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Hey guys. I am in a little bit of a conundrum.

Now that the pages for the sequel comic Irresistible Nature are coming steadily and have reached number 13, I've started to feel that it's getting increasingly unfair for my earlier patrons - as a newcomer Idol Tier patron can just acquire basically everything in their own day 1 when the others have waited patiently for them, one by one, for the duration of all these months I've been on Patreon.

To combat this, I'm thinking of pulling Unbreakable Bond (my first comic) from all tiers temporarily, starting from February. Currently, it's available to Superstar patrons.

It doesn't mean it would be fully gone, of course. I plan on rolling a new 10$ tier in April or May, basically whenever I wrap up Irresistible Nature. This new tier is basically going to be designed as a one-time pledge tier that won't have any further updates in the following months, and it will only contain Hi-Def Zip and PDF versions of Irresistible Nature and Unbreakable Bond grouped together. The low-def version will still be available in page-by-page form for my Idol Tier patrons. Those who get their 10$ tier rewards will be then encouraged to switch to the 5$ Idol Tier as there won't be any special rewards to 10$ tier patrons.

Of course, those who are still my Idol-Tier patrons during February and have a lifetime pledge amount of at least 10$ will also get the HD versions of the then-completed Irresistible Nature, just so they won't have to pledge to this higher tier to get what they deserve for patiently waiting for month after month. The sharing of this package will occur through Patreon chat (as the system doesn't allow me to set rewards based on lifetime pledge amounts) and perhaps Discord as well. 10$ Tier is essentially and mainly designed for newcomer patrons who want to get my current comic-ography, on top of all the usual 5$ Tier rewards.

Basically, if you're an Idol Tier patron at the time of this post, or even just started pledging to me in February, the 10$ Tier won't really affect you. Plus, it's going to have its own name and picture so... that's nice, I guess.

There won't ever be a higher tier than 10$, even when I end up getting my 3rd and perhaps 4th issue. I imagine doing some sort of shuffling around my titles between different months (and perhaps make a sale, as in, include ALL my issues for 10$, but that's for way, way later).

These are all my plans... And I want you guys to be able to choose whether I should carry it out or not. I want to underline the fact that I want to do this to make things more fair for my long-time patrons and I want to reward their continuing support in the best way possible. I see no fairness in someone being able to get 50-60 pages of my comic work for a mere 5$ at the end of July when it took my more loyal base of patrons around 30$ in average to get to that point.I also want to emphasize that personally, I don't mind people getting all my works for 5$ at any given time, and I don't think it's unfair towards me. However, I believe it is on the unfair side for my patrons.

For the sake of utmost honesty: Right now, I feel like I'm getting more than enough pledges and my life is fully and tremendously supported by you guys. I don't want to make this sound like a plea for wanting more money -- it's not something I need. What I essentially, truly want is my patrons to not feel as if they're treated like guinea pigs, as the other people wait for that one magical month to get all what they want and skedaddle right afterwards.

Of course, you might think it's a bad idea. Perhaps you have little gripe when it comes to this price discrepancy, and maybe it makes it all fair for you guys to be able to follow up on the story as it comes out fresh out of the oven. I don't know, and this is where I need your guys' input. Please do share any and all ideas and thoughts regarding this in the comments, or reach me through Discord if you want to keep your privacy on the matter. Thank you so much.


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