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You have obtained an Uncommon Dexterity Pathstone - Monstrous Agility: From your time spent with your tamed monster, and fighting the monstrous races, you have learned how they move.

| Stats per Level: Dex +1, Will +1.

Unfortunately it wasn’t of Rare quality. If it was, he would have received a percentage boost to the Skills under whatever counted as Monstrous Agility. But now that he had the new Pathstone, it enabled his other Skills to evolve into whatever the path was.

Would [False Step] evolve to [Monstrous Step] at Stage 2? He wasn’t sure, but he couldn't wait to find out.

Just as he thought that was it, another green light sparkled into existence. When it rains, it pours. Noah smiled.

This time it was a Skill Essence. It had the image of a wolf's head, and some squiggly lines radiating from its head. He grabbed it.

You have obtained an Uncommon Dexterity Skill Essence - Hunting Instincts: From your close proximity of fighting alongside a tamed monster, your body is changing. Increases the body's natural instincts to that of a keen beast. Smell, hearing, and minor danger awareness will be increased.

It was a Skill he sorely needed. He should have received something like it a while ago, even if it was just a Common variation, but it was better late than never.

At first he was concerned about it being a waste considering his Perception Stat was one of his lowest, but with the added Stats from World First Titles, and the big boost from [Monster Allegiance], his worry was no more.

Accepting the Skill, the warmth surged into his head.

You have gained the Uncommon Dexterity Skill Essence - Hunting Instincts.

The world was practically changed in an instant. The smells in the surroundings had undergone a sharp increase. The plants were pungent, and he could make out every individual scent as if they were entering his nose like a trail of waiting patients.

The smell of pungent metallic copper wafting into his senses like a phantom. Was this what the beasts were experiencing all this time? Noah thought in wonder.

But that wasn’t all. Along with the supernatural increase of his sense of smell, there was the added hearing. He could practically hear the thumping of Krall’s strong heartbeat rattle against his ribcage.

From [Monster Allegiance], that meant he currently had seventy-five percent of Krall’s beast-like Perception. Of course it wouldn’t be compared to that of a natural predator like a feline, or wolf, but it was nothing to be sniffed at.

He thought that there would have been an increase to sight, but he guessed that it was an addition to the Rare variant of the Skill. Well, no matter. It was already more than he could have hoped for obtaining the Uncommon Skill Essence.

Next up was his tamer mission.

Tier 3 taming mission.
| Mounted Class mission.

| Shadow Assault III - Kill 43/100 monsters above level 25 with your tamed monster within 5 seconds of exiting stealth. Gain 24/50 riding hours.

| Reward: Uncommon Weapon. Uncommon Pet stimulants x5. Rare Health Potion x1.

His progress was coming along nicely, but the sheer amount of riding hours he had to still accumulate was exhausting. He just hoped the next mission was something more difficulty based, like defeating a challenge monster. If that was the case, he could finish the mission in one fell swoop. There was also a World First Title to obtain.

Well, it was something to focus on when the time came but for now–he had to move.

With the new smell he was granted by [Hunting Instincts], he now knew exactly how pungent the smell of blood was. And judging by the distant ruffle of leaves, it wouldn’t be long before another party of monsters arrived wanting a taste of his flesh.

He mounted Krall and set off in the opposite direction of the incoming thud of monsters.


Yorg approached the thick stench of blood. The entire forest was covered in it. He couldn’t help but lick his lips.

Walking past a tree, the sight of corpses lay strewn about on the floor made him chuckle. It seemed that the invader was stronger than he had anticipated. But it didn’t matter, it made the game all the more fun.

There was nothing he hated more than an easy game. Just like the boring humans from the assault on the fort. It was over before they could even think properly. However, the fact that it was only the screams of metallic men and women made him dissatisfied. He was hoping there were at least a few elite clothed humans to play around with. To eat. He enjoyed the magical ones with more power.

He was forced to satiate himself with the Horde–as disgusting as they were–they filled his belly. Of course, he was then forced into the dungeons, but it was worth it. Maybe.

Yorg shook his head, then sniffed. It had a nice smell. Something–human. Even more than that, there wasn’t a stench of metal this time.

Chattering his teeth, he grabbed hold of the nearby small tree, and pulled. It cracked and warped under the pressure. A few moments later, he had uprooted the entire tree from its earthen home. He then snapped off its branches and swung it around. It swished through the air, just like an oversized bat.

“Come out and play, human.” Yorg laughed and walked further into the jungle.


You have reached an Uncommon Fishing area.

Noah stopped in front of a large pool of water. It was in a nice location–as nice as he could find within this so-called cave anyway.

Hidden by thick foliage, and under a hill, it was a decent place to kick back and fish. Or so his plan was, but the fish in the pool had other ideas. Of course they weren’t nice goldfish, but rather small snapping sharks that wanted to take his hand off.

Well it made it easy to interact with them since they were so clearly on the extroverted side.

Casting his rod with some nearby gained bait, the snapping sharks snapped onto his line in an instant. He pulled, but he realised something. Not from a flash of inspiration or anything, but because the moment the fish clamped down onto his bait, the line snapped.

Noah frowned. The fishing line he had was decent, but it was clearly not enough to endure the higher Levelled beings within this cave. His facial expression was followed by a sigh. Professions were difficult.

He could kill things with his hands to Level up, but Professions were different. He needed to upgrade his tools based on the Level of fish he was trying to catch. And that meant spending a lot of his hard earned Grace Coins.

From the exorbitant expense that his house had cost him, he was left with over one-thousand Coins.

Noah sifted through the Grace Shop and stopped on two fishing rods. One was more general use, the other, well, it had certain conditions.

Grace Coins: 1000 - Level 20 Common Sturdy Fishing-Rod: A fishing rod capable of fishing monsters from Level 0-30.

Grace Coins: 1000 - Level 20 Uncommon Deep Fishing-Rod: A fishing rod that is restricted to being used for fishing dungeon monsters from Level 0-45.
| Grants minor increase to catching rate of dungeon fish.
| +5 added Will, +3 added Str.

It was the same price purely based on the extra condition that it could only be used within a dungeon. However, the fact that the darksighters were Level thirty-five made him pick the latter choice.

He wouldn't be able to fish outside, but he had to make use of the Fishing Area while he could. They weren’t easy to come by, after all.

You have obtained the Uncommon Deep Fishing-Rod.

In front of Noah, a black fishing rod adorned with bone fell down. Catching it, he gave it an admiring glance before casting it outward.

The moment the snapping monster took the bait, he could feel the immediate difference in the ability of the rod.

Noah planted his feet against a solid rock as he pulled against the high strength of the beast. However, he was being pulled forward. His brows rose in surprise at the strength of the beast and because of the pitch black water, he couldn’t see it. Even with his Class granted dark-vision.

Huffing and puffing, Noah continued to pull, and after a few gruelling minutes, a fin appeared at the surface of the water.

“Krall, throw rocks at the damned thing!” Noah shouted through gritted teeth.

Krall was quick to act. He grabbed a handful of boulders and hefted them into the water. A radiant splash splattered water into the surrounding areas, but it only made the monster thrash even more in an attempt to break free.

But Noah didn’t let go. He had the added strength of his companion alongside his own coursing through his body, it was enough to battle the monster. Barely.

In the next few minutes, the monster was riddled with surface wounds from the incoming rocks. More than that however, was the fatigue it held within its body. Finally, with a final pull, he yanked the fishy monster onto land.

Level ?? - Vanguard Shark.

It was like a shark, but more humanoid. With four legs, it shot toward him.

Noah was quick to brandish his spear as he had it by his side at the ready. But so was Krall. His companion swung his fist, and it crashed into the opened maw of the beast.

It latched down, teeth managing to sink into Krall’s flesh in between his armoured plates.

Noah [Thrusted] his spear into the beast's neck–forcing it to let go of its powerful clamp. It tried to scamper back toward the water, but Krall grabbed hold of its powerful tail, and hefted it above him like a massive two-handed weapon. Growling, he slammed it onto the floor with a resounding thud.

The monster snarled, but before it could recover from the trauma of having its body slammed against the hard ground, Noah used [Overpower]. With strength radiating within his arms, his spear snapped forward, and bore through its chest.

Congratulations, you caught a Rare Grade Fish!

| Extra experience is rewarded for catching a fish above your current Fishing Level.

You defeated a - Level 32 Vanguard Shark.
| Extra experience is rewarded for fighting an enemy above your level!

Your Fishing Profession has Levelled up!
| Fishing Level 16 -> Fishing Level 19

[Powered Reel] has reached the peak of Level 1.
| [Powered Reel] Level 1 -> [Powered Reel] Level 2
| [Powered Reel] Level 2: Ease and speed of reeling in strong fish is minimally increased.

Noah wiped the sweat from his forehead in satisfaction at his victory. Three Fishing Levels meant three extra points toward Strength and Willpower.

Thinking of his Stats, he was curious as to how they were looking currently.

Name: Noah - level 30
Race: [F] Human
Title: Volunteer, Kobold Hunter, Trailblazing Tamer, Path of Greatness, Level 10 Vanguard, Lone Completionist, Fishing Enthusiast, Giant Slayer, Solo Spearhead, Dangerous Fishing

Tamed Monsters: Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle - level 30

1st Pathstone: [ Monstrous Agility ]
Skill: Mounted Combat - Level 3
Skill: False Step - Level 3
Skill: Shrouded Presence - Level 2
Skill: Power Shot - Level 1
Skill: Hunting Instincts - Level 1

2nd Pathstone: [ Might ]
Skill: Thrust - Level 4
Skill: Strengthened Body - Level 3
Skill: Overpower  - Level 2
Skill: Charge - Level 3

3rd Pathstone: [ Attacking Tamer ]
Skill: Monstrous Allegiance - Level 2
Skill: Tamer’s Bond - Level 3
Skill: Kill Command - Level 3
Skill: Unbreakable Reins - Level 3

Path: [ Phantom Lancer ]

Bloodline: [ Locked ]

Profession: [ Colossal Fishing, Level 16 ]
Skill: Powered Reel - Level 1
Skill: Fish Eyes - Level 1
Skill: Monster’s Delight - Level 1
Skill: Fatal Attraction - Level 1

Basic Skills:

Weapon specialist - level 4
Boxing - level 2
Identify - level 2
Pickpocketing - level 2
Intimidation - level 2
Sneaking - level 3
Animal Taming - level 4
Shield Proficiency - Level 1
Spear Proficiency - Level 2

Strength: 118
Dexterity: 64
Constitution: 83
Willpower: 106
Magic: 30
Mana: 29
Perception: 34

Grace Coins: 408

Stats per level:

Dex 1
Str 4
Con 2
Will 4

Krall’s sight was locked onto the dead fish. As if he could sense the power boost he would receive from eating it thanks to [Monster’s Delight]. Noah recalled the last time he had eaten the fish. He not only received the boost from the Skill, but he had become happier as well.

Well, Noah was the same whenever he something good to eat.

Noah nodded, and Krall wasted no time in devouring the shark.

Your tamed monster has consumed the Vanguard Shark.
| Strength is increased by 15 for three hours.
| [Monster’s Delight] has activated!
| Granting buff based on the Vanguard Shark.
| Muscle density increased by 15%.

Noah, the moment he smelled something off in the distance, cancelled the System immediately. Something that reeked was approaching, then came the sounds. Stomp after stomp, they made no intention of making themselves hidden at all.

Then, its voice boomed throughout the forest. “Human, let’s play a game. You hide, and I try to find you. If I catch you, I win.”

Grimacing at the voice, Noah was about to buy a scent tracker when he realised he no longer had enough Coins to buy it because of his recent fishing-rod purchase.

His vision drifted to a large pile of monster faeces. Damn it. Noah spat, but he had no choice. The monster was obviously strong, that much was certain. So he had to increase his chances of remaining undetected to do what he did best.

Sneak attack.



Didn't his spear go up to lvl 3 recently? Good chapter.