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One week later.

Arlo and the others had fought monsters for the entire week while pathing the maze. In total, Arlo now had just shy of 200 Blood Fragments.

Life wasn’t easy. Whatever was inside Louis’ mind was taking a toll. And it was the same for Arlo and the others, as well. Although Justin and Merc refused to show it, he was certain they were growing irritated.

If they weren’t in the maze, hunting creatures, Arlo was training his appendage control, or sparring with Justin or Merc. He had grown a lot during that time, learning when to attack, and when to defend. His new legs were a part of him now. He was in full control. He had also grown a wordless trust with Merc in combat. Knowing what she was going to do before she did it, and she had also learned to trust him. No longer did she think of him as a hindrance. The red marks where he had struck her arms with [Predator’s Appendage] were evidence of that.

It was early in the morning. Arlo had to wake up for a few hours just before sunrise to continue the lookout. Thankfully, this truly was a safe zone. Nothing appeared. Not in an entire week.

After having a bite to eat from the crackers Arlo had saved from the previous Striders within the cave, Arlo discovered that no-one was willing to approach Louis. He sat all alone. He was rocking back and forwards, mumbling something under his breath. Arlo couldn’t hear what he was saying.

He’s getting worse, Arlo thought grimly. They had to hurry and get out of here.

Arlo approached Louis. He sat down next to him. Arlo tried to listen to what he was mumbling about, but he was talking too fast; his words were jumbled. Arlo was about to place his hand on Louis’ shoulder, but hesitated. He could snap. Arlo retracted his hand.

“Louis, how are you feeling?”

Louis mumbled for a few extra seconds before looking at Arlo. It was creepy how fast his expression changed. “I’m fine. When are we leaving? We need to keep fighting.”

“We’ll be leaving in a few minutes, don’t worry,” Arlo replied. “I want to fight as much as you do. Get stronger. Get the hell out of this place and make it into a Bastion.”

“I don’t want to go to a Bastion,” he said. “I like it here. In the desert.”

What the hell?

“We can’t stay here. It’s not safe.”

“Not safe for you. I know how to survive here. I like it here. In the desert.”

“Right–” Arlo climbed to his feet. “I’ll head on over to see what passage we’re taking this time.”

Louis nodded and started mumbling once more. Arlo walked over to the others in haste.

“Louis is getting worse,” Arlo said. “He’s mumbling to himself now. We need to speed up our progress.”

It was a bit awkward between himself and Merc after their conversation last night. Arlo was certain that it hadn’t bothered Merc one bit. Arlo couldn’t help but feel a little down, though. Maybe it’s because he could see a sparkle of friendship with her back in the academy. It was obvious she had undergone a change the moment she entered this hellscape.

“We can do that,” Merc said. “But it will be dangerous. Are you all ready for that?”

Everyone nodded. Ready to head on out, they called over Louis. He ran over with a smile on his face.

“Let’s hunt,” He said, taking the front of the group.

Arlo helplessly shook his head as he followed behind Merc. They entered the maze once more. Arlo counters the number of bends it took before they had reached their previous location. The number was 36. Even Justin, who was the scout of the team, was struggling to memorise the numerous paths.

It was Elian who brought them back to where they had left off. He memories the maze like it was the back of his hand. It had something to do with his first Horror. He had entered a maze like this one, just smaller, and less dangerous. His mission was to find a chalice within the centre, just like his father did, just like his granddad, and great grandad before him. Because of that, they hadn’t gotten lost.

But now they were met with uncharted territory.

Arlo heard fighting from ahead. Justin vanished into the shadows and returned a few minutes later.

“There’s creatures fighting ahead,” He said. He raised three fingers. “3 of them in total. All Monsters of high cores. One of them might even be a Demon. It’s hard to tell.”

“A demon?” Elian asked. “We should wait until they kill each-other.”

“Why wait?” Louis said. He gripped his machete tighter. “Let’s swoop in and take the kills for ourselves. I’m owed a Remembrance.”

“Don’t owe you anything,” Justin replied sharply.

They glared at each other. Arlo stepped in the middle. He looked at Merc, and said, “It’s your call.”

Merc was the most trained out of all of them. Perhaps Justin could defeat the woman in hand-to-hand combat. Maybe. But there was no denying her leadership qualities.

“We’ll head closer and watch from afar,” she said. “We will not engage unless I strictly say so. Let’s go.”

Following Merc’s lead, they stalked through the passageway. The noises of monstrous creatures howling and roaring rumbled against the walls. Turning a corner, Arlo spotted a large room where the fighting was happening.

One of the monsters was similar to the hound that they had defeated before. A large, blade-like horn stuck out from its forehead.

The other monster was some sort of ape-scorpion hybrid.

The last was a… Skeleton? It was on the larger side of a human, standing at around 6 feet tall. It had no clothing on it, or armour. It didn’t even have a weapon. It punched and clawed and bit the other two creatures wherever it could. It was strong too. Resisting the powerful might of the Monsters, it agilely took them on, using the surrounding area to its advantage. It was as if it had sentience.

It was like watching a lineage, not a mindless undead. But it was beginning to slow. The flickering black orbs within its eye sockets dwindled.

Six tall pillars stuck out from the ground. They were thick, at least four metres wide each. They were black. Scarlet vines encroached entirely. The skeleton used these as a barricade from the creatures.

Over 50 corpses of creatures littered the ground all over the arena.

“They are slowing down,” Merc said as she watched them in the distance. “We’ll wait until they kill each-other.”

But Louis had other thoughts. He chuckled and sprinted ahead; straight at the three creatures locked into a brutal brawl.

“Louis!” Arlo shouted after him, but he had already gone ahead.

Merc spat. She bolted ahead, catching up to Louis in a second. She grabbed hold of him and threw him against the wall. The monsters realised what was happening. The ape-scorpion broke off from the fight and moved towards Merc.

Shit, Arlo thought as he readied himself. Because of course it knew where they were.

As the Monster was heading in their direction. The horned-hound wanted to chase. But the skeleton didn’t let it. The skeleton leaped up and pulled the creature’s horn, slamming it into the floor. It kicked its head a few times before taking refuge behind one of the massive pillars. The hound roared in indignation. It chased the skeleton, snapping the air from where the humanoid had dodged.

Arlo’s focus turned to the oncoming threat.

Merc let go of Louis and brandished her greatsword. She rushed ahead, swinging her blazing weapon in a wide arc.

The ape didn’t intend on dodging. Its mighty fist rocketed forwards, striking Merc’s sword in a clash of metal and bone. The sound echoed throughout the hall. Fire engulfed the ape's furry hand.

The impact threw Merc back through the air. Arlo moved. He bolted ahead, grabbed Merc with his appendages, and threw her at the beast with all his strength. She soared through the air. The creature wasn’t expecting it.

Sword pointed forwards, Merc’s blade glided past the ape’s fleshy neck. Blood spurted, followed by white hot fire. The wound sizzled. An accurate arrow from Elian followed, embedding into the beast's right eye.

Louis sprinted ahead.

“Louis!” Arlo shouted, but he was already too far. With the ape aiming for them, no-one had the time to stop him.

Realising the situation it was in, the beast whipped its tail at Merc. She dodged, rolling to the side. Merc replied with a sword slash to the creature's ankle. It stumbled to the wall.

Roaring, the ape swung its fist at Merc as she somersaulted over the incoming attack. Then, a phantom lance pierced out from the nearby wall. Sinking into the apes' other eye, it turned to the attack. But there was no enemy there. Another lance flashed out, halfway disappearing into the beast's throat. Finally it fell to the floor.

Justin harvested the creature's core. It was his kill.

Merc nodded to Arlo, as if praising him for his quick thinking and trust. Then without words, they rushed to the room.

Louis, the skeleton, and the hound were locked in battle.

Chuckling to himself, Louis was turning crazy.



Thanks for the chapter!