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Go! Go! Dateko! The match verses the Iron Wall begins! HiKyoo has been DELIVERING so far in this tournament, following the last fantastic episode with another absolute banger. Hope you enjoy!


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Haikyuu 1x17 Reaction Patreon Extended

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Kawagata Stan

Hey, no worries. Health, especially mental health, should always come first. If being a small creator taught me something, it was that it's ok to take a pause if you need it because once you get into burnout or start to dislike what you are doing, it's difficult to get back. So take your time and don't force yourself, we can wait :) Other than that, great analysis as always, I'm happy to hear you have Aone in high regard (the focus incarnate parable is actually pretty good). Futakuchi is also a great blocker but he's not as flashed out yet, but that's just my personal thing because I love the two of them :D And one little thing to when you talked about Oikawa here (I might be being an idiot but that's what I gathered from your words, so forgive me if I misunderstood) - when he talks about genius, or overall about Karasuno plays, he's talking about Kageyama, not Hinata. He's still pretty starry-eyed about Hinata, but Kageyama is getting on his nerves because he's a prodigy (there is more to it but that's for later). You can see it when Iwaizumi is praising Kageyama and Oikawa gets all pouty :D


Hope you're well. And definitely agree with what the others are saying. Three quick notes for me: 1) I think Noya's showmanship gets thought of by much of the fandom as just 'Noya being Noya,' and to a certain extent that's probably true, but at the beginning of this episode in particular, I think it's not a stretch to say that he does some of it intentionally to try to cheer up his friends. He notices Asahi getting anxious, then ridiculously yells out a name to his attack and an over the top rallying cry, and you can see that Asahi is genuinely encouraged by it. Anyway, I think Noya is paying more attention to others than he's given credit for, haha. 2) The family names of all the Dateko players are the names of hot springs in Miyagi prefecture (the ancient territory of Date Masamune). For example, Aone hot spring is near Akiu Falls. Their first names are more related to their personalities or traits, like Takanobu Aone ("taka" high + "nobu" stretch out / grow). 3) The word for "secret weapon" Ukai says at the end is "tobi-dougu." It's a common word for secret weapon, but it literally means a tool that you set "flying," ("tobi" happens to be the same verb as Karasuno's "tobe" banner) so it's also a little pun on that.


I agree with you about Noya. I think it encourages his teammates and even himself. Something about *fully committing* to going all out makes you push away any hesitancy you may have in your heart or mind, there is just no room for it. If I ever get the chance to go to Japan (I really hope!) one of my priorities is going to a nice hot spring. I have seen it a hundred times in anime, but never been to one myself. It’s a must!