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“I made it in time.” Noah sighed in relief as he looked at the destruction the orcs had caused.

His house had walls missing, roof tiles, and glass from the windows lay scattered on the floor, the wall was pretty much ravaged, and the only part of the house that remained in functioning order was the taming room.

Noah guessed that it was made from higher quality materials, being a tier two add-on.

Noticing that it was quiet, the children from within came out crying, and wailing. They latched onto the warriors that they were familiar with, and called for Samira.

Thankfully no-one had died, but there were a lot of injured. Some badly wounded, at that.

Princess Maera rushed forth, using whatever mana she had just recovered from the run over.

Noah watched closely, and to his surprise, it wasn’t just mana that she used. For the wounds that were, from what Noah could tell, were unhealable. Expansion surged around Maera as she placed her hand around an arm that was almost falling off. Hanging on by a strand of muscle.. And by the amount of Expansion surrounding the princess, it was a damn sight more than what Noah was capable of producing.

Does she have a late tier Shard? Noah thought, and miraculously, the wound was healed until only a white scar was left.

Sweat formed at her forehead, before it dripped onto the floor. It was clear that whatever Shard she had used to boost her healing, wasn’t an easy one to control unlike Noah’s.

For Noah, it didn’t require much effort on his part. He activated the Shard, and he used it without much trouble, nor did it use too much Expansion Energy.

Although Noah just attributed that to the fact that Maera must have a higher tiered Shard than he did. His Thrust shard, although useful, was just a simple application of his own energy. Something like healing a wound, restoring life, was bound to be a few grades higher.

Noah did what he could for the wounded. Gifting them some lower rarity potions to halt their wounds until Maera could see to them, but he found himself unneeded.

Most of the injured were warriors, and with their strong bodies, their wounds weren’t that much of a problem. It was just a waste of resources if Noah continued, and he wasn’t a saint. They could bear with a little pain for a while longer.

Instead, Noah waltzed into his home that had now turned into ruins. Kicking a few bricks to the side, he cleared the rubble from the teleporter.

I wonder what my Achievements would look like now? Noah smiled. The last time he had looked at it, there was only the head of the mole king, but since then, so much had happened. Too much to recount, in fact, as Noah turned his attention to the building system.

He opened the screen and was met with a huge new section.

Monster Lord, welcome.
| New buildings have been added.
| Unique buildings have been added.

Just as he was about to look at the new buildings, and rooms in further detail, his mind twitched. From the added distance that he could detect his tamed monsters, Krall, and Gluttony, were both hunting together. Hunting the last vestiges of the goblin army.

Have fun, you two. Noah chuckled, and finally moved his focus onto the new additions.

There was a lot added, but he was mostly interested in what the Monster Lord had as the unique building. Stated in its description, were the mole tunnels.

Noah assumed that was because of Krall, so he looked at it closer.

25,000 Grace Coins - Mole Tunnel System: Create a mole tunnel system underneath your property, once entered, you will awaken on the other side. The other side must be physically marked.

So it’s like a portal then? Noah wondered how it was deemed a unique part of his title, but once he checked the price of the original teleporting room, it was obvious what the benefits of the mole tunnels were.

200,000 Grace Coins - Teleporting Array: Create a teleporter room, and stand within the circle to arrive at your array of destinations. You can travel to any other teleporter around the multiverse, based on if the owner has set their teleporter to open, or based on your current Grace Coins.

Around the multiverse?! The words caused Noah to gape in shock. Then that meant Thraz could indeed travel back home, granted that they themselves have a teleporter.

The thought of returning home, back to Earth, also flashed in his mind. Not that he had much to visit, but it would be good to thank his friends in person. Treat them to a drink, at least. He owed them that much for keeping him alive for so long.

However, he knew deep down that Earth was no longer his home. This was, out in a vast otherworld, unexplored, ready for his hands to latch onto to claim as a piece of his own.

Here, he was free.

But the difference was reflected in the price. The teleporting array was a staggering cost, one that Noah hadn’t even reached yet, and he doubted he would even buy it, even if he had enough coins to purchase it.

The first thing on his mind was more power. If he could upgrade his taming room two, or even three times, it would increase the number of monsters he could tame, and make them stronger.

With the monster taming rooms on his mind, he decided to give them a look.

50,000 Grace Coins - Taming Room tier 3: Triples the size of the room, and increases tamed monsters' damage by 10%.

100,000 Grace Coins - Taming Room Tier 4: Doubles the size of the room, and increases tamed monsters' damage by a further 15%. Monster taming within the vicinity of your town has a 50% of increasing the bloodline of the monster. Monsters happiness is increased by 25% when within your town.

Noah nodded, both of them were in his sights to purchase immediately. Although he was rather upset that neither of them let him unlock an additional taming slot, the damage, and other bonuses made up for it.

The only thing in the description he was confused about was the increasing the bloodline of the monster. How would that work? Noah thought, but maybe it was something like how Gluttony was a higher tiered monster than Krall was.

If that was the case, if he tamed a kobold, would it turn into, say, a dragonborn? Noah didn’t know, but he was curious to find out.

What if he dragged an already high tier monster into his town, then tamed it? Would it become a mythical creature? Noah rubbed his hands together in excitement.

But first, he had to check how many coins he actually had before he set his sights on buildings he couldn't’ afford.. Let’s see if my sponsors are stingy bastards.

Grace Coins: 246,491

Damn, not bad. Noah whistled, impressed with the number he had accumulated. With such an amount, it shouldn’t be a problem to fully repair his house, buy the monster taming room, and a few extras as well.

With his plan set in motion, he first purchased the taming rooms, setting him back an astounding one-hundred, and fifty-thousand Grace coins. That left him with ninety-six thousand four-hundred, and ninety-one.

Noah decided on a higher grade wall for his house, and an upgraded outer wall along with it. Adding on to that, he also purchased a unique building granted to him thanks to his title.

It was a natural defence that added onto the outer wall; a thorn bush, to be exact. But it wasn’t any ordinary bush. Being in this world, of course their thorns were sharper than most weapons they had access to right now.

Any attacker that was foolish enough to try and climb the wall would be eviscerated into nicely diced mince.

Lastly, he bought a few chairs, tables, and cookware to finish up the inside of the house.

All in all, he was left with only twenty-thousand Grace Coins remaining. Noah didn’t want to go under that in fear of not having enough for some high grade potions that could potentially save his life. On the plus side however, was that he no longer felt the heat radiating from the jungle sun.

With his Constitution so high, there was no longer any need to waste his coins on survival purchases like sun-screen, antibiotics, or antiviral meds.

However, even though he bought it all, he still needed the resources to build it. And that meant he had to hire some help.

He put his big boy pants on and walked over to Maera. She had finished healing all the serious wounds, and was sitting outside her house, eyes hazed over within the System.

Knight Faelar stood in between them, but Noah held no ill blood toward the knight. He was just fulfilling his duty, following orders. Most likely he had been roped in since birth, trained up, raised to serve the royalty.

It wasn’t a life Noah could live, but perhaps the man didn't have a choice. Or maybe it was indeed an honour to serve the princess?

Noah didn’t have the right to question him.

“Hey Maera,” Noah said, sitting on the grass so that he was down on her level.

Princess Maera opened her eyes, half smiling. “You need help rebuilding your house?”

“As perceptive as always,” Noah continued. “Not just that, but I’ve purchased a few additional rooms. Oh, and did you see the teleporter room?”

“I did.” Maera’s eyes sparkled. She was usually good at controlling her emotions, but right now, they were spilling out.

Her reaction told Noah everything he needed to know. Her world had a teleporter. But did Earth? Now that was something he had no idea of.

“I’ll see what I can do, but–”

“There’s a price?” Noah asked, then nodded. “I have quite a lot of equipment, and stones to trade–”

Noah was about to take out the selection that he had, but a system notification interrupted him.

Notification: The trial period of the houses have come to an end. Prepare to have your house, and any rooms, or buildings you have added to it, moved within your System.
| You have one month to decide on its destination. If you are late, your house, and anything within, will be destroyed.



Thank you for the chapter! And how convenient that someone conquered a castle, huh. All hail Lord Noah! Prepare to pay rent!