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Chloe travelled with Victor by her side. Together, they didn’t have much difficulty dealing with anything that came their way. But she realised why that was.

Noah. At first, he was killing the monsters with a slight smile on his face, however, that soon changed. The speed of his spear increased by the second, and soon, she had trouble even seeing the tip of the long weapon.

The smile was no longer visible, but it looked as if he had entered a mindless trance. Each thrust of his spear reaped a life, and because of that, there weren’t a lot of monsters for them to deal with.

For the others, they were relieved. They believe that it was a boon having Noah deal with all the monsters so that they could conserve their strength for what was to come. And they weren’t wrong, but if Noah could continue his killing output, while also having the stamina for the expedition–he would continue ahead, leaving them no chance to catch up.

Victor also was of the same mind. His eyes latched onto Noah like a predator waiting for a chance to strike.

It made Chloe think hard about her choices. She wasn’t stupid. Others may be clouded by the events that had transpired, but Chloe was well aware Noah wasn’t the murderer everyone was led to believe. Although at first she had her reservations with the first meeting, something told her that he wasn’t someone to kill without reason. No, the true culprit was fighting side-by-side with her.

Once she had discovered it, she wanted to break free from the group–to either join someone else, or even attempt to get closer with Noah. But she had a sister. Close with Cai–she wouldn’t leave him.

So she had to make a tough choice. To support a murderer, or to leave her sister.

Chloe chose the former.

That meant going along with whatever Victor had planned. To kill Noah. No, it would be coldblooded murder. Chloe clasped her hand around her sword until her knuckles turned white.

It was all because her sister was close with Cai–who in turn–was loyal to Declan. Declan had already lost Jake. The next time they fought; it would most likely result in a bloodbath between them–her. If Cai died, she knew her sister well. She would fly into a rage, and Chloe was unsure if she could keep her in check. To stop her from doing something stupid.

She took a breath. She either had to control Declan, and make sure they wouldn’t interfere with Victor, and Noah. Or kill Noah outright in the midst of battle.

Chloe just hoped everything would transpire without the loss of blood. They had already seen too much. Just as she had the thought of taking Noah’s life–something happened from the front.

A huge dinosaur roared toward them. Chloe’s shoulders flinched at the sound. It was a monster that they would struggle with. Even with Victor by her side, it would pose a great threat.

However, a surge of magical force that she had only felt from Victor–exploded in the air. It was violent, and like a primal cry–it radiated forward.

The incredible dinosaur that Noah faced had its head exploded in a split second. Faster than she could blink, a monster that would cause them harm was slain in one shot.

Shit… Chloe’s thoughts of murdering Noah vanished from her mind.

She had to convince Declan.


You defeated a - Level 38 Rage Biter.
| Extra experience gained from fighting a higher levelled monster!

You have Levelled up!
| Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 36 -> Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 37

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.
| Krall level 36 -> Krall level 37

You have awakened your second Shard.
| Expansion Shard - Thrust: Str +10, Dex +5.

Noah shook his head as he stopped. His daze had come to an end, and he instinctively activated all his attacking skills.

It resulted in an attack he could only dream of. Although it had come at a cost. Without him realising it, he had activated both shards, plus his skills. A weakness pervaded his body from the result of the sudden attack.

He glanced down at the monster’s corpse below as Krall munched on its flesh and bones for a quick meal. Its head was gone. Vanished. The only remains were pieces of skull, splattered red liquid, and fragments of flesh.

Taking a moment to retrieve more of the Expansion Energy within the world, Noah glanced at the shocked expressions of those behind him.

Noah would have liked to keep that one hidden. Clicking his tongue in disappointment, he moved on. Having a trick up his sleeve would have been ideal, but maybe the display of strength was exactly what he needed to keep the others off his back.

Judging by the fearful expressions on their faces, maybe it had worked?

It was a shame he didn’t have any mind controlling skills. They would prove to be quite useful. But alas, that wasn’t the path he was to tread. He would leave the mastermind route to others, while he would dominate while on the back of his mighty beast.

In order to recover his Expansion Energy, he left most of the monsters to Krall. He used his favourite methods of combat including smashing, biting, and swiping. Not many were able to survive a single hit from him, but as they travelled deeper into the jungle–that changed. Sure, one hit turned to two, but that was a huge difference in energy consumption.

Since Krall didn’t have any supernatural attacks outside of the power boost from [Kill Command], his entire combat techniques revolved around the use of his savage frame.

Noah just hoped that would change from his next evolution. Judging by the other tamers–although not many–the next evolution was massive. The question was, however, when did it arrive?

The System Manual didn’t give him any information related to when that would be.

On Ubos, Peter calculated that it was Level fifty. However, with the knowledge Noah had about the Level block at one-hundred, Noah bet that it was then he would receive his next evolution. He just hoped he had earned enough Achievements to advance through the barrier.

With the monster becoming stronger, it meant they were forced to slow down. Of course Noah wasn’t the problem, but the hindrance remained at the rear. Injuries occurred, and so they were forced to stop to take care of them.

Noah wasn’t angry, but he was becoming impatient. Not because he didn’t care about their lives. No, there were some who didn’t outright show him hostility, even back within the cave–they refused to attack. It was because the longer they spent crawling through the jungle, the less time those back in the Hub had.

Although the wall would help them, the strength of the invading monsters–if there were any–was a mystery.

If he could clear the castle and be back in time for the possibility of a monster wave, that would be ideal. But it was becoming unlikely.

After a couple more hours, the tabaxi, and dinosaurs, turned into high levelled goblins. They were nearing.

Noah lowered his head as he delved into his Monster shard. His connection with Krall was heightened to an extreme degree. He could feel the soil on his feet, the whiskers that brushed against the air, and the vivid smell of everything in the distance.

Instead of those senses, Noah relied on the unique aspect of Krall’s evolution. He was the king of moles and that came with certain benefits. One of them, he had uncovered on the walk over.

Placing his hand on Krall’s back, he lowered his head to the jungle floor. Whiskers pressing against the soil, reverberating waves bounced toward them.

Noah snapped his head back up in caution. “We’re surrounded.”

At Noah’s words, everyone got ready. Although he had a vile reputation–he was the strongest, and that came with a sort of respect that was difficult to refute.

Just his presence alone was enough to make people listen. And listen they did.

Shields at the ready, defences erected–they prepared for a fight.

In the next moment, the stench of goblins pervaded Krall’s heightened sense of smell as they arrived behind the trees like sneaky shadows.

In the distance, Noah made out a particular frame shrouded in darkness. It was taller than the goblins by an order of magnitude. It raised its arm and the goblins screamed. Charging, Noah believed the shadowed figure to be the leader of the group.

Noah bolted ahead, ignoring the attacking force.

“Where is he going?” Someone shouted in anger, but Noah was already far in the distance to make out who it was.

Once he was a respectable distance away, he turned, and flanked the goblins within the darkened shadows.

Using [Shadowed Presence], Krall’s thudding footsteps were reduced to a small pattering strike like that of an average sized kobold.

With only the whites of his and Krall’s eyes on display, they rampaged toward the back of the leader. It seemed he heard the sound of their movement as he turned in a lackadaisical manner, but when his vision landed on Krall–he clutched at his weapon in emergence.

His lack of reaction was punished with the wrath of Noah’s upgraded [Thrust].

Activated the Thrust Shard, his sights weren’t on the monster's body–but what lay behind it. The tree, the bushes, the goblins surrounding it, and the humans in the distance. Noah only had the thought of having his strike piercing through–and so it did.

His spear shot out like a phantom. The monster tried to dodge, but magically–the weapon extended beyond what it should be.

Noah had to be careful with how he used it, if he misused it by a fraction; it would tear the arm out of his socket. But he could feel the extra Dexterity take effect. He changed the grip in his hand, and although only by a minute amount, it saved his arm from damage.

There was a slight resistance, then in a blink–it was no more. His spear reappeared out of the monster's skull, or at least what was left of it.

You defeated a - Level 43 Orc.
| Extra experience gained from fighting a higher levelled monster!

A new enemy… Orc. Noah thought, but he was immediately beset by a group of snarling goblins. The fact that he had just murdered their leader mattered little to the bloodthirsty beasts.

Noah and Krall used a few moments to get rid of them before he [Charged] into the main group of monsters.

Finishing with his enemies, everyone caught a breath as the battle was almost over. Only a few stragglers remained, but they were dispatched in a few moments by the others. Only a few days had passed, but those that had joined the expedition were already well experienced in taking the lives of monsters.

There was no hesitation in severing life.

Noah gazed at the new message within his System and couldn’t help but break out into a smile. His first skill was ready for evolution.

Thrust has reached max Level within the first stage.
| Thrust is evolving…


Eric M

You have the name Roan in place of Noah once in this chapter and it appears in the next as well.