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Strength: 446
Dexterity: 387
Constitution:  302
Willpower:  563
Magic: 33
Mana: 32
Perception: 37

Noah tutted in shock at the added stats he had earned. The last time he had checked was back at level thirty, and the difference since then was staggering, enough to cause his lips to twitch.

However that wasn’t all, his skills had also upgraded from the fight with the lord, and the putrid ghoul that they defeated.

But first were the skills that hadn't been upgraded. [Power Shot] had levelled up the most out of his skills, but because of its low level start point from when he earned his shard, it still hadn’t managed to pass the level ten threshold. At level eight, it wouldn’t be long before it evolved to the next stage.

[Beastly Aegis] was another that had levelled up a lot, reaching level seven. Absorbing the powerful hits of Victor, alongside the other monsters was beneficial, after all. Noah smirked at the thought.

[Hunting Instincts]. As a skill that was activated all the time, it had reached level nine. One more step, and it would evolve.

Then there was [Unbreakable Reins] that had reached level nine as well.

And finally his premier Skill: Monstrous Allegiance. It had reached level eight, but because of the rarity of the skill, it still had a good distance to go until he would be able to evolve it. It was the skill he was most looking forward to.

How strong would it become? Would he be given a Legendary choice when it evolves?

And that brought him to his evolved skills. He received a huge amount of skills to choose from, each branching off into different directions. After a while of scrutinisation, he finally decided on the skills he wanted out of the wide range of choices.

Your skills have evolved!

Mounted Combat -> Mounted Assault.

It wasn’t the best he could obtain, but Noah was only given the choice of different Uncommon skills. [Mounted Assault] improved the damage and speed when on the back of his mount, while the other options either made his mount more durable, or had other conditions to be met.

Sometimes simplicity was the best.

Charge -> Shadow Charge.

The choice for Noah was an easy one. [Shadow Charge] was strengthened further by his Class bonuses related to shadows, enabling him to leave the shadows quicker. Of course, he still had [Shadow Blink] for quick movement, but [Shadow Charge] could be used for longer distances. Besides, anything to make further use of his class advantage was always going to be the better choice. Unless it was a high quality choice that disregarded that fact, that was.

Tamer’s Bond -> Symbiotic Radar.

This choice, on the other hand, was a bit difficult for Noah. It was between a skill named [Tamer’s Respite]. The skill in mention was one that granted Noah regeneration, like [Troll’s Blood], but weaker. But in the end, he opted for [Symbiotic Radar].

[Symbiotic Radar] vastly increased the range he could detect his mounts, command them, and receive emotions from them. In other words, it was just an upgraded form of [Tamer’s Bond].

Being able to interact with Krall especially at higher distances was vital. If they were separated somehow, he wanted to be able to communicate with his warrior companion. Or maybe he could have Krall enact a plan of his from a distance, while Noah entered undetected, attacking from behind. The utility the skill brought was highly attractive.

Kill Command -> Ravage.

Overpower -> Overcharge.

[Ravage] was a simple damage increase, but [Overcharge] was a little different.

[Overcharge] let him channel the mana he had in his container over a period of time, and then unleash it in a devastating attack. It wasn’t instant like [Overpower] was, but if he was relying on a one-hit charge attack, then it was needed.

Noah finally stripped his sight from his system. He took a deep breath, then focused on the strength that radiated through his body. If he was to look at his previous self, what would he think?

It was difficult to put into words. Noah had truly ascended ever since he had entered this strange world. Smiling in satisfaction, he placed his hand on Krall’s bony head. Gluttony, noticing the affection, also ran over, rubbing his head against Noah’s chest.

Noah couldn’t help but laugh. “Alright, let’s get out of here. We need to rush back.”

With nothing left to do, or accomplish within the dungeon, they climbed up all the stairs, then left through the main door.

Dark, the moon was on full display, shining its cool brilliance across the landscape. It was still humid, strangely enough, he had missed it. Anything was better than inhaling ground up bone dust, or rotting flesh that festered for way too long.

Shivering at the thought, Noah, and his party, bounded across the once battlefield as they headed back toward the hub.

He just hoped the walls of the hub still stood.


“They’re coming over the wall!” Samira yelled out, pointing to a goblin that hoisted itself over the wall around Noah’s house. Seeing the sight of the bloodthirsty goblin, slobbering at the sight of the humans, the children screamed from within the safety of the house.

But it wouldn’t be safe for long.

Samira grit her teeth, and bolted to the goblin using [Wind Step]. Like a gust of powerful wind, she gracefully stopped in front of the monster, and slashed her two-handed curved blade in a wide arc. It met some resistance, until the blade glided through its flesh.

Head thudding to the ground, it wasn’t long before another goblin took its place.

“Samira, it won’t be long before they break through!” A voice wandered over from the other side of the safe perimeter.

It was Lily and her team. They had arrived a few hours ago, apparently they had failed to gain access to the castle and had decided to return. Thankfully they did, or the monsters that weren't limited to goblins, would have long killed everyone within the walls.

The other survivors had also retreated to Noah’s house as it was the only place that was capable of defence. Some had tried, but it wasn’t long before giant goblins; orcs, tore through the windows or doors like they were made of paper mache.

Standing from afar, the orcs hurled powerful boulders past the wall, smashing against the house. Glass was shattered, bricks were crushed, and thankfully, the kids were taken into the back room where Noah kept his tamed monster.

Even the wall itself wasn’t safe from their power. Like a catapult, rock collided against the wall, trembling its foundations.

“We need to hold out!” Samira shouted in reply. “Noah will be back soon!”

It was a lie. She had no way of knowing that.

Samira flashed to the other side of the wall, cleaving her sword into another goblin. As she sent its head flying, she glanced to where the other houses stood. In Between the buildings, under the dim moonlight, gazing back at her with white eyes, was an orc larger than all the rest.

Is it… smiling? Samira frowned at the sight.

A group of three orcs approached from behind. They were rolling an enormous boulder over to the white-eyed orc, only stopping once it was by his side.

The enormous orc’s muscles bulged as he placed his hands on the boulder. It was wider than he was, and almost as tall. He roared, sending spittle ejecting from his mouth as the heavyweight of the boulder fought against him. But it wasn’t a fight the rock could win.

It rose, slowly, inch-by-inch, the orc fought with it until it was above his head. Steam left his mouth, then slowly, his eyes turned from a snow white, to scarlet red. Muscles turned from red to black. Veins squirmed like snakes under his flesh, and with a final roar, he threw the enormous boulder straight at the wall.

Samira’s heart lurched. “Get away from the wall!”

It was too late. The boulder crashed against the wall. Like an explosion being detonated, the wall was blasted apart, sending debris scattering in the surrounding area. Bodies were flattened, and confused screams followed it.

Chasing the human shouts like a hunt, the goblins filtered through the hole in the wall, brandishing their serrated blades, and chopping them into human flesh.

“Lily!” Samira shouted, calling over the young woman, and her strong teammates.

Together, they rushed to the breach. Lily slung high powered arrows, each one penetrated two or three goblins, while Samira activated her Sharpness Shard.

Samira swung her blade in a quick arc, chopping through their heads like a hot knife through butter. There was no resistance thanks to her Shard, but after activating it so many times, her head was becoming dreary.

Biting her tongue, she used it again, cutting through six goblins all at once. But there were too many. It was an army of thousands against barely a hundred weakened survivors.

Goblins scrambled over the walls, through the hole in the wall, crawled under the legs of the other goblins. They were like ants. And they were everywhere.

Then a thud, followed closely by another made Samira painfully aware that the orc chief was approaching.

From her peripheral vision, she saw the blood eyed orc smash his way through his own army. Obliterating any in his path, regardless if it was a member of his own. Noone was safe under the might of his attacks, and each swing of his club tore limb from limb.

The goblins scattered, emitting fearful murmurs for the first time as they desperately attempted to get out of the way of the approaching apocalypse.

Then silence. The orc leader stood within the threshold of the wall, panting, exhaling mist from its powerful lungs. It hefted its club, and just standing a few metres away from the monster, Samira could feel its towering presence.

She had no right standing next to it, but the children were behind her. So she tightened her grasp around the blade–

A black light tore through the orc leader's chest. Boring a hole the size of the enormous monster's own head. The branches of its heart pulsated around an grand ornate lance tip.

The monster looked side-to-side, wondering what had just happened. Then it fell. Crashing onto the ground, he was dead.

Behind it appeared a humanoid figure, clearly a man from his naked chest. But he was wearing a slender helmet that hid even his eyes from the light.

His tamed monster screeched, sending the goblins scattering, only to be mauled to death by another monster. But this one was familiar.

It was Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle.



Shouldn't Overcharge use stamina since it's close combat skill rather than a spell? Is it an error?


I think there is an error somewhere in your stat calculation. Those three were already in the 50-65 range in an earlier chapter: Magic: 33 Mana: 32 Perception: 37