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New rivals appear! Will Kageyama & Hinata be able to work together to overcome them?


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Haikyuu 1x3 Reaction Patreon Extended

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Kawagata Stan

Kageyama's troubles with communication are a reoccurring theme throughout the whole series. You said it right - he means well but can't communicate it properly, which causes trouble for him. Well I mean, there is a reason most of the fandom calls Suga Sugamama :D Daichi is known as Dadchi btw) About the names - Furudate really took great care of naming all of their characters, often making them contrast in a way it really gives away their dynamics and personalities. Same with the team names. Also, their birth dates are sometimes referring to some important day. Furudate's character-crafting skills are honestly amazing from the very basics.


I hope commenters can help with some of the name translation meanings, besides Tsuki I somewhat doubt I will be able to catch many more haha. Also if Suga is mama and Daichi is dad… 😳


theres a fairly popular theory/fan idea that kageyama is autistic! it would explain a lot about his personality, including the communication mishaps and the intense focus on his Thing aka volleyball. its interesting to think about imo


Hard for me to say. I’m not sure though. Intense drive and focus comes with passion, and everyone is more than capable of passion. Communication mishaps can be as simple as being a teenager that is trying not to be an asshole but also is super emotionally invested. Not discounting anything so far, but this is just how I see it atm. And here I was thinking I heavily relate to him so far more than I normally do to characters. I have been exactly in his shoes for many years, sort of still am lol