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Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/339679589/b8ab76bb5a

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This is "FMAB 3,4 REACTION" by Mechy Frieza on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Ran into issues with almost losing the audio file for this video, recording my reaction for bleach will be postponed and posted THIS MONDAY!


It's gonna be a good Saturday!!!




Damn.... Subs. I had such high hopes


Also ignored my messed up eyeliner for the first half of the reaction XD I fix it mid way


Darn. Oh well won’t be watching but hope you enjoy


I absolutely prefer the sub for this anime, but I typically do. However, the dub is, admittedly, pretty damn good for this anime and I usually end up reeeally disliking most dubs. I have watched FMA brotherhood subbed and dubbed and do enjoy it both ways (still prefer sub). I’m glad you’re watching it at all, it’s a phenomenal anime!


I hope you reconsider on the dub, to me it felt like you enjoyed the dub more. This is a lore heavy series, and it will help you understand things way better as well as change things up from your usual shows. It really is a great dub, but as long as your enjoying the show anyway it doesn't matter, enjoy the show!


Too bad no dub. At least you won’t have people dropping it because no sub. Probably should do sub for every series going forward and not voting on it. It would be pointless after this. If you like the series enough if your like me you’ll watch the dub later on.


just one request. could u do ep 62 in dub. plz plz plz plz

Walking Stick

It really did feel like she enjoyed the dub more but all the sub fans got her to reconsider. Hopefully next time we dont do a poll like that and you just choose yourself. Maybe you could do yu-yu hakusho dubbed next.


Disappointed it wasn’t dub, but sub will do


It's so hard to watch the sub. Voices arnt right. Pls dub it out


If you keep giving in to the elitist it just validates them and the way they harrass until they get there way either way your missing out on one of the only dubs some would even consider better than the original honestly I dont know why there was even a vote literally everything else on this channel is subbed that's why iam so far behind because I work while I watch but I cant do that if every video is Japanese whatever thanks anyway


I'd do sub, I like the dub but tbh a lot of dubs change the dialog so much you don't get the intended experience for every scene. Another reason to do sub is that you're reacting to the series, if you want to comment on a scene you can without missing dialog since you can just read the subtitles. But that's just my opinion.


I really couldn't believe how controversial and hostile some people got over the whole subs vs dub thing, but at least this (hopefully) puts an end to that debacle. Regardless this is an enjoyable "classic" that you will enjoy


Thanks god, sub, to non native english viewer this is a relief


Nope your doing it all wrong, you need to watch full metal alchemist before brotherhood in order to fully understand the anime. This is just another timeline that was made because so many fans wanted more. Just giving some friendly advice and keep up the great work!


actually this follows the manga. the first one was a completely different story done by the anime writers


Brotherhood follows a much more faithful adaptation of the original manga than the first FMA animation, so it's the right one to watch.


Sub, thank you so much !


Finally a fmab reaction video with a sub.


you should really consider trying the dub for this anime sub for almost eveything else but dub works amazing with full metal


Sub is really good !


so many people are so childish about sub over dub, damn, you didn’t get your way this on time, calm down geez


27:31 "Can the dog stay forever?" -sigh-


Sub is much better, thx.

Prime Echo

YES MECHAFRIEZA-CHAN!!! Subbed is a W. Not hating on the dub cause it's good. But like you said, it's less confusing when you comment and the emotion brought by the Japanese is crazy.


Honestly, I enjoy the dub of this anime than any other. Saying that though. I've never watched the subbed version. You do what you want to, I'll watch either way


That is not the case with Fullmetal Alchemist. You should watch a dub before assuming it's bad. Also, I believe the opposite is true you can speak over something and remember what was said, but, if she's voicing her thoughts, she can't read at the same time.

Prime Echo

Also, sub is what most of your international fan base know. It's easier to read and understand than to actively listen to a foreign language on top of paying attention to what you say. And you can still enjoy it in dub off camera if you want. Everyone wins. I don't think anyone should hate. It's the most logical decision


Except Yu Yu Hakusho. The dub is whar makes that show good.

Mikail B

just watch the first 4 episodes back in dub and you decide what you want to do.


dub is OK but the sub is just higher quality altogether


Yeah. Honestly, I watch this show mostly in dub. It's just that awesome. I have tried sub and didn't mind it but dub is just.... Idk. I love it. I don't mind dub or sub. It will just be weird hearing sub the whole time. But no matter what, I will always enjoy your reactions.


I hate how elitist sub fans can be. It's so childish.


Episode 4 is when you start to realize that this anime is special. And you’re absolutely right, “science vs religion” is a pretty big part of the story.


You do know she can watch a dub with subtitles right? Lmfao, she speaks English, the most logical decision would always be to watch it in her own native language and not have to multitask every single reaction. But we get it, you guys are snobs and won't change lol it's coo


sub is good. Whichever is comfortable for u


I hope this is the last time the comments section debates this whole “sub vs dub” thing, because it’s pointless, toxic, and takes away from the content of the anime itself!

Jermaine Long

the sub is better than the dub because you get more in the sub version but I like both of them. As long as you are enjoying it that all that matters cause you will eventually run into this arguments again so do what you like.


While I personally prefer the dub by a mile, having subtitles will help with a reaction style video like this.


I like both, the only reason why i prefer sub is because, when i watched it sub, sometimes i was missing stuff when i was paying more attention to the animation

Jermaine Long

the sub is better than the dub because you get more in the sub version but I like both of them. As long as you are enjoying it that all that matters cause you will eventually run into this arguments again so do what you like.

Prime Echo

Anyway, MechaFrieza-chan, on the episodic feel you seem to have, the first episodes are building blocks for the overall plot. Every episode counts and is part of the bigger story. Even episode 1 yes :) You're in for a wild ride!


oh i've been waiting for episode 4 all day :3


I should be upset that dub lost but MORE IMPORTUNATELY, my anger is more focused on the fact that I can't get triplets in sims 4! Not even dub winning can cheer me up sigh...


Sub😍 love ya!


Omg guys, dub is Ok but nothing cant compare to original. I mean you guys have problems with reading or what? In my country we dont even have dub version (luckly), so i watched it for the first time with sub. And I had No problem with reading watching and understanding at once.. wow amazing right? Xd You are telling her that with dub she will focus better on history. For me is opposite, Im a visual learner. And also when she is talking, she can always pay attention to sub, she couldnt do it with dub. Good choice SMF :)


Just watch what you want man, it's the same show either way. I prefer watching dub when its good but subbed works well for reactions since we can read the subtitles when you're talking :)


Sub or dub, the show is phenomenal.


I've never commented here but I feel like I have to do this once. FMAB is one of my favourites, One Piece is my bible though, and I watched both sub and dub for the anime. Both are good, one of the few anime where english dubbing is good. I actually watched FMAB in dub the first time and in the middle of the series I switched to sub just because for me, in my opinion, the voice actors and actresses in the sub convey the emotions more fluidly compared to dub. When I watched the sub, I can see myself be in the story. It must just be me though. I'm just sharing my own experience in watching this series. If I have a say in this, I suggest you watch it in sub then if you wanna rewatch it in the future (like I do because I have so much time in my hand LOL) then you can try the dub as well. In the end you have to follow which one you enjoyed the most because you'll be the one reacting, not your viewers/followers. And what is better than to see a good, raw, and enjoyable reaction which can be done only when you enjoy the show the most. Anyway, I watched FMAB so many times already and I still cry on certain parts including this one. "Ed...ward...O..nii...chan" Welcome to the dark world. Enjoy your stay.


Someone's salty 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


if you plan on rewatching dubs on your own time, you might as well watch the dub of the first FMA anime series instead. Just be ahead in episodes with brotherhood first so nothing is spoiled as their episodes aren't arranged the same way. Personally, i think FMA brotherhood is overall better, but there are scenes that were done better in the older one, and scenes that exist on one series that do not exist in the other. Plus, their stories and concepts went on different ways so it's like watching an alternate reality, and you can watch the anime movie which took place after the first series. So instead of just rewatching the same thing in different audio, might as well watch a different anime.


Tough choice on sub or dub cause either way people will be upset. It was pretty much 50/50 with the fans but I understand your decision (even though I wanted you to react to the dub) Like others said you can watch the dub in subtitles but its cool. This show is amazing in both sub and dub and I know you will love it.


Also, if you notice, episode 3 is about the evils of religion, while episode 4 is about the evils of science.


Sub is better


A non sub vs dub comment: You appear to be watching the TV broadcast version of the anime. In my opinion, you should find a different source because 1) Those mid-episode sponsor credits will pop up, and 2) there will be a lot of ghosting in the action scenes with bright lights (I can see the ghosting in the start of your episode 4 reaction)


Haven't watched her reactions yet, is she watching on CR?


Honestly, I'd say that the dub resonates the emotions BETTER. You also seemed to enjoy the dub more, from a 3rd party perspective. I honestly think you will enjoy the dubbed version better. However, to my knowledge, there wasn't any dub fans saying they'd leave if you did sub. There were, however, countless sub fans saying they'd leave if you did dub. If you need to do sub, because of that, I understand, but, it should, at least be acknowledged that the dub fans were being far more mature about the whole situation.

Morgan Hellström

Great. Brotherhood failed at the saddest moment in anime history. I still like the orignal better.


The Dub is good for a dub, but the cast is huge in this and the sub is much better overall.

Daniel Burgmann

19:27 That's one of the reasons why i'd prefer dub. It was mentioned multiple times that the girl has lost her lover and that she believes in the priest and Leto because the priest promised to revive him. And SMF just gets it at the very end. :x Oh my, i hope she's able to follow the subtitles well enough... the subtitles/dialogues of FMAB are not as easy to follow as in One Piece.


"Saddest moment in anime" LOL it doesn't even make my top 10.

Raphael Lyons

Learn English if you want to watch an English speaking YouTube lmao her voice is in dub watch out stoopid

Mike Strike

dub my ass! people like dub fmab because its the only one of the few anime that has good dub version but its not fvcking better than sub like cmon man


SMF: Look at the big puppy... so cute... can that dog stay forever... Also SMF: What the... what the heck


I'm a simple man I see FMAB episode 4 reaction I click. I don't know who started the rumor of dub being better than sub in this anime it is 100% bs.

Sherwin Lui

Law of Equivalent Exchange theme is something that Hiromu Arakawa(author of FMA) really wanted to pushed.


episode 4 doesn't make you sad. It simply makes you sick to the stomach and uncomfortable.

Nico Sun

Sub is aight, Dub is aight. I think there are two shows i'm fine with watching dubbed, that's FMAB and Black Lagoon. Otherwise i usually dislike it, but if all the sub elitist are going to quit then i guess sub is the only way


I'll pass. Sub elitists can have their fun. Seems they always do. Personally wont be watching this here. You should really start looking into dub vs sub on your own time before seriously considering something. The arguing wasn't worth it.


if you really pass on the videos because of that, its your personal problem. Its clear that sub aswell as dub, both are good. So why fucking care? Its fine either way. Who is really the ethlist here, if you are the one being pissed about the decision and leaving?


The original is Japanese, it’s from Japan, it’s not weird for people to say I like the original better.


I was really looking forward to this whole experience but thanks to the sub fans for ruining it. I guess theres no such thing as bad japanese voice acting to these retards.


Sub won the vote, get over it.


When I see people say they like the original better, I think of the original Full Metal Alchemist.


Dub is awesome! king bradley's voice is great on Dub!


ah yes nina and alexandre. ive seen memes with them in it, general response. Its still too soon


one of my favorite animes to watch in dub


The original anime had episode 3 as episode 1 which i think was the better way to do it.

Martin Sætran

I think episode 4 was lingering on every ones mind the first time we saw it.


Disappointed that you didn't choose dub since this is literally one of the only anime that watching in dub is good in and you won't get the same with other anime. But I respect your decision. It's a tough choice, and that's understandable.


I'd also recommend since it's such a 50/50 split. Maybe do like 5 episodes dub and 5 episodes sub? So like interchanging? Though it would get a bit annoying but at this rate the divide will still be there, unless maybe a compromise like this might help and satisfy both sides?


this episode was messed up,i felt disgusted when i first watched this too,thankfully it wont get worse than this


Wait, where's episode 1 &amp; 2 at?

benjamin freeman

wow cant fucking believe you went subbed on this yet another series of vids from you i have no interest in what so ever... cant wait for you to finish dressrosa ugh


You’re getting the same story and the original voice acting is really good, but my issue with the sub is how awkward and clunky the subtitles make the dialogue. I’ve seen it both ways and it’s good either way so you’ll enjoy it regardless, just my personal observations

Chris D. Jones

Yea I kno I’m super late just became a patreon. It seemed like you understood more what was going on when it was dubbed. You kinda kept missing things in all the sub reactions and in the dubbed you didn’t miss a beat. So I hope you switch


I don't want to say it's a shame that you're going with the sub as it's how I watched the series the first time as it was coming out, and it was obviously still fantastic. That said this show has an amazing dub where a lot of others don't and it does seem like a bit of a missed opportunity not to take advantage of that where possible.


Vimeo and megaupload link dont work


would also like to watch. im catching up on all your old stuff


Please can fix the link is been deleted


I too can't watch it and i don't wanna pay for Mega just to watch the whole show

Ivan Perez

both links are broken