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Azug was pacing around in the make-shift throne room. It wasn’t initially meant to be, but rather the fort was used as a strategic place. Once used as a stronghold, it is now only used to house grain.

“Where is it–” Azug repeatedly mumbled under his breath. He had ordered this invasion because there were rumours about a word of power hidden behind these walls, but with hundreds of kobolds searching, it still remained undetected.

No, was it even here in the first place?

“Master Azug!” Kerabor rushed into the throneroom, if he could sweat, it would already be dripping enough to fill a bucket.

“Have you discovered the word of power yet?” Azug spun on his heels and lashed out in a venomous shout.

Kerabor flinched. “Not yet master.”

“Then what?”

“The darksighters have brought back word,” Kerabor said, then gulped. “Yorg has been defeated.”

“Yorg–defeated?” Azug grumbled. Although the corrupted beast wasn’t on his level, he did manage to put up a good fight when he first arrived into the fort. He had even received a small cut from his un-ground nails.

He would have killed the kobold named Yorg if it wasn’t for his usefulness. Or well, if a meatshield could be counted as such.

It meant that the invader was at least capable of injuring him, even if slightly. It was clear they were capable if they managed to escape not only the darksighter’s chase, but were able to defeat Yorg.

“So many died,” He hissed and approached Kerabor. He lowered his shoulders, and pinched Kerabor’s jaw. “Don’t tell me we have no information on this invader, Kerabor?”

Kerabor’s eyes shifted everywhere but in front of him. “We do. It is a human. He relies on the shadows just like the darksighters, but he runs amok on the back of a deadly beast larger than even Yorg. The human charges out from the shadows in a deadly attack to reap the life of the strongest, and by that time, it is already too late for the rest.”

Azug stood up and nodded. “Command the rest of the force to fall back within the fort grounds. We will hold it until he starves, or until he loses his patience, and charges to his death.”

“But master, we can hunt him down,” Kerabor said, finding courage. “If we swarm him with numbers, no being can escape your might.”

“And risk him stealing my word of power?” Azug’s shout rumbled against the walls. “No, it’s just what he wants. Yes, he wants to steal my word of power. I can feel it. That’s why he is here.” His last words almost turned inaudible to Kerabor as his lord mumbled under his breath.

Azug paced back and forth. “Where is the word of power? Is it not here?”

“Your wish is my command, my lord.” Kerabor grit his teeth and nodded.

As he left the hall, Kerabor couldn’t help but feel it was a bad idea. He was smart. His mind was telling him to hunt the human with every piece of flesh that Azug held at command.

Kerabor thought about the word of power. It clearly didn’t exist here, yet Azug’s mind had turned into a jumbled mess.

He entered the courtyard and held his head high. “Orders of Azug!” he yelled. “All troops to fall back behind the walls, we will let the demon come to us!”

The horde yelled in a powered frenzy.


You defeated a - Level 39 - Kobold Monstrosity.

| Extra experience is rewarded for fighting an enemy above your level!

You have Levelled up!
| Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 30 -> Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 31

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.
| Krall level 30 -> Krall level 31

Skills have Levelled up!

You are being watched.

| Ekralo the Beast Tamer has sponsored you.

| Grace coins added.

| Lenid, the Monster Slayer has sponsored you.
| Grace coins added.
| Milio, the Joyful Demon has sponsored you.
| Grace coins added.
| Uncommon health potion added.

A new addition, welcome to the gang. Noah groaned in pain.

Most of his Skills had Levelled up, well, those of lower rarity’s, anyway. [Thrust] had Levelled up to four, which meant he was almost halfway to evolving it into the next stage.

Because of the harsh fight, even the rarer Skills had received a jump up in experience. Namely [Monstrous Allegiance], [Overpower], and [Shadowed Presence].

Ignoring the searing pain coming from his throat, Noah’s sight turned to normal. In front of him, thanks to the push from Krall, was an Uncommon Skill Essence, and an Epic Pathstone shard.

The shard, unlike the one he obtained near the beginning, was larger than before. In size, it was about three times as big as the first shard he had received. It reminded him of a pie chart, by his estimation, he still had a third to receive.

Taking out his previous shard, Noah placed them together in an attempt to make out the image of the hopefully soon to be Pathstone. However, it was just a jumbled mess. It was impossible to gain an understanding of what it meant to be with what he currently had. The fact that his pieces didn't even join together made it even more difficult.

But, he was making progress. Soon, he would have a full Epic Pathstone. Crossing his fingers, he just hoped it was one capable of upgrading his current Pathstones.

He then moved onto the Uncommon Skill Essence he had obtained from the arduous fight with Yorg.

You have obtained the Uncommon Strength Skill Essence - Beastly Aegis: This Skill is for those who desire a more primal durability, one that comes from the monsters they face, or a link from their tamed beast. Linking with your tamed beast, transform your shield arm’s muscles, and Imbue your shield with the mighty defence of your tamed companion.

Beastly Aegis? Noah had only seen it a handful of times, but it was often a skill brought forth by desperation. Any Skills with beast, monster, or demon in it brought an inherent risk involved. They had the possibility of warping one’s mind into that of the corresponding monster. Although low rarity forms of the Skill only enabled one to transform an arm for example, it often had side-effects.

Once one took the form of a monster, no matter how little it was, it would have an effect over one's mind as time passed by. Some were able to deal with it better than others, like those who had a powerful Willpower Pathstone.

Noah recalled someone named Voldan that was rumoured to have an Epic Willpower Pathstone. With that, he relied on powerful monster morphing, undergoing the form of a dominant lycanthrope.

However, Noah wasn’t afraid to take the risks. With his bonuses to Will and the Titles he received so far with the extra Stat points, it made it less daunting of a choice. Besides, if he wanted to make it out of here alive, he needed the extra defence. Thinking of what would happen later was a luxury he couldn’t afford.

Besides, the Skill only transformed his muscles, so it couldn’t be that bad–so he accepted it.

You have gained the Uncommon Strength Skill Essence - Beastly Aegis.

With the warmth of the Skill entering his body, and the brand of how to use it imprinted within his mind, he called upon the Skill.

Something clicked within his mind, something monstrous. He had a primal desire to hunt, but it only lasted less than a second. Like a candle flame being extinguished. What was left was a deep strength that filled his left arm.

The warmth from obtaining the Skill turned into a heat that reminded him of a strong friction burn. It seeped all the way through his body, but then it dissipated. It was as if he had lost control of the Skill.

It’s like [Overpower]. Noah noted. If he was distracted, or if something interrupted the process, the power would fizzle out into nothing. It was simply a waste of energy.

However, unlike with [Overpower], it was more difficult to control. Which was strange considering one was Uncommon, and the other was Rare. However, it made sense. [Overpower] although it was Uncommon, was just a common Strength Pathstone Skill. [Beastly Aegis] on the other hand, was obviously of the Might Path, or maybe even part of his Phantom Lancer Path.

Trying again, the muscles underneath expanded the flesh, causing his forearm to grow by almost half.

Noah grabbed hold of Yorg’s ankle, and with the new-found strength, threw him into the air. His body continued until it crashed against a tree.

Startled at the strength, he was confused. He felt a vague connection from Krall as he used the Skill, as if it was coming from him. Noah looked at the Skill description once more and noted where it said …Linking with your tamed beast

It must have some form of connection to Krall. Noah thought. But that just made him descend further. He recalled Ekralo’s letter back when he completed the area mission. He had told him to gain an understanding into the mind of Krall, and he remembered the sensation when he was about to die under Yorg’s grip. Something was calling out to him within the deep recesses of Krall’s mind.

He was almost there. Just a little more, and he would uncover this so-called Expansion/Cultivation system that he mentioned. Or it could be something else entirely. Noah sighed, but he was ecstatic on the inside. It was one of the reasons he volunteered in the first place. Exploration, and adventure. He couldn’t wait to uncover all the mysteries.

Thinking about mysteries, Noah’s mind travelled to the monster he had just killed. Yorg had the alien-like black tattoos, whereas Noah had gained the strengthened muscles from Krall. He wondered if it was the same Skill, or if the black tattoos were something else entirely compared to [Beastly Aegis]. Of course, all he could do was guess. The System was boundless, and there were forever going to be things he didn’t know about. All he could do was experiment, and find out about them as time passed.

The strength increase was only a side-effect of the increased muscles, now it was time for the main event. He placed further energy into the Skill, and forced it from his arm, into the shield. He could feel a faint connection with the shield, then a change started to take place. Rough armoured scales that looked almost identical to Krall’s formed on the shield. Glancing his fingers across them, then smashing it with his mace, he could feel the hardness of it.

Noah was about to set off, when he noticed an eyeball floating high up above the tree-line. It was flying; it was watching him.

Are you entertained? Noah wiped the blood from his lips, then regulated his breathing to hear anything in the distance. To his surprise–there was nothing. No chirping of birds, no scuttling of beasts, not even the hissing from nearby kobold parties. It was dead quiet.

The only thing that changed was a flickering in the far distance. The fort glowed in an orange hue and shadows of kobolds danced against the thick stone wall.

Have they retreated? Noah massaged his throat. Tying a bandage around his neck, his thoughts turned to his newly gained Skill.

It was all fine using it right now, away from prying eyes, but if–when he left the dungeon, he would need to keep it a secret. He needed to hold some trump cards, for when he was threatened with a knife to his back. No, it couldn’t be called treachery, for he knew it would happen.

That makes it an attack, not betrayal. Noah chuckled, then spat out the remnants of blood from his wounded mouth.

Noticing that the kobolds had retreated, Noah skulked further toward the fort once he had recovered from his wounds. Once he arrived, he took off the bandage from his neck as the bruising wound had mostly recovered.

Now that he was closer, he could hear the fervent screams, and hissing from the kobolds. He grimaced. Just by the booming sound of them, it was evident he was way out of his current league. By his estimate–there were hundreds of the scaley bastards.

Noah spent another couple hours stalking the surroundings of the fort, looking for any way to get in–and he did. It was a sewer that was hidden by matted bushes. He was only able to find it because of the sound of trickling water.

He was interested in entering, but one of Mile’s strategic rules poked at his thoughts.

“Rule #82: Sieging is a last resort. There are many ways to flush an enemy from their hiding. Fire, catapult assault–but the one method for sure fire victory is time. Cut off their trade supplies, then starve them to death.”

Okay Miles, I’ll give your plan a shot. Noah tapped on Krall’s back. Let’s wait the bastards out. Let them gnaw on each other's bones.

Krall looked at his master with a side glance. He nodded his head.

Noah didn’t know why they would hide within their fort considering their numbers, but he just had to wait for an opening. Of course, he didn’t plan on not doing anything.

There were Levels to obtain.



Thanks for the chapter!