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Hi guys! I'm sorry to inform you that I'll have to supply you the next page during 31st of January (Wednesday) instead of the Tuesday due to some school reapplication work. I'm really sorry for the setback, I didn't think the new semester would roll in this quickly and I hadn't planned my week according to this very crucial detail.

Also, another little shout-out about the poll regarding my attempt at making things more fair for my long-time patrons: I think you guys have really made a point regarding that you care more about supporting me and my work than caring about stuff like who gets what based on how much they pay. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, and thank you for letting me know of your desires too. I will listen to you and won't change my habitual status quo, and will not block the access of my earlier works. The 10$ tier will also not become real for the time being, but I am thinking of the possibility of making a limited higher tier to get character sketch-lineart commissions. Not when I'm working full time on my comic, of course. I'm curious to hear your opinions on that.

Personally, I really want to put that 4th tier in some way or another- and in a way that won't obfuscate Idol Tier and how it's the most plentiful of the tiers in any way. I think a sketch-lineart commission deal would be nice because I've been recently feeling that I'm getting myself a bit removed from you guys due to how swamped with work I am. I miss being able to do commissions and give back to you guys for supporting me.

I'm not sure if it's going to be a 10$ tier (an 8$ tier rings closer to my heart but it's based around the quality and time I'm willing to exert for your requests). It's going to be a limited tier but I'm not sure on the limits, but 5 will be my minimum and 10 will probably be the maximum.

I also really want to redo the tier pictures as I believe I'm able to make cuter ones -- and the design and the name I came up with the 4th tier is the one I love the most, so I'm kinda dying to show you guys that one.


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