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Okay guys So I was going to put out hxh tomorrow but I will wait until Tuesday.  This weekend I will go through and watch the beginning of the chimera ant arc again in the dub and then on Tuesday I will post a 4 Episode Reaction (in sub) to the current episodes.

I feel like with One Piece I forgot a few things going on so I want to use it to refresh my memory.


Mizanul Alam

Great choice but I'll just say in my opinion anyway there's some great dubs out there but HxH honestly isn't one of them but ikno u like watching dubs aswell so more power to u for that


Well it is mainly to learn the characters names easier and things I may miss while reading the subs


That's probably for the best because the Chimera Ant arc can get pretty confusing if you forget some elements of it later on. Can't blame you though since you were reacting to a major One Piece arc as well xD


Are you rewatching one piece as well since you said you missed a few things


4 episodes in one day?! take my dollar! 😏😌


Are you taking a break from One Piece? (I hope not lol)


No, It was just hard to do Hxh and OP at the same time with all of the marineford hype


after finishing HxH I would like to see RWBY, Baccano or the avatar series from Ang too Korra. also Gintama, death note or rick and morty would be cool. Avatar, Rick and Morty, Baccano, Death note RWBY are good in english(ofc. some of them are english original)


I would say that’s a good idea. Don’t worry though, this arc is not as complicated as it might appear. Once you understand the main theme and message of the arc, it’ll be simple to follow what Togashi (the author) was trying to say!


Damn...poor HxH neglected again :(

5th Round Lawler

Yeah it's unfortunate but nothing can be done about it because she really doesn't enjoy it that much. To each their own i guess


I just read the comment from that dude on your twitter, and damn. It gave me the same feeling as watching Soran in OP. people like that shouldn't be on the internett. If they can't understand that they're hurting people feeding depression etc. ugh,.. this is what makes the internett toxic, hope you're doing okey SMF. BTW narutos voice actor coming up in op


FeelsBad I cant use PayPal anymore so tuesday will be the last set of episodes i will see cause on Patreon you can only pay with paypal or credit card and I will have none. 😒😒😒


Great decision


This is really smart, and with the dub you can focus on catching whatever you missed


Tbh I thought you could handle the two animes at the same time easily, my bad for the comment I let on the last HxH reaction. I didn't thought you put that much heart in one piece so that it would affect your daily mood, with that in mind it was to be expected I guess.


Thank you for listening to what i said, we could really feel that you were too much focused on One piece to pay attention to hxh, hope you will like it more by taking the time to get into it, looking foward to your reaction.


on your own time, you can rewatch the sub and simply replay to catch the names. almost all names in anime are a lot easier to pronounce than they look in the sub


If people online give you depression you should probably just get off of it.


HxH is great up until the Chimera Arc, after that it turns to shit!

Mizanul Alam

Not really that just means u didn't understand the last arc or just didn't enjoy it I'm guessing u just didn't enjoy it if the anime ended on chimera ant arc alot of questions would be left unanswered


damn you Togashi finish the damn Manga.