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Victor was beginning to hate this place, no, that wasn’t right, he was starting to hate being with these humans.

You have defeated a - Level 13 Kobold

You have levelled up!

| Victor [Harbinger of Fear] Level 13 -> Victor [Harbinger of Fear] Level 14

Victor scowled at his progress. It was too slow. He was thankful for his Epic pathstone giving him three Dex Stat points every Level, and his new Class, but… He gazed at the weaker humans within the group, they had suffered wounds from the kobold parties, and although they weren’t extremely serious–they were slowing them down considerably.

Holding his bloodied sickle, he couldn’t help but grin at his new Class.

Harbinger of Fear, it was an Epic tiered Class that he was only able to receive thanks to his Epic Pathstone. It granted strong bonuses to instant attack Skills, and after the initial attack, other boosts such as his new Class Skill…

Rare Skirmisher Skill - Fearful Assault: The first attack deals a large amount of damage, and for a few seconds (depending on Dex Stat) Fearful Assault grants a small damage bonus for the remaining time.

Back to thinking about the Humans. He wanted to leave, but he was in too deep. Besides, he saw great potential in the future of the group.

One that would prove useful in the future for attacking dungeons that were impossible solo.

Chloe seemed to have a natural talent with finding the weaknesses in enemies armour, especially with her thin, agile blade. Especially now that she had taken a life, she seemed more–mature. No longer did she mutter her incessant complaints, but now she was more reserved in her actions. Calculating.

Jake had a set of eyes that Victor liked very much. The archer wasn’t afraid to aim for the vitals, whatever or whoever he faced the moment he deemed them a threat.

There was the tank Cai, he had personally witnessed him awaken to a Rare Constitution Pathstone. Victor had half the idea to steal it from him, but it wouldn’t be a good idea. Because there was someone that even he held apprehension about.

Thraz. He was an enormous dragonborn–big by even their own standards. From what he witnessed personally on the multiversal broadcast, anyway. He alone was enough to combat against the enemy's vanguard.

Victor wasn’t certain what pathstones he had, but surely he wasn’t crazy enough to go all into Constitution. Or maybe he had two of them and just one Strength Pathstone. Whatever it was, he was an impenetrable wall.

Lastly there was Calum. Honestly, Victor didn’t rate him very highly. He wasn’t particularly exceptional with a sword, but he could at least hold his own. He was currently comforting the other members of the team–the weak, good smelling ones.

Yes, it was fear. His favourite.

Victor’s head snapped into the direction of a cracked twig, followed closely by a desperate scream. Without having to mention it, the other more trained humans, and Thraz, got into formation.

It wasn’t long before three humans broke past the tree-line, bloodies wounds marred their bodies. It wouldn’t have been a surprise, but they were coming from a certain direction. Behind their backs was the enormous pillar of light that seemed to stretch into the heavens above.

They managed to push ahead of us? Victor was amused at the thought.

Chasing them was a dark feline, of which they had encountered once before.

As soon as the beast locked eyes with them, it left without a fight. It gauged whether or not the risk was worth it and decided it wasn’t a battle it wanted to entertain.

With the beast falling back, the others collapsed to the ground heaving and panting.

“Where’s the rest of you?” Calum raised his sword in vigilance. After the event on the beach, everyone was far more alert on the hidden nature of the Otherworlders. Besides, they looked familiar, although he couldn't put his finger on it. So much had happened, so fast after all.

“We–we, they–fuck!” The man slammed the ground with his palm, only to seethe in pain as a cut opened up. “Belham wanted the World First title–so we had no choice but to head deeper within. We–” The man took a breath to calm himself down. “I think we were pretty close, but we heard an intense fight in the distance. Belham wanted to take advantage of it, so we approached.”

He had dirt and blood covering him, it almost resembled face paint. The man who talked had short hair, longer on top, and a scar was scraped along his skull–leaving a deep–bald mark.

“You headed straight for it?” Calum asked.

“Shit, we had no choice!” The man shouted. “You don’t fuck with Belham, alright? Even back on Earth he was a damn psycho. In this world, it only got worse. If we went against him, we would die.”

“Surely not?” Jake still had his arrow pointed at them.

“And what the hell do you know about him, huh?” The man spat. “I saw it with my own eyes, Daniel–” He grit his teeth, then shook his head. “We arrived at the battle, it was one huge ape, and a dinosaur looking monster. Belham said it would be easy, so he forced the others to go in first just as the monster was dealt a blow. Of course the bastard held back, he wanted us to weaken it–to test it–” The man stopped, his mouth was parched, and his lips were cracked from lack of water.

Calum grabbed hold of his canteen and threw it at his feet.

Picking it up, he gulped down huge amounts of water. Only for him to wretch and puke out what he had just consumed.

“Drink it in small sips, you’re dehydrated,” Calum reminded.

Nodding, he took in a few sips, and wiped the bile from his lips before continuing. “The beastly ape was toying with us. It had more strength hidden within its damned body. It was stronger than Belham could handle, in just a moment–it latched around his throat.” The man scrunched up his face then held his two hands outward, as if strangling the man himself. Then he let his arms drop. “But we weren’t the only ones hunting for a prize, someone jumped out of the bushes on the back of an armoured… monster–it was like he bloody leapt out from the shadows themselves!”

“Noah?” Thraz perked up at the mention of a shadow ability.

“Don’t tell me he killed it?” Jake gripped his bow until his knuckles turned white.

“Kill it?” The man scoffed. “He fucking slaughtered it in one hit.”

“What Level is he, I wonder?” Chloe dropped her head in thought.

“Whatever Level he is, he must have used Skill’s in combination with each-other,” Victor added. “Most likely focusing on a mounted, first-strike charge. Interesting.” Victor twirled the tuft of fur on his chin.

“Who cares what Level he is, it wasn’t just the monster he killed.”

“You mean?” Calum frowned.

“He killed Ron and Grace, fucking killed them in cold-blood.” The man seethed, then his eyes changed. “We were trying to help him, other monsters arrived, we said we’d hold them off so we could retreat–it was then he attacked.”

“Just like that?” Calum found it difficult to believe, after all, he could have killed Jake back at the cave’s entrance.

But then his eyes glanced at Thraz. He was right next to him at that time and based on Thraz’s honour, he wouldn’t let Noah accomplish it, even if he wanted to.

Could he have done it?

“No,” The man said, “A rare pathstone appeared; that’s why. We attempted to negotiate with him. He would get the reward he rightly earned, while we fought together to escape the beast’s entrapment. But he wouldn’t have it that way. I saw the damned look in his eyes, it was as if he wanted to silence us.”

The other two alongside him just bobbed their heads up and down like a puppet. Half too nervous to talk, or too scared.

Victor could smell it. The incredible aroma tantalised his taste buds. Fear. His hands itched.

Was what they were saying true? Victor hid his grin. No, he doubted it. It was a feeling.

“It would make sense,” Cai said.

“That’s true,” Jake added. “If it really is a Rare Pathstone, he wouldn’t be the only one to kill for it.”

“Are you saying that you would?” Chloe questioned the archer.

“If it was to protect the lives of my team, yes, I would,” Jake finally lowered his bow. “But what did Noah kill for? I’ll tell you. Blind greed. Greed for his own Strength–that’s why he goes alone, the psycho bastard.”

“He is a fucking psycho. Not only did he kill them, he took Belham’s buttons off his shirt.”

Buttons? Victor’s blood bubbled at the words. A plan was forming.

“What? Why would he do that?” Calum said, confused at the reasoning.

“I already told you, he’s a cold-blooded psychopath.” The man picked up a handful of dirt and squeezed it tight. “If we see him next, we should seriously consider killing him on sight.”

“We?” Calum shook his head. “There is no we. Let’s go.” Calum walked forward, past the three men sitting on the floor.

“What, you’re going to just abandon us?”

“If you are strong enough to run away from nearer the hub, you are strong enough to make your way back to the beaches.” Calum continued. “Besides, there’s a large survivor group there. Maybe you could rally them up and continue. It’s up to you, but I don’t trust you regardless.”

“You think I’m fucking lying?” He groaned, standing up on his feet, he glowered at the leader.

“Lying or not, it doesn’t matter,” Calum hesitated for a moment, then pointed his sword to the man’s throat. “You are compromised. It’s he said, she said. I don’t know who to believe, so I don’t trust you. It’s nothing personal.”

“Nothing personal.” The man humphed, the others climbed to their feet. The man sauntered forward, almost barging into Calum’s shoulder, but he cautiously stepped out of the way. “The names Charlie. I don’t care whether you all die, or live, but the thought of having that ‘Noah’ gain more power by killing others fills me with an unending fury. I’d just hate to see others fall, that’s all. C’mon guys.” He finished his words then travelled deeper into the jungle with the other two.

“Do you really not believe him?” Chloe walked up beside Calum.

“Fifty-fifty, you?”

“Same here.” Chloe said. “Then what’s the plan the next time we see him?”

“Be cautious as if he’s an enemy, it’s the only reasonable thing we can do.”

Chloe nodded in agreement.



Always fun to see how people lie to make themselves sound good.