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At first, Noah waited for a whole four hours. Or at least what felt like it anyway. He wanted to make sure just how serious the kobolds were about remaining within the fort. Judging by the fact none had dared leave the walls during that time, meant that whatever was commanding them held great strength.

“Alright buddy, I’m going to need you to keep an eye out on the fort.” Noah patted Krall’s beefy shoulder. “If anything leaves, head toward the pool of water in that direction, and find me.” He pointed into the forest, and thankfully Krall nodded in understanding. It seemed that the longer they spent with each other, their comprehension was increasing drastically.

Noah needed a scout, and Krall was all that he had.

Miles' plan was a safe one, but if he had to stand in front of the fort for days on end, it would be a great waste of his time. He had to make use of it, and he had just the place to do it.

Noah headed back towards the pool of water where he fished before, just as he entered the location, he was notified of walking into an Uncommon Fishing area. Next up, he cast his fishing line into the pool, and waited.

Since he didn’t have Krall as back-up, his spear rested against his body, ready to use at a moment's notice. It didn’t take long for the monstrous fishes to bite his line.


Congratulations, you caught a Rare Grade Fish!

| Extra experience is rewarded for catching a fish above your current Fishing Level.

You defeated a - Level 31 Vanguard Shark.
| Extra experience is rewarded for fighting an enemy above your level!

Your Fishing Profession has Levelled up!
| Fishing Level 19 -> Fishing Level 27

You have Levelled up!
| Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 31 -> Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 33

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.
| Krall level 31 -> Krall level 33

Skills have Levelled up!

Noah arched his back, crackles, and pops followed the stretch as he groaned in discomfort. Thanks to the hole in the roof of the cave, it was easy to calculate the days that had passed because of the passing sun. In total, four entire days had passed since he began his fishing adventure.

Glancing around him, the earth was raked apart. Soil was splattered in the surrounding area, and tree roots were smashed. He had to work hard to obtain the fishing bait, after all.

It also meant that he had fished an incalculable amount of fish during that time. Dead fish carcasses lay in a massive pile. He had stopped counting after fifty. If they weren’t so strong, he would have reached the hundreds with ease. Of course, that meant he had to constantly change positions as the fish became more elusive the more he caught.

It also made him aware of something. He must have passed the hundred fish caught mark. That meant that he should have received another Title to his collection, but it didn’t arrive. Someone was spending all of their time fishing, and that meant his lead was under threat.

But he knew that his Fishing Level now must be greater than whoever was contesting with him. After all, Noah doubted he was fishing within such a high Level area. In a dungeon, no less.

Despite that, it was worth it. His Stats had shot up, and he had Levelled up all of his Skills in the process.

He glanced at his Stat page in satisfaction.

Strength: 129
Dexterity: 63
Constitution: 84
Willpower: 117
Magic: 27
Mana: 26
Perception: 31

Next up was his Skills.

[Thrust] had Levelled up a staggering three times, making it Level seven. Just a few more to go, and it would undergo an evolution. As to what it would become, he wasn’t certain. If it followed his Class, it meant he would have the choice of something cavalry, or even shadow related.

However, whatever it was going to be, it was destined to become an Uncommon Skill. Leaps in Skill rarity were only rumoured, never to be seen. But that didn’t matter to Noah. He was just happy at any strength increase, and from his most used ability–it was going to be a welcome addition.

His two fishing Skills had also received two Level ups. [Powered Reel] and [Fatal Attraction]. The former made it easier to pull in, and battle stronger fish. And the latter made them more attracted to his bait. Each of them, although just a small increase, was still noticeable after he had fished for so long.

Noah took out a handful of Skill Essences, and Pathstones he had received during his fishing time. Most were of the Common rarity. Skill Essences such as; [Steady Hands], [Forceful Pull], [Increased Vision], and [Patience]. He obtained a couple Uncommon Skills, but none of them were of use to him.

He received a few basic Pathstones which were of course just plus one to Stats like Strength. But he had obtained a Rare one that would hopefully gain him quite a lot of Grace Coins.

[Archer’s Arms]: The pathstone of a talented archer. A user that follows the path of the bow, to use it, one first needs a powerful base. Arms and back. Both are essential to taking a life from distance.
| Stats per Level: +1 Dex, +2 Str.
| Damage with bows is increased by 10%.

It was an upgraded form of the Dexterity Pathstones. It was nice, but Noah had no use for it. It would grant him an extra point in strength, but he would lose out on the Willpower points–which he desperately needed for the rest of his Skills.

Placing it with his pocket like the others, he gazed out into the water. He was becoming more sensitive to the nature of the fish, so even a small increase was visible–just like his strength–or the lack thereof.

Being away from Krall, Noah was vastly weaker than he was with him. [Monster Allegiance] was truly his greatest form of power, and without it, he felt lacking. He had struggled greatly with the attacking fish, and the many wounds on his body only made him more aware of his vulnerability. If he didn’t have Krall, entering this dungeon would be impossible.

But more than that–he missed him. Krall hadn’t come to find him, not even once. That meant the kobolds were still hiding within their fort. But more importantly, no humans had yet to enter the dungeon. It most likely meant they were met with fierce resistance and had still not managed to penetrate into the cave. Either that, or they deemed it not worth the risk.

Whatever it was, he was still alone.

Noah shifted his thoughts back to the kobolds. Although he had no way of knowing how much food they had in their supply, it couldn’t have been more with Noah’s endless supply of fish. He just hoped their strength suffered, or more than that, they had gone insane with hunger.

There was only one way of knowing. Packing up some of the Rare fish for Krall, Noah left his fishing spot, and sauntered toward the glowing fort in the distance.


“Great Azug!” Kerabor dashed through the hall in desperation. Behind him were a dangerous clamour of hissing, shouting, and screaming. But that wasn’t all, the sound of weapons clashing tinkered in his sensitive ears.

The horde were fighting each-other. Not only that, but they weren’t afraid to kill one another. All for a few morsels of flesh.

It wasn’t only the horde that was hungry. Kerabor cradled his stomach as it rumbled deep within. One day and a half, and he hadn’t had a single scrap to eat. He was becoming weak, and if not for his smart mind, may have succumbed to the violent tendencies just like the horde were now undergoing.

Hunger was not to be trifled with. Especially with beast races. Kerabor had learnt that the hard way.

Springing the doors open, the once great image of Azug, was now ruined within his mind. His once grandeur stature was hunched over, scraping the floors with his sharpened claws. An incessant mumble left his mouth like indistinct chatter.

It was only when Kerabor reached closer did he understand what he was mumbling.

“The words of power, where are they? Where is it? I must have it. I must evolve into something greater. Awaken my bloodline–I must.” Azug scampered along the floor, then smashed his fists into the floor like a jackhammer. Tiles splintered under his might, but Kerabor could see that he had weakened.

“Great Azug.” Kerabor lowered his voice, yet he was still ignored. Another bang resounded out from the courtyard of the fort. Most likely, another kobold was dead.

Looking at Azug, Kerabor’s patience was lessening. The hunger sent a painful pang within his stomach, causing his brows to knot into a frown.

“Azug!” Kerabor screamed.

Finally, Azug broke free from his insanity, and looked around at the destruction he had caused.

“What?” He spat.

“The horde,” Kerabor continued. “They are starving and–” Kerabor couldn’t even finish when another crash blasted into the courtyard, it was far louder than all the other times from before. “They are fighting each-other, killing each-other! We need to put a stop to this and hunt down the human with whatever power of the horde we still have left!”

“You are smart, Kerabor. Brains blessed by the Arangor, but you still don’t get it–do you?” Azug stood tall, hints of his grandeur reappearing. Kerabor perked his attention. “Without the word of power, we will remain here for the rest of our lives. This is our punishment for remaining weak. Don’t you see?” A look of manic trembled within his fiery gaze.

At the words, Kerabor’s hope of seeing the might of Azug was dashed. Instead, something else took its place.

“Azug, it is you who doesn’t understand.” Kerabor combated the timidness within himself as he stood up to the mighty Azug. Puffing up his chest, he continued. “Can’t you see this is a trial given from the Arangor? They are testing you. The human is the target. It is obvious he is the one that knows where the word of power is hidden. Why else would he be here?”

Azug’s face turned from wrath, to that of profound understanding. He nodded repeatedly. “Yes. A trial from the Arangor. That must be it. That’s why I haven’t found it yet. Kerabor, you are a genius. I was right to have you as my second in command.”

Azug walked from side-to-side in excitement. It was only then that he grabbed his stomach, and seethed in pain. He couldn’t remember the last time he had something to eat, or drink. Nausea took over him and he stumbled.

“Great Azug!” Kerabor stepped forward, but Azug growled at him.

“I’m fine, just get me something to eat and–” Before he could finish his words, another crash echoed in from the courtyard. It resulted in sharp hisses from the horde which only meant one thing. Death.

A member of the horde dashed into the hall, blood spilled from his many wounds as he forced out words from his seeping red mouth. “The prisoners have escaped. They managed to get their hands on weapons and armour.”

“And the lowest floor?” Kerabor said, urgence was stricken across his face. They were amongst the most dangerous of prisoners, along with Yorg. If they had gotten out, then it didn’t bode well.

“Escaped. Someone has let them out.” The kobold said in pain.

“Fools!” Azug screamed as he smashed his foot against the floor. “Hundreds of you can’t even guard a prison!”

“We are starving, with no water. No leader to lead us into battle, what do you expect?” The kobold lashed out, his eyes hazing over with red.

Azug blasted forward, crushing the tiles underneath in the process, and latched his hand around the kobolds throat. With a twitch of his hand, a snap resounded throughout the hallway.

“Here’s another order,” Azug snapped his vision onto Kerabor. “Use everything we have to find the human, and bring him to me alive. Whether he has no hands, arms, or legs– it matters not. As long as he has a breath in his throat, you bring him to me. Do you hear?”

Kerabor gulped and nodded. “I hear you, Great Azug.” He sprinted into the courtyard, and the moment he opened his mouth, death stared at him.

Four shrouded eyes looked at him from the abyss. He knew it in his heart–he was going to die.



Why is Strength higher than Willpower? Considering MC stat choices it shouldn't be the case.


Thanks for the chapter!