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Help me choose a movie to watch next!

  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) 68
  • RoboCop (1987) 58
  • Demolition Man (1993) 65
  • Armageddon (1998) 59
  • Minority Report (2002) 63
  • The Day After Tomorrow (2004) 48
  • Pacific Rim (2013) 53
  • Arrival (2016) 95
  • 2024-01-10
  • 509 votes
{'title': 'Help me choose a movie to watch next!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)', 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'RoboCop (1987)', 'votes': 58}, {'text': 'Demolition Man (1993)', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'Armageddon (1998)', 'votes': 59}, {'text': 'Minority Report (2002)', 'votes': 63}, {'text': 'The Day After Tomorrow (2004)', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'Pacific Rim (2013)', 'votes': 53}, {'text': 'Arrival (2016)', 'votes': 95}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 10, 18, 19, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 509}


Help me choose a movie to watch next!


Tyler Roth

Could not hit Robocop fast enough :)

Ian Forbes

All fun movies to watch … Arrival is my favorite but I’ve voted for most of these! 😃

Julian San

These are all good choices. Personally, I think the best film of the bunch is Minority Report.

Chris Shine

Anything from Denis Villeneuve 🙌


Sadly, while the poll allows multiple selections, it does not allow me to vote for Close Encounters more than once.


Denis Villeneuve may be the best director working currently and Arrival is a great choice. But I'm voting for robots fighting Kaiju


Here's hoping for Arrival


I'm a sucker for all the feelings. If you know then you know. I am happy about more than one on here for different reasons. Win-Win in my book.

Alex Tan

Happy Thursday, Addie. All are great choices but my votes go for Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), Armageddon (1998), Minority Report (2002), The Day After Tomorrow (2004) & Arrival (2017).

Alex Tan

(URGENT TO ADDIE) If you plan on watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), I STRONGLY recommend the 1998 Director's Cut. #CloseEncountersOfTheThirdKindDirectorsCutForAddieCounts

Em McG

Close Encounters - Minority Report - Pacific Rim - Arrival (not in order)

Mr. Writhms

Hmm... I'll have the 2 Spielbergs with a side order of Villeneuve. Hold the Bay.

Tom W.

RoboCop is awesome, but gory.

Randee Carreno

Happy Thursday, Addie! 😊 Great movie choices for this poll. As much as I love "Armageddon", "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", and "Minority Report" I had to go with "Arrival" for this poll. I think it's my favorite non-MCU Jeremy Renner movie. Have a great day today! 😊

Joe Mallard

Demolition Man predicted our current times, it's also definitely the most entertaining movie on this list aside from Robocop.

Byrd N. Hand

While I think "Minority Report" is one of Spielberg's more overrated films, I won't be disappointed if it wins.

Bryan Fritchie

Arrival is the only one I wouldn't vote for, and that's mainly because I don't remember it. But my vote isn't sticking on Patreon.

Em McG

for those who appreciate the flavor, Guillermo Del Toro's homage to "leviathans and jaeger mecha" is quite tasty... 😮🙂


Arrival will never NOT win a poll, but I am bias toward amregeddon because i am one of the people thats been asking for that film for like a year but looks like its gonna get the trash. kinda demotivating tbh lol. Sad 😔 Hope Addie keeps adding it to polls.

Philip Davetas

There are great lessons in DEMOLITION MAN. Not oniy is it an homage to Aldous Huxley, but if we had all just learned how to use the three seashells we would not have had that provlem we had during covid.

Bill W

I hardly remember anything about that film. I don't even remember him being in it.

Patrick Egan

Whether it wins the poll or you watch Close Encounters another time, PLEASE specify the runtime in your video. There are almost as many cuts of this movie as there are of Blade Runner :)


YAY, RoboCop! Such a smart, inventive, funny, fun, immensely entertaining movie. Guaranteed new favorite if you enjoyed Total Recall.

The Dingo

@alex tan you can have my Bay too. Bay doesn't belong on pizza

Alex Tan

I'm with you on Armageddon (1998). Even I've been holding out on Addie to watch that movie as well. #ArmageddonForAddieCounts


how about Deep Impact (1998) as a comet/meteor film?


Yes hope in the future she reacts to Amrageddon its a great film with a great cast. #ArmageddonForAddieCounts :-)

The Dingo

@happy hanukkah are you baying because you like bay, or are you baying because you want to keep bay at bay?

Happy Hanukkah

What?! Here I thought we were talking about mega-succesful singers! Oops, my bad.


He got to utter one of the most (unintentionally) hilarious closing lines in movie history.


Robocop is a classic


Hmm, looks like Arrival is winning at the moment. I never saw that one but it's 94% on Rotten Tomatoes, I guess I should check it out! 🙂

Alex Tan

...and if you do watch Close Encounters, please watch the 1998 Director's Cut. #CloseEncountersOfTheThirdKindDirectorsCutForAddieCounts

Byrd N. Hand

Sorry, mate, I like "The Rock" as sort of a guilty pleasure, but, otherwise, I'm just not into Michael Bay's work. 🤷‍♂️


holy dang, slightly slower paced sci fi winning? huzzah! gj team

Bill W

So it's not just me. I watched it before too, and hardly remember anything about it. Someone in another comment mentioned Jeremy Renner, and I was like "HE was in it??". 😀

Happy Hanukkah

It's looking like Arrival. I saw this one at home when I was quite sick. Either I wasn't thinking clearly, or I was overthinking things, but (despite its definite qualities) it left me not entirely satisfied. I suppose this will be an opportunity to see whether the movie "cheats" or if the fault lied with me.

Byrd N. Hand

New objective: get "Close Encounters" within striking distance of "Arrival" so that she watches both?


I really hope Demolition Man wins 🤞🏽


Arrival is the epitome of great science fiction. 🤌🏻


Several great choices. Having been to Devil's Tower though...

Alex Tan

I also enjoy The Rock (1996). Kudos to PiB, TBR Schmitt, CineBinge, Dasha Reacts & Mary Cherry for watching that movie. In fact, I'm unapologetically into Michael Bay's movies, particularly his first five that were produced by Jerry Bruckheimer (Bad Boys 1 & 2, The Rock (1996), Armageddon (1998) and Pearl Harbor (2001)) as well as The Island (2005) & Ambulance (2022). #MoreMichaelBayForAddieCounts