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Thrust has evolved to Stage 2
| …Upgrade path is being displayed.
| Upgrade path is based on the starting rarity of the Skill and the Achievements you have accrued.

Uncommon - Piercing Thrust: A basic thrust with armour piercing qualities.

Well, it wasn’t the most intriguing description he could have imagined, but although it was basic–it would be a welcome addition.

Armour piercing was an important quality to have. If he happened to come across a monster with high natural armour, no amount of his Strength would be able to pierce it. Of course, he had numerous offensive Skills, and Shards now, so he wasn’t too keen on picking something he could bypass with overwhelming might.

Not only that, but who was to say that if he upgraded his Thrust Shard, that it wouldn’t have the same armour piercing qualities? Or perhaps it would be better than the Uncommon skill flashing in front of his iris’.

He decided to look at the other choices in quick succession, he had to be fast as the others were already looking over at him by this point.

Uncommon - Surging Thrust: The force of your strike will continue through your destination.

Uncommon - Lancing Strike: Cover your spear in mana, enabling it to grow further than originally possible.

Rare - Beastly Pike: The tip of your spear is imbued with the might of a monster aspect. The form relies upon your bloodline.

Rare - Phantom Thrust: The shadows encroach around your spear, hiding it from sight–and empowering it.

Noah was surprised to see he had the choice of Rare quality skill evolutions. Jumping ranks wasn;t seen very often, but he glanced back at the description of the Upgrade Path–Achievements.

It most likely meant that his Achievements were enough to warrant a leap in grade. Much to his delight.

The second Uncommon skill was actually good. If the other Uncommon skills were on a scale, Surging Thrust would be weighted heavily. It was a skill that granted him the capability to deal damage further than what his spear could accomplish. Essentially–it was a ranged attack, and it would catch his targets off guard.

But then there were the Rare skills, and it was a tough decision between them. He agonised over the two choices, but in the end, he decided upon Beastly Pike.

It would further empower his thrust by a base amount, and it would not only be increased by the strength of Krall, or any other tamed monsters he would encounter–but it also added his mysterious Bloodline into the equation.

What would it do exactly? Noah didn’t know. It was indeed a bit of a gamble as what if he had a useless Bloodline, but he recalled the sensation back when he integrated with his Epic Pathstone. The thing that resided within him… it didn’t feel normal.

So he decided to throw his chips onto the board.

At worst, it would just be a stronger Thrust, at best, it would be something incomparable compared to a Common rarity Thrust.

He did feel a little regret not picking Phantom Thrust as it synergised incredibly well with his whole charging from the shadow strategy. But it wasn’t just that, it was the fact it had the name ‘Phantom’ in it. It meant that it was an upgrade path designed for his class, and he was purposefully, once again, going down another, unknown route.

Shaking his head, Noah had already decided. He would walk the path unset.

You have obtained Beastly Pike.

Noah had another look at his skills, curious as to how they were all doing.

1st Pathstone: [ Shadow of a Monstrosity ]
Skill: Mounted Combat - Level 8
Skill: False Step - Level 6
Skill: Shrouded Presence - Level 5
Skill: Power Shot - Level 2
Skill: Hunting Instincts - Level 4

2nd Pathstone: [ Might ]
Skill: [ Stage 2 ] Beastly Pike - Level 1
Skill: Strengthened Body - Level 9
Skill: Overpower  - Level 6
Skill: Charge - Level 8
Skill: Beastly Aegis - Level 2

3rd Pathstone: [ Attacking Tamer ]
Skill: Monstrous Allegiance - Level 5
Skill: Tamer’s Bond - Level 8
Skill: Kill Command - Level 9
Skill: Unbreakable Reins - Level 6
Skill: Trollsblood - Level 1

Path: [ Phantom Lancer ]

Noah smiled at the progress he was making. Not long now, and he would have multiple skills evolving into the second stage

With the ambushing goblin party dealt with, they continued through the jungle. Now that it had happened once, everyone was a lot more vigilant about their surroundings. Every twig that snapped, or a leaf that was crunched caused them to twitch their heads in the direction of the sound.

A couple more hours passed like that, and the constant tension was beginning to grind against their mind. Their eyes had turned bloodshot under the stress, and their bodies were taught–stiff. If they entered a fight like that, their combat effectiveness would lessen by a large amount.

Peter taught him that one.

Noah focused on remaining calm, but cautious. His body was loose as he expected an attack to be thrown in his direction from anywhere, and nowhere.

Thankfully, they only had to deal with one more roaming party of goblins and the odd orc that Noah dealt with until light flashed behind the wall of jungle trees at the front.

Squinting his eyes, Noah breached the darkness of foliage, and emerged on the other side. He gazed across the expansive plains in front of him. The grass was almost non-existent apart from the various patches amongst the dried dirt.

In the distance, there lay hundreds of tents made of either leaves, or small buildings made of dirt, and sticks. Ant-like figures squirmed in the distance, but it wasn’t because they had numerous legs, but the haze on the horizon distorted their figures.

They were goblins. And if Noah squinted his eyes enough, there were some that were far taller than even the Orc that he had murdered before.

Beyond that lay an extravagant castle with high walls, gilded towers

He looked to either side, and it was clear the dark-elf wasn’t lying. There was no way around, and what appeared to be a path–was most likely suicide. Deep thorns lined the sides like a natural barrier. It was evident that the System wanted them to have a mass battle, and the notification he received only reinforced that notion.

Area mission obtained.
| Enter the Dungeon and defeat the Lord.
| Reward: Epic Pathstone Fragments, Rare Skill Essence for Class, Grace Coins.

It was an amazing reward. It meant that everyone that managed to survive to the end would receive a guaranteed Rare Skill Essence for their chosen Class. For many, it eliminated the luck required to obtain their own.

Even for Noah, it would be a big upgrade. Since he had all his skills, the Rare Skill Essence would in fact, be able to directly upgrade one of them. Not to mention the Epic Pathstone Fragments.

People could pool their shards together and create a random Pathstone. Of course, one person would be unlucky, and if both people needed the Pathstone. Well, that would be an argument for after it was formed.

Noah himself didn’t have any other Epic fragments, but he had no desire to gamble with someone else. He glanced at Thraz. He was the exception, but apart from him, there was no-one else he trusted.

Could Samira be trusted? Noah shook his head. She seemed like a good woman, but he would need to spend more time with her to make a proper assessment of her character. It was just too dangerous to trust people he had just met in this place.

Looking at the mission description once more, Noah thought about soloing the so-called Lord. But was it possible? The only way of knowing was to see for himself. If he was met with the boss room before the others could catch up, he would just need to wait.

The last thing he wanted was to be stuck in the boss room unable to even injure the monster. However, the more he thought about it, the more he was adamant that he could defeat it. With his Level advantage, Two shards, and the equipment he had; namely the Plate of Ekralo, and the two Uncommon weapons–he was confident.

He would think closer when the situation arrived as Maera, Declan, Lily, Lorena, and the other leaders of various parties grouped up at the front.

Naturally as Noah was already at the vanguard, he overheard their conversation. Well, it wasn’t as if he was eavesdropping as it was directly related to him regardless.

Maera was about to say something when Lorena nudged her head in the distance, and said, “They are preparing themselves.”

Even though it was hazy, it was clear the monsters were readying themselves for battle. They approached, and their beastly war screams filled the humid air with a ferocity that the others could feel in their bones.

Although Trained, there was no preparation that could handle them for war. War. It was an entirely different concept compared to small skirmishes. The air was different. The ground rumbled. Their hearts smashed against their chests.

Noah could feel all of it as he took it in stride. He took a deep breath as he listened to the rhythmic beating of his own heart. It was in sync with Krall’s own. Noah placed his hand on Krall’s back as he could feel the desire for battle. Noah was the same.

Before he arrived, he had only been in a mass gang fight once. But as one of the smallest members, he was at the back. He didn’t have the chance to directly contribute to the war effort, so to speak.

But now it was different. In this world, he was at the forefront. Everyone relied upon him to take the brunt of the damage. To take them forward into a land unknown.

Joining the war cries was the booming of drums, and the blowing of horns. It truly was a war battlefield that he had only seen in movies before. Not even in the multiversal broadcast had he witnessed such a scene.

“Shit, just how many are there?” Declan wiped the sweat from his forehead as he witnessed the monsters spread along the plains like an expanding wall.

“Not enough, eh Krall?” Noah smiled as he patted Krall’s back. He emitted a monstrous roar that didn’t lose out to the war drums in the distance. It was as if he was directly competing against who was louder.

“Well, do we go back, or do we fight?” Noah glanced over his shoulder. It was clear what the answer would be.

Everyone brandished their weapons with serious expressions on their faces. However, some hesitated. Of course, that changed in the next second with a new message within their notifications.

You are all being watched.

With that, they had no other option but to charge into war.



My boy is ready for war! Hell yeah! Minor complaint: Declan seems to be changing his name to Calum every so often in the story. It happened once before for a few chapters in a row during the equipment drop. Noah also seems to be changing his name to Roan a couple times in the latest chapters.

Eric M

Yea I was confused who Callum was, but that makes sense. Thanks for the double chapter release today! 😊

Jamal Cheatham

This about to be fire. I do hope he can find a couple more people he can truly trust.


First and foremost his own personal strength is important. People are secondary. Situation with Thraz showed that he can be betrayed at any step when placed in such competetive environment.