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S3:E15 "Overlords"


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That was great! Since we started this season, I had been wanting to see Sarah's reaction to hearing Liam Neeson's voice. 😃 "I think real-life master Qui-Gon looks better than animated master Qui-Gon" 😆


It was!! I really love the mythical theme in this story arc.


I love this story arc! It's definitely one of my favorites. I hadn't realized that Anakin's voice in 20:45 had a hint of Vader in it! I had just thought it was the echo, but you're probably right about that. I also love what fake-Shmi said to Anakin in response to him saying that his love is haunted by what would happen should he let go: "then it is not love, it is a prison." Thought-provoking.