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The foul stench covered him and Krall head-to-toe. It was clear the monster was expecting a human, and not a pile of monster faeces. He just hoped the suffering would be worth it.

He placed his sword in an open area, close to where he planned his attack from. After doing that, Noah retreated into a shadowed outcrop of massive boulders.

Noah just hoped that the monster could detect the remnant smell of his skin on the weapon, and approach him in haste.

It seemed the monster was more foolhardy than even himself. There was no worry in its mind about it walking into a trap. It just meant the monster was supremely confident in his own capabilities, at least within this dungeon, or it was simply stupid.

Noah decided to lean on the former.

The monster stomped into view. It was a kobold of gigantic proportions, standing at around a presumed seven-feet tall. But he ignored the savage appearance of the creature’s face and focused on the black, squirming tattoos that covered its body like a spectral armour.

Level ?? - Totemic Kobold.

Totemic? Noah didn’t know what it meant, but he prepared himself.

As it approached, Noah could feel the difference in might it had compared to the other kobolds he had faced before. It was on an entirely different level. The fact that it was currently hulking along a tree was evidence enough. With a heavy focus on Strength, it dropped the tree trunk, and it stopped over the blade. He lifted it to take a deep sniff of the handle, but Noah moved. It was time.

Noah used all the Skills at his disposal as he shot forward like a ball leaving its barrel. Thanks to the shadows that emerged from him as the base, his body was shrouded even out of the safe darkness behind him.

He charged forward, but the monster wasn’t as dumb as he thought. Unlike what its body led Noah to believe, it rolled out the way, the distance was enough, forcing Krall to turn his body to attack again.

However, it had given the monster enough time to prepare itself. It grabbed a handful of rocks in both hands and threw them at Noah.

Raising his shield, and Krall lowering his head, the rocks clashed against them, then shattered into fragments. Noah could feel the intense weight behind the hit, but it wasn’t something that would make him cower.

No, his blood boiled at the challenge. The monster didn’t appear to be the boss of this dungeon, so that meant there were even bigger threats within.

He took a breath and rapidly approached the hulking beast. The ground underneath Krall’s feet trembled and spat out dirt into the surroundings.

Noah, whether or not it was his combat experience coming into play, but he detected a hint of mischief within the kobolds eye.

Two can play at that game. Noah spat and just as he was about to stab his spear forward, Krall faked a step to the side from his command. Noah activated his Skills, and threw the spear with all his might just as the monster had moved in preparation for a stab. But a stab never came, instead, the spear shot out of Noah’s arm like a ballistae, straight into its massive chest with a wet thud.

He expected the monster to be killed outright, but when the System notification didn’t ring, Noah didn’t waste a single second as he retreated back, and equipped his bow.

“This is a good game!” The monster grabbed the spear, then pulled it out. “My name is Yorg, and I will feast upon your flesh.” His eyes turned savage at the same time the black marks around his body congregated around his arm.

With a powerful grunt, he threw the spear forward. It travelled so fast that Noah could barely react in time. He shifted his head as the blade sliced past his cheek. It struck the tree behind him, only for it to continue passing until he could no longer see it.

Just with that move alone, Noah could tell the monster had equal, or greater Strength than he did. A trickle of red dripped down his cheek.

“This isn’t a game you can win.” Noah ignored the dripping blood from his face and snarled at the monster. Krall let out a rumbling roar. Spittle flew from his mouth, but the kobold named Yorg seemed unfazed. Unbothered by both the wound bored through his chest, and the beastly roar.

Yorg sniffed the air. “I smell kobold–”

Noah didn’t plan on conversing with the monster. He didn’t care what it had to say, he just wanted it dead. Sprinting behind a tree out of sight, they awaited the reckless charge of Yorg. He didn’t have to wait long before the monster chased after him.

Not even a wound of that magnitude can stop it? Noah thought, but he quickly focused. Now wasn’t the time to be amazed at its mighty body.

He used [Shadowed Presence]. The shadows surged outward like a tide with him as the centre. It was then that Yorg appeared, but the monster didn’t know where to look.

It was only when Noah opened his eyes did the large kobold notice his presence. Of course, it was too late. Krall [Charged] forward, and before scales met with hardened hide, he reared up onto his back legs, and slammed his fist against Yorg’s skull.

Using [Unbreakable Reins], Noah stood up just behind Krall’s shoulders, and fired a powered arrow. It shot into the soft eye of Yorg as he yelled out in pain. The yell turned into a crazed laughter as Krall landed another punch.

Yorg replied by latching his hands around Krall and thrusting his head against Krall’s. The resounding thud caused Noah to flinch. Blood splattered, but Krall was not to be bested. Noah could feel a stubborn sense of pride well up within him. It was the same feeling as sibling rivalry. He didn’t want to be bested by something of the same blood.

His consciousness wouldn’t allow it. A monstrous look flashed within Krall’s eyes as he bit down on the face of Yorg. Repeatedly. Blood splashed like a fish in water.

Noah continued to fire at the mangled face below.

For the first time, Yorg realised the trouble he was in. Taking a deep breath, the tattoos swirled around his body like a living armour. His eyes changed to that of a deep purple as he slammed his injured face against Krall once more. This time, however, was different.

Krall was blasted backwards from the brutal impact. Noah wasn’t expecting the sudden increase in speed and strength.

Yorg blasted forward, sending the soil around him in a splattering chaos. His fist slammed into the barely recovered Krall, sending the beast, and rider, careening into the forest floor. Noah felt a snap, followed by an intense pain from his ribs–but he ignored it as earth entered his mouth.

Dragging his massive hand against the earth, Krall managed to stabilise himself, but the monstrous kobold was already in front of them.

Noah grit his teeth and powered up his body with [Overpower]. He swung his mace in a wide arc. It collided against Yorg’s fist, but the massive recoil surged up his arm. He ignored the uncomfortable sensation and decided to pull back.

He no longer had any arrows, so it meant that he was forced into a battle of attrition. Krall, with his massive body, darted into the shadows.

Yorg chased, but with the shadows spurting out of Noah’s body, it was difficult to keep track of him.

As they passed by a tree, Noah hopped off his mount's back without a moment's hesitation. His footsteps, unlike Krall’s, were impossible to make out with all the other roars, and stomping. He made sure Krall was in the vicinity to receive the [Monster’s Allegiance] buff.

Gracefully landing, he filled his arms with the strength of [Overpower], and swung his mace toward the beasts ankled.

He felt resistance, then the sound of a crack entered his heightened ears.Yorg roared. Loud enough to almost split his eardrums. Not wanting to risk being in front of the incensed monster, Noah skulked back into the shadows where he belonged.

Only a second later, Noah reappeared on the back of Krall in a devastating [Charge]. His arm filled with [Overpower], and Krall strengthened with [Kill Commands], they attacked at the same time.

Noah aimed for the left side of Yorg’s skull, white Krall aimed for the right.

Yorg managed to block Krall’s hit with his arm, but Noah’s attack struck. With a crack, his skull was split open.

Noah’s eyes tightened at Yorg’s still conscious gaze. Krall emitted a monstrous roar, and slammed his skull into the arrow that had previously penetrated the kobolds eye. The impact caused the arrow to penetrate further in, and finally, the kobold named Yorg fell to the floor.

There was no System notification.

The mounted tamer’s eyes snapped wide as Yorg’s arm reached for him like a phantom image. It looked like a purplish-black trail followed the monstrous arm before it latched around his throat. It ripped him from the [Unbreakable Reins], causing his body to dangle in the air. That wasn’t all, with its free hand, it pummelling Noah’s shield arm with relentless blows.

Krall’s entire body filled with an intense, primal anger. His entire body loomed onto Yorg as his claws and teeth raked the monster apart.

Noah’s vision turned hazy. The strength around his throat was too much to bear. Only a muted choking left whatever gaps there were in his windpipes as he desperately held up his shield.

His vision landed on Krall, his frenzied desperation to free him filled Noah with something. Something beastly. Something monstrous.

Strength returned back to his arms and legs as he thrashed around like a monstrous fish that was caught. He dug his fingernails into Yorg’s flesh. He attempted to bite, attack, scratch–anything to set him free.

A few minutes later, Noah should have succumbed to the titanic grip of Yorg. He could feel the intensity from Krall like a brand within his mind as he hung on in desperation. Something within Krall’s mind was shouting out at him, but there was also something deeper within. It was calling out to him, but he couldn’t grasp the sensation.

Yorg’s grip lessened. Noah gasped for air as he coughed and spluttered. However, his body was overcome by a strange adrenaline that was far greater than all the previous times combined.

He walked up to Yorg and stomped on his skull. Again, and again. Until the already cracked bone turned to mush.

Noah didn’t know how long had passed, but the sparkle of green, and purple, awoke him from his slumber. Krall, although injured, nudged his master forward.



And caught up. Great book, loving the story so far. Only issue is the items he has, skill and levels need to be tracked better. Looking forward his rewards next chapter! I signed up to your patreon for this story.