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Okay so after discussions in discord I let people know that I do enjoy the sub better. I just like how the characters are expressive. My personal opinion I am more of a sub fan for most anime’s. I did enjoy the dub but I do prefer the sub a little more.

I came to this conclusion after editing and posting my reaction and during it I enjoyed it.

Please let’s not make this a dub vs sub war.

If you don’t want to follow my journey because of my choice that is 💯 your call and I will not be offended because we all have our preferences 😄

I just don’t want you guys to fight with each other I really want to keep this a positive and friendly environment.



Couldn't have said it better myself!


owwn so cute ♥

New Pirate

you are so nice <3


Yes, please continue with the sub, I prefer that version too

Daniel Burgmann

As long as the translation is accurate (EP1 had some questionable translations tbh) and you are able to follow the subs/dialogues, it's fine. Many people prefer the dub version because it's one of the best anime dubs, not because it's "better".

Raphael Lyons

Well it wasn't really a fight there was a large majority for the dub in the comments


Aye aye captain 🃏


Let’s just stop talking about it. It’s over with really. Nothing left to say.


Thank you !!


Niiiiiice, do what ever you prefer!!


I personally like the dub but I got jojo and one piece to look forward towards so I’m good :)


I've seen the dub twice already so i'm actually kinda excited to watch sub for the first time


Talking about discord can someone plese help me because i just join in the $10 tier but i still can't access to the server even after trying everting in the help section.

Richie Roberts

I think now it's about which version you see first. Because that voice becomes the voice you associate with that character.


It really made no difference. If people are fighting over it, they're just being too protective of the nostalgia of their first time with the show.


vote this guy up... ya people give argument by experience and emotion, not by reasonable research


Ok, this is annoying. As far as I could tell, the only people threatening to leave were sub elitists. I don't care if you've chosen to do the sub, but I can't stand that you're not only ignoring the threats by the sub elitists, but even worse, acting like the dub fans were the instigators. This is the second time you've done this and it's incredibly rude.


Cause the sub voters are happy and don't need to say anything :D


I'm late to the connecting of patreon to discord, how do i get amongst this discord server?!

James Gibson

I'm not as much a sub snob as I was in college, but I still perfer them, especially in stuff like Jojo, where the dub loses alot of expressiveness & charm. But there are dubs I do like occasionally.


SMF: We are hurt. i knw i dont want to be a part of this sub vs dub debate anymore now that i ve seen hw things are turning out. i m aware that sub makes more sense aftr votes and problem with ur comments clashing with the beautifully done dub voices. disappointed guy here, still, saying that, pls stop raining on the parade of dub fans. even if in ur personal opinion sub feels better, dont make things light on such a sensitive subject which, clearly, it has passionately turned out to be for the fans. also, "after a discussion i do feel that i do enjoy sub better." do u even realise hw immature this statement is, judging after just one episode, do u really think that's fair on ur part to say that. <-(rhetoric) i mean couldn't u just feel sorry that u dont have df to erase ur memory to record both experiences. whatever happened to u spreading the positivity? since subs fans are getting what they want, why do i (dub fan) feel being vindicated as a part of ur problem on the channel, including ur comments in ur ep 3-4 rxn. its obvious that u r tired. pls take a break if u must and look after ur health.


Go to your profile settings > apps > connect Discord and you should be added automatically.


Go to your settings > Apps > connect Discord. You should be auto-added.


SMF you have some crazy fans.. just do what you want to. The people who truly appreciate you will watch no matter what. <3


for real. I enjoy the sub more but literally couldn't care either way. I just want to see her experience the show dub or sub. The dub is fantastic anyways for FMA: B so who cares what she picks? One guy above wrote a greek tragedy about her choosing sub and its so pathetic... SMF your fans like you either way and picking which you enjoy best is the way to go. People be crazy - who cares people!


Do wich ever you prefer. I for one can enjoy both Sub and Dub and really dont understand why this is such a big deal. Just dont let this debate ruin your excitement for FMAB. People on the Internet get offended by every Choice nowadays anyway :)


If that is what you prefer that is cool. I liked the sub better too myself. Either way it's normal to see toxicity whenever there is a close vote especially for a topic like sub vs dub, but I say go for whichever version you preferred and enjoy it. I also hope this becomes the case for the future too, if every time you are going to watch an anime you do a vote for a dub vs sub of course there will always be this rivalry and hate, giving too much choices becomes a hassle then.


I wanted to watch it in dub but I'll still watch it because I like the anime and want to see your reaction.


Paku Romi for the win!


It's a shame since the dub is the better option for an English speaking person. plus the brotherhood dub is far superior to the subbed version. Probably wont watch the sub but i hope everyone else enjoys


I never thought dubstep would be this much of an issue.


I'm a dub fan for this show, but seriously guys every youtuber literally watches the dub, so whats the problem if one reactor actually watches the sub? Its really not a big issue. I guarantee every person making arguments have watched the show already 2 or 3 times from other reaction channels. Just chill and enjoy Fullmetal how you want to, SMF.


I just always prefer dub if it’s available, I can enjoy subs if that’s how I need to see new episodes, but i can watch more episodes if I’m not moving my eyes back and forth so much, words to show and back, but that’s just how I personally prefer to watch. For ppl who prefer subs, great, enjoy, for ppl who prefer dubs, hopefully a future new series will get chosen with dub reactions. I’m hopeful things will work out well for everyone eventually


SMF I speak both languages, just go with Japanese with eng subs. Trust me it’s better. I can do something most people can’t, which is to compare.


Differences in opinion cause conflict. This is human nature. You ultimately have to make decisions on things like this yourself and not put it up to voting because it is YOUR channel after all. It's impossible to please everyone so just be decisive. There will be less stress and bickering and people will decide what to do from there.


Yes, absolutely go with what you yourself like. The reactions feel more genuine when you are able to appreciate them at your comfort and to your liking.


These are pretty much my thoughts, too. Trying to be 'nice' and fair just comes off as indecisive. The whole back and forth thing that that went on for days only brought tension. She does the same things for polls on one piece. Makes a poll about skipping filler. Even if the poll shows "skip filler" She still just does what she wants in the end and does filler. You cant make everyone happy, just makes you seem indecisive and insincere with what you say in the end.


Man these comments are cringey 😂


Well tbh if it's your full time job I think it's better for your business to do sub only or you will lose all the non-native speaker. Your choice. I thought the dub would be okay with so much positive comments but I find it so bad. (non action acting was boring and with the same tone EVEN between different characters :o, action acting was okay but same as non action part I don't see the emotion beneath it and for girls voices everything was wrong). It must be a native speaker thing anyways I will stay away from dub for now on.


Please, I ask everyone to stop talking about it in the future. We should all be talking about the actual anime, and not the language it’s in. Both are good in their own ways. If you prefer English dub that much, feel free to watch it on Crunchyroll or somewhere else while also watching her reaction at the same time.


100% disagree; I actually started Fullmetal Alchemist watching in English on Adult Swim and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood too. I finished the original series in English, but only got halfway through Brotherhood in English due to watching other things. Eventually I had the time to watch FMA:B but it was a few years since I had started it, so I started over. I tried the first episode in dub, decided to change to subs for the second episode, then stuck with subs all the way through because I simply enjoyed it more.


I would be really surprised, if not FMAB then what would possibly end up being watched in dub?

Marquis Mattocks

I love both though I lean towards the dub more just because as an English speaker the amazing performances hit me deeper. But I'm still on board to join you for your FMA journey :)