you care more about minor villains than most writers can for main characters.

Sherwin Lui

I think the point of it is to make fun or don't take seriously of Senior Pink until you know his backstory and then it makes the audience feel bad about ever making fun of them. I think Oda art style help with that story. That situation remind me of Hodor from Game of Thrones.


Oda really flexed on everyone with Senor Pinks story


on SBS VOLUME 75 (https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_75) ODA Answered a Fan about Senor Pink before he drew this scene. D: I have just one thing to say to Odacchi as representative of all young maidens. SENOR PINK SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN A THING! Just, NO!! That thing... C...could you possibly be into that kind of thing, Odacchi-sensei...? P.N. Ladies' Representative Matsumokkuri Oda: OH, HE'S A THING!!! HE'S TOTALLY A THING!! Um, could you not take Senor so lightly? It says here that you're 17 years old, and yeah I get it, you youngin's tend to always judge a book by its cover, so just you wait, I'll show you soon. The epitome of manliness, that is! What it really means to be hard-boiled!! Just you wait--!


Its been so long since I watched this episode, I forgot about his backstory, and yea....its one that really hit me personally. His character is so conflicted, but still so sweet. Its so strange that he teamed up with Doffy, but I guess love doesn't pick good or bad, we all feel deeply for the ones precious to us. Again, no Mom is safe in One Piece.... like wtf...

Jimmy Orchid

Senior Pink work as a bank...robber. His wife (White) Russian and his son Gimlet are name of cocktails. Oda-san really know how to make the fans love villain characters and also hate them with your guts. Franky’s eyes are robotic, like the Pacifista. Have fun and enjoy. KEEP CALM AND WATCH ONE PIECE!!!


Hmm this my rough guess of Jamies saddest moments, according to how much she cried if I remember correctly 1) Aces death 2) Robins Backstory 3) Bellemeres death 4) Brook and Laboooon 5) Senor pink xD

Pom de Terre

"This is so beautiful… Kill him!" Well then