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Arlo was about to join the battle to help out his friend, but Merc’s arm barred him from going any further.

“Wait,” she said, eyes locked onto the battlefield. “It’s strange. Why are they fighting each-other? Before, they joined together to chase us. Now they are trying to kill each-other?”

“But we need to help Louis,” Arlo said. Truthfully, he was of the same mind as Merc. It was too suspicious. His mind kept on replaying the scene of those narrow walls closing in on each-other. If that happened here, and all of a sudden an army of beasts entered this area–they wouldn’t survive.

But he still wanted to help. He didn’t want to see Louis, or anyone else for that matter die. Not here.

“Don’t worry, we’ll help,” Merc said, “But first, Justin, head into the paths and see what is on the other side. Check if there are monsters nearby. If not, we’ll enter.”

“Will do,” Justin said and disappeared along the shadows in the room. Arlo waited for something to happen. For the walls to groan when Jusitn entered, but nothing like that occurred.

Arlo focused. Right at the edge of another passage to the left, Arlo saw the shadows flicker for not even a second. So it’s not entirely undetectable, Arlo thought. Anyone focusing on powerful eye-sight would notice it.

He glanced at Elian. Elian was already looking over where Justin was; as if he could see the evidence of Justin’s tracks. Perhaps a Waker that focuses on acute senses would be Justin’s kryptonite? It was difficult to fathom. The Justin in Arlo’s mind was like an unbeatable warrior. Hell, the young lineage had barely been injured during the entirety of the spirit world so far.

The only damage that had accumulated was from that of the sun. And there was nothing he could do about that.

Then there was Merc. She also had a weakness that he had identified. The golden-haired girl focused too much on her strength. Against the ape, she could have avoided the first attack. But she met it head-to-head. And as a result, was thrown back because the Monster was stronger than her. Because of that, she was put in an awkward position.

Merc’s words of last night echoed within Arlo’s thoughts. It was evident she was placing all their lives within her hand. Within her command. Whether it was a responsibility she would have to take hold of in the future or not, she put her own body on the front-line without care.

At least that’s what it seemed like to Arlo. Maybe he was wrong.

Arlo was woken up from his thoughts as the fight was becoming increasingly intense. Louis had bitten off more than he could chew. If it was just the hound, perhaps he would stand a chance using the terrain against it–just like the skeleton was doing.

But against both, he was being overwhelmed. He didn’t have the speed or strength that the skeleton did. Louis was tiring. It wouldn’t be long before he would slow down. Despite that, his machete parried each attack sent his way.

The skeleton blasted a fist to Louis’ skull. Louis dodged a half second before it struck him. There was no doubt that if it connected, his head would be removed from his shoulders. That was the power of an Awakened. Or in the creature's context, a Monster. But maybe it was stronger than that?

Maybe it was even a Demon? Justin had said one of them could be. It was difficult to tell. The skeleton was too weak now.

The battle continued past the ten minute mark. Louis was starting to panic. He looked over to Merc, Elian… Arlo. His eyes met with his own. Arlo could see humanity within return. Was the demon tiring? Arlo didn’t know the reason. He looked at Merc, but she only looked ahead. Even if Louis was to receive a serious wound, he doubted she would intervene.

And that was where her words of last night made sense to him. The needs of the many outweigh the few. Rushing in would put them all in danger. For Louis, who was not only the weakest, but also had the seed of a demon budding within his mind, was not worth the risk.

You don’t understand, Arlo repeated Merc’s words.

Merc just didn’t want to say it directly. She couldn’t have friends, because at some point, they would be sacrificed for the life of the majority.

“So this is what you meant?” Arlo said with clenched fists.

“You are smart, Arlo,” Merc said calmly. “You have adapted to the spirit world faster than others because of your experiences within your Horror. In my Horror, I had to sacrifice over one-hundred loyal warriors to achieve victory over the course of a long, arduous year.”

Arlo sucked in a dry, hot breath. How did she do it?

Merc continued, “You may not realise how important it is right now. But in the future, when we have to come back into the spirit world and stop the Breakthroughs, you will realise that this is nothing. So what will it be–” She turned to him, and said, “Go forwards and risk our lives for one person, or stay and wait until Justin returns with the intel?”

Arlo stopped for a moment. He watched as the wounds on Louis’ body were ever growing. Soon, he would be stomped into the earth. And he’d have to watch it from where he stood. He’d have to ignore Louis’ pleading gaze.

Thankfully after another 5 minutes, Justin returned from the path on the right. There were 3 paths total.

“No creatures in the vicinity,” Justin said. “Don’t think these walls move, either.”

“Think?” Merc asked.

Justin shrugged.

“Then let’s go,” Merc said. She blasted forwards faster than all the others. Just as the hound was about to snap its jaws at Louis’ arm, her sword blazed through the air. It sliced into the hounds nose, spilling blood on the floor.

It leapt back.

The skeleton struck Merc, but she raised her sword just in time. She slid back from the impact. An arrow arrived, slamming the skeleton's skull backwards. It jumped back a few steps and retreated behind a pillar. It waited for its chance.

“Arlo, take the skeleton,” Merc ordered. “All the rest, kill.”

Arlo dashed at the skeleton the moment the words left her mouth. It was obvious she had determined that he could deal with the enemy. Arlo had also come to the same conclusion. Sure, the skeleton was craft, fast, and stronger than him, but so was Merc. And Justin was craftier.

Confident but cautious, Arlo engaged the skeleton. Hidden behind a pillar, it thought it was safe. It wasn’t. With thickened tendrils, Arlo whipped one from the side of the pillar, striking the bony humanoid with a harsh thud. The skeleton crashed against the floor, rolled, then leapt onto its bony feet.

Jaw chattering, flaming eyes flickering, it sprinted straight for Arlo. It wanted a fight.

As they clashed, Arlo couldn’t help but wonder how the skeleton was moving. Its limbs were… floating. Hovering. But each strike he dealt against the unliving being, it weakened. Despite that, the skeleton managed to get a few strikes of its own in. And they hurt. A lot. It was a lot stronger than Merc, so when its toughened bone-fist struck his hardened blood, he could feel the pain shoot all the way through, and into his body.

Arlo grit his teeth and endured. He struck its arm, it fell off. Then after a few other strikes from his appendages, and this time it was its leg.

From there, Arlo relentlessly smashed the skeleton into pieces until only its torso and skull remained. Arlo bolted over to it, leapt into the air with his appendages striking the floor, propelling him upwards. Descending, he stomped its skull as hard as he could. With a sickening crack, a burst of green flame spat around his foot. It was hot. God, was it hot.

Arlo retreated, his Remembrance uniform was melting from the heat. It lasted a few seconds before it vanished.

[You have slain a Tier 1 Demon, Eternal Warrior]

| Your blood becomes stronger.

[You have received a Reflection. (Demon)]

A–A reflection?!

Arlo gawked. After noticing that Merc and the others were finishing up with their battle, Arlo sunk his mind into his Core.

What he saw was incredible…



And so this is a turning point for Arlo. He is learning what it means to be a Strider. He can't save everyone, and he needs to listen to orders.


Thanks for the chapter!