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Here's our Q&A for August! Thank you all for your amazing questions this month!



Welcome Patrons! Thank you so much for being a part of my Patreon community! I'm so truly grateful for your support. Here is our Q&A for August! Enjoy! My Instagram: addie_counts


Alex Tan

Thank you for answering my questions, Addie. I have good news, Jurassic World Dominion: Extended Edition is coming to Peacock on September 2nd. BTW, I should mention that: 1. David Leitch's last name is actually pronounced "leech". 2. Speaking of him, Leitch also directed the New Orleans 2nd unit of the first Jurassic World. 3. Predator actually has only one brief snake scene like End Of Days and not two. 4. Several of the Jerry Bruckheimer movies that I recommended to you, last month, were directed by Tony Scott & Michael Bay (Bruckheimer also produced Top Gun (alongside the late Don Simpson) and its sequel Top Gun: Maverick). 5. If you had to look up Tony Scott, then it's ok, Addie, you're totally good on that one. Most of my friends and my girlfriend weren't familiar with who he was and with most of the films that he directed, probably until when I brought him up.


Gandalf would actually win over Dumbledore. Gandalf isnt just a wizard. Hes an eternal being thousands of years old who took the shape of a human form only in the 3rd age of middle earth but has existed as a spirit far longer. Dumbledore wouldnt go down without a fight mind you but he would be defeated. You could kill gandalf in his human form but he would just come back again. Gandalf did not “use magic”. He used power, which was inherent to him; indeed it might be said to be what he was made of. He was a Maia, roughly equivalent to a Christian angel (so were the other Wizards, and Sauron too - and the Balrog). Gandalf did not “take away” Saruman’s power. He prophesied against Saruman, but it was Eru Iluvatar who made Saruman unable to use power any more, other than his voice. The staff was at most a focus for his power, not in any way the source of it; and, of course, it was a sort of badge of office. It was certainly not “like a magic wand”; he didn’t wave it at things to, for example, start a fire. Gandalf was not “born using magic”. He was not born at all. He was a creature of power, created directly by Eru Iluvatar before the making of the World. Wizard, by the way, is not a synonym for magician or sorcerer. It is an old word which means “wise one”, and is a rough translation of his proper title, Istar (plural Istari), more literally meaning “knowledgeable one.” Just some cool fun facts about gandalf if this helps you with the "who would win" or the contrasting differences between Harry potter and Lord of the Rings.

Isaiah Mesa

I appreciate the back story as I have only seen the movies and don't anything outside of them. Buy with how powerful he us supposed to be why did he look so weak? Film Dumbledore would absolutely wreck film galndalf. Why didn't he do more?