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Peak anime. That's all that needs to be said.

Side note: I'm going to be traveling for vacation later this week and will be away next week, but it shouldn't be an issue. I will be recording 63 tomorrow (planning to at least!) so  s'all good.


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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 1x62 Patreon Extended

Watch "Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 1x62 Patreon Extended" on Streamable.



I haven't seen anyone mention this but the music used when Al gave up his soul for Ed's arm is the same music used when Ed gave up his arm for Alphonse. It's a small detail but really cool nonetheless.


Jelly Bean Warlock is right: Ed's line at the end is a direct quote from the fight with Cornello in Liore. It's by far the most iconic line from the show in Japanese. Ed calls both of them "do-sanryuu" (third string / here they translate it as "novice"), but adding the "do-" part makes it a new word Ed makes up, essentially unique to him and the series. Saying that word alone is enough for Japanese people to know which series you're talking about. On the English side, "keep moving, brother" is sooooo much better than the original Japanese (kate-yo, "win this"). I'm very impressed that the dub version seemed to even find a way to improve or complete the original dialog there.


The dub is fantastic. The final line of the series too really hits, curious to see what the jp version is when you get there.