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Level 16 - Tabaxi
| Level 17 - Tabaxi
| Level 14 - Tabaxi

Noah didn’t have time to make a plan of attack, but he needed to use the surroundings to his advantage. He had the high ground, and his flank on either side was covered by boulders, and razor-wire bushes.

He had the advantage, but he needed to dismount.

Leaping off the back of Krall, Noah ran, then stopped a few metres to Krall’s side.

His plan was simple–don’t allow the monsters baring their fangs at him to flank them.

The monsters approached. Each one held the same type of weapon. It was some style of home-made curved machete. Noah had no doubt about their sharpness as whatever metal that was created from glistened under the sunlight.

Their stand-up feline legs enabled them to exert more power into their lower limbs than the average human.

Bounding up the hill on all fours with their weapons strapped to their waist for quick access, the fastest one leapt straight for Noah.

Why always me first? Noah guessed it was from the visual impact that Krall had. It left a sour taste in his mouth to be considered weaker than his mount.

With his blood boiling from being looked down upon, and his ego hurt, Noah [Thrust] his spear toward its head.

He missed. Or rather, the agile tabaxi dodged the incoming spear tip despite its increased power brought forth by a Skill. Its head almost touched the ground. It dug its legs into the ground and leapt forward swinging its two-handed curved machete at the same time.

Noah decided not to block. Blocking would mean giving the monster time to ready its next attack. He didn’t want that. Instead, he ducked under the incoming blade, then snapped his knee to the beast's chest.

With his knee making contact, a sharp thud resounded in the air.

The tabaxi scowled in pain. Obviously hurt from the exchange, the beast backed off, only for the next one to make its appearance.

Noah ignored the brawl from his side and [Thrusted] his spear forward again. Just like the previous tabaxi, it dodged to the side, and swung its blade in a quick arc.

Not being able to dodge, Noah raised his shield and put trust into his current Stats, and the power the nearby Krall offered him.

A metallic clang rang out from the impact.

Noah’s shoulder slumped at the hit as he slid back a couple steps.

The two beasts were already on the attack before Noah could reposition himself. He dodged the first swing of the machete, but it put his body off balance for the next attack. Still, he blocked it with his shield, sending him tumbling to the ground.

Not wanting to give Noah a second to recover, they chased.

Noah grit his teeth and dropped his shield for a moment. Grabbing hold of a handful of dirt, he threw it in a wide arc toward the beast's faces before quickly replacing his shield.

The fine dirt scattered against their eyes. Guarding their faces, Noah [Thrusted] his spear once more. He knew he didn’t need to use [Overpower] as the beasts didn’t warrant such an attack.

The strongest tabaxi didn’t have time to dodge. The spear tip plunged into its throat, sending blood showering out as Noah pulled the blade back out.

It collapsed to the floor as the other beast took its place.

Instead of a slashing attack, the tabaxi stabbed the blade to Noah’s face.

Grabbing a tight grip around the shield’s handle, Noah smashed the blade to the side. Thankfully the impact was reduced from [Shield Proficiency], allowing him to easily manage the strength of the tabaxi.

With the beast's weapon blasted to the side, Noah grabbed his spear closer to the blade since they were in close-quarters, then [Thrusted] it into its chest.

Blood spilled, but it wasn’t enough.

Noticing the blade hadn’t met the heart, Noah dropped his spear, and latched his hands around the back of the tabaxis neck. Holding it in place, Noah thrusted his head forward, smashing the beast's nose–and face.

Red seeped down from its nose, but Noah continued. Hit-after-hit, it was clear who’s stats were higher.

The tabaxi was dazed, its eyes hazed over in a mass of confusion.

Noah’s head struck the beast once more, then he reached down and grabbed his knife, before he [Thrusting] it to the underside of the monster's throat.

Still, the monster refused to drop.

With a twist of his wrist, the wound was ripped open, and a hot stream of red followed.

Finally, the beast fell to the ground.

You defeated a - Level 16 Tabaxi.
| You defeated a - Level 17 Tabaxi.

| You defeated a - Level 14 - Tabaxi.

Experience is reduced for defeating enemies of a lower Level.

You have Levelled up!
| Noah ( Mounted Tamer ) level 20 -> Noah ( Mounted Tamer ) level 21

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.
| Krall level 20 -> Krall level 21

Vision turning to red, Noah wiped the blood from his forehead before sharply exhaling a breath. A large cut had opened up on his forehead, presumably from headbutting the solid skull of the beast.

He thought his Constitution could handle it, guess not. Not currently, anyway. Instead of wasting a potion, Noah took out one of the bandages and tied it around his head before securely tightening it in place with a knot at the back.

Noah glanced at the dead tabaxi that Krall proudly stood over with his head raised. Shaking his head, he then gazed back into the jungle where they had just come from. It was quiet.  It meant that Maera and the others had long fallen behind, their welfare unknown.

“Should we go back and check up on them buddy?” Noah said, but Krall just simply tilted his head at the question.

Noah tutted. His feet tapped the ground in annoyance.

“Ah screw it.” Noah ruffled up his hair and walked toward the jungle–away from the hub area.

He had a damned deal with them, besides, his conscience wouldn’t sit well with abandoning them in a higher Levelled area. They were probably expecting him to return and look out for them. Although with their skill and Levels from fighting the weaker monster at his flank, their safety was pretty much guaranteed near the shoreline.

But greed didn’t only appear within humans.

But the sub thirty hour reward… Noah pinched his chin, the hub area was in sight, and by his shoddy calculations, it would only take one hour to reach the area in a wild sprint.

That gave him over one hour leeway to find the princess, and make sure they were safe, before returning and handling any fights along the way.

Time was going to be tight, but it was doable.

Peter’s words entered his mind. “Remember Noah, just because it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, it doesn’t mean everyone is out to kill you. Have a little faith, and always keep in mind, you should always have the Strength to negate schemes. In this world, a pen might be more powerful than a sword, but in the Otherworld, the sword will be held by a System user.

In the future, allies are always welcome. If you can’t trust them, make it worth their while to never betray you. Whether that's a promise of rewards, Levels, or power.”

And if all else fails, use the might of the sword. Or in my instance, my spear. Noah mocked internally. You were always the optimist. Noah smirked, then placed one foot ahead of the other and walked back into the jungle.


“Hold the line!” Knight Faelar shouted the command as he thrust his blade to the alligator's side.

Maera bit her lip as the fight raged on, her mana was already at rock bottom. One more spell and she would be completely out. It would be the last attempt as it would put her body in a lethargic state where she couldn’t even protect her own body.

Her knights had wounded the beast for the last five minutes, but fighting in the swamp had negatively impacted their formational Skills.

It didn’t help that the monster was at a Level that she couldn’t even see. Despite using [Identify].

Then, a sudden crash caused the front-line of knights to be blasted backward into the sickly mud of the swamp.

Before Maera could react, the alligator had charged forward, and was about to snap its jaws down on her face, but her protector lunged forward.

Faelar grit his teeth as a golden light radiated from his longsword. He pierced it into the monster's side. A sizzling followed the hit, and the burnt stench of charred flesh accompanied it.

Roaring in pain, the alligator’s tail whipped against his shoulder as he had raised it to block the strike. It sent him smashing into the ground, his weakened body from the Skill was unable to endure the savage attack.

Stomp. Stomp.

Maera's heart thumped at the oncoming beast, her knights still recovering from the attack had scrambled onto their feet, but the alligator was already there.

Maera grabbed the dagger attached to her thigh and entered a stance. She couldn’t run. She was forced to fight.

The Goddess would protect her.

Mumbling a silent prayer, the beast lunged at her.

Blade in hand, she rolled to the side. A mouthful of swamp water entered her mouth, but she ignored it. Adrenaline coursing through her veins, she understood she had to buy time for her knights to approach.

They would arrive in a couple seconds, but that was enough for her body to be ripped into pieces.

The beast stepped toward her once more. Jaw snapping at her, she wanted to dodge, but something solid hidden underneath the swamp water made her fall.

Eyes covered in dirty water, she could only see the blurred image of the alligator’s jaw closing toward her.

Is this it, Goddess? Maera chomped on her tongue at the thought.

No, the Goddess would protect her. Maera raised her arm. It was better to sacrifice a limb than have her life reaped from her. An arm for an extra second of bought time, but it would be enough.

The beast snapped its jaw shut as a hot searing pain travelled all the way up her arm, but it was still there.

Eyes recovering from the murky water, her eyes widened as Knight Faelar stood panting. His sword was lodged into the beast's mouth.

Edge-to-edge, the blade had stopped the alligator's mighty jaws, but she could hear a metallic crack.

The blade was splintering–shattering.

A desperate will to live filled every inch of her mind. She thought about the loving gaze of her mother, the protectiveness of her father, the devoted gazes of her people.

She glanced at an eyeball that floated high up in the tree-line.

You’re all watching, aren’t you? Maera fought back tears. The pain was no more, she just wanted to survive.

She raised her blade and brought it down on the alligator's eyes. Maera entered a crazed daze as her dagger tasted flesh and blood.


All she could hear was a muted mumble.

Stab. Her arm continued. It was exhausting.

“Your majesty!”

A warm hand shook her awake.

“What?” She said in a daze.

Knight Faelar jostled her uninjured arm, ridding it from the knife that had been glued to her hand. Somehow, unbeknownst to her, her other arm was freed from the beast's mouth.

Many deep teeth marks caused blood to spill from her flesh. They repeatedly dripped into the water, staining it a deep brown, to a muddy red.

Her gaze rested on a young man in a tattered white shirt. He was standing beside his mounted companion. The young man had a serious face, blood covered it, but it was a reassuring sight.

“Thank you, Noah, you saved us,” She murmured, her mind still a jumbled mess.

“It was all you, princess,” Noah said.

“Mm?” Maera gazed at her arm before her knees buckled under her.

Tears streamed from the corner of her eyes as she couldn’t help herself from wailing into her wet, muddy knees.


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