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The two monsters savagely clashed against each-other. Horns forward, the keloton’s attack finally landed. Perhaps it was a moment of carelessness on the armoured-apes' part, but nevertheless, the horns made contact with a piercing thud.

A strong stench of copper wafted through the humid air. The ape stumbled, but still managed to gain control of the charging dinosaur. It wasn’t enough. Feet digging into the ground, the keloton exhaled a powerful burst of air and forced itself forward.

The dinosaur backed the ape against the tree, impaling it with a wet crash.

Roaring, spittle ejecting out its mouth, the armoured-ape stopped resisting. Instead, it raised its mighty arms and crashed them down against the keloton’s skull.

From the impact, the horns were dislodged from the apes chest. Eyes dripping with fury, the ape continued beating the dinosaur's face without resting. Each grunt and roar from the ape only increased its might.

Soon, blood dripped from the eyes of the four legged monster. It was enduring the beating, barely. But the ape could only attack for so long with such a large wound, and no doubt its massive arms weighed a tonne.

Tiring, hot steam repeatedly blasted out of the apes mouth.

Now. Noah thought it was the perfect opportunity he was waiting for. Krall’s legs twitched, then stopped.

The muscled man and his team were making a move. Noah wasn’t the only one hunting the mighty beasts, but was it so simple?

Noah was ready to sacrifice two Uncommon grade consumables in order to kill one, he only imagined the other humans to have the same–or better.

However, Noah knew how difficult it was to obtain Uncommon grade items and above. Noah himself had to battle a monster double his Level to obtain it with a sponsorship.

What gives him confidence? Noah lowered himself again, he was going to be patient.

A resounding crash made Noah frown. The armoured ape had won as the keloton collapse to the jungle floor.

The ape screamed as it tasted the scent of victory, but it was only a short celebration. Its nose twitched and glared at the incoming humans.

Flanked on all sides, the ape grunted in dissatisfaction. Noah knew the most dangerous time was when a monster was backed into a corner.

How are they going to deal with it without the use of stealth? Noah thought to himself as he watched the other humans charge.

Moving to the side in a burst of movement, the ape swung its arm like a hulking whip. The young man let out a winded grunt as his body flew through the air. Thudding against a nearby tree, only silence remained.

Noah had no way of knowing if he was dead or alive, but he couldn’t care about that. He was still focused on waiting for his time to strike. Thanks to the man and his group, his chances of success had heightened.

The ape swung its fist once more, but this time a young man with long flowing hair, and wounds across his face lifted his shield up in time. Mana moved around the shield in an almost translucent blue haze.


Despite the Skill the man had used, it was of little help. Blood crept through the cracks in his teeth as he was smashed into the ground. Rolling to a stop, his body trembled, but refused to get back up.

The muscle bound man was the last to make his move.

So that’s how you pushed all the way here. Noah grinned. Forcing others to forge a path for him, most likely under threat. Well, it was a viable method–if one wanted a knife to their throat while in a deep slumber one night.

Noah had no time to look down on his method as human and monster were about to clash. Spotting the strange red glow in the man’s eyes, Noah couldn’t help but think that he had relied on some sort of stimulant or Skill.

Which one it was, was unknown.

Predictably, his fighting style was of the direct approach. He held a huge two-handed hammer. He activated a Skill that resulted in the muscles within his arm to bundle together like steel-wire. The hairs on the nape of his neck rose.

Body strengthening Skill. Noah noted.

Hefting the hammer above him, he swung it in a mighty arc toward the apes skull.

The ape didn’t have time to dodge as it was busy with the other humans around it.

The man’s hammer tore through the air and made direct contact with the monster's solid skull. A loud thud resounded through the forest and echoed around the surrounding area.

Noah was surprised at the hit, but it wasn’t anything special.

Stumbling, the ape locked its vision onto the man.

Someone fired an arrow from the tree-line. But the Level difference was instantly made clear as the arrow only managed to penetrate until the arrow-tip disappeared. It was nothing but a flesh wound that only awakened the armoured-ape from the confusion of having its skull thwacked.

The ape went on a rampage, but Noah noticed a steep drop off in strength–and speed–from the hulking monster.

Yet even despite the monster growing weak, each swing of its fist severely injured the surrounding humans–or even killed them outright depending on their Constitution, and Level.

Minutes past, and the young man holding the hammer dodged under a languid swing from the ape. He shifted his weight and slammed his hammer straight to the ape's already wounded chest.

Blood shot out from the two gaping wounds.

As the monster fell to its knees, its enormous hands shot out with the last vestiges of strength it had left in its exhausted body. They latched around the man’s throat as a struggled wheeze left his mouth.

Another arrow was shot into its body, followed by a spear, then a slashing of a sword.

Not yet. Noah didn’t know if his call was the correct choice, but he could feel it wasn’t over yet. Something within him told him that it wasn’t time. He gazed at Krall, his face was serious. It was Krall telling him that something wasn’t right. That the wounds the ape was suffering was minimal.

Noah decided to trust in his companions instincts.

A primal roar emerged from the beast's mouth. It was filled with an unyielding strength that betrayed the exhaustion within its body. It was reaching for something deep within its body.

The armoured-ape’s muscles tensed once more, and with renewed strength, its grip tightened around the man's throat.

A faint cracking sent a shiver down Noah's spine. A smile tugged at the apes lips as it rested its thumb against the side of his head. Crack. The man’s head snapped to the side.

Just as another barrage of attacks were about to land on the ape, it spun its body around in a circle. Using its arm like a ram, it smashed into the humans all around its flank.

Their bodies went flying, crashing into the ground, or against the closeby trees.

Now! With the ape finally using its hidden strength, Noah used all of his Skills, and injected the Strength stimulant into his arm, and the pet variant into Krall.

They charged out of the bush like a supernatural bull being let loose into its arena.

The chaotic strength that filled Noah’s body caused his heart to palpitate. Krall left the shadows, and his footsteps changed from the muted ones he had used to gain the distance, to the normal thud that was accurate to his size and weight. Noah wasn’t given a single second to think about anything as they were already in front of the armoured-ape in a couple of steps.

Using [Thrust] and [Overpower] Noah’s spear tore through the air. He felt an intense pain shoot up his arm, and around his shoulder, but he grit his teeth and ignored it.

Spinning around, the ape was about to react, but its eyes widened upon seeing the charging Krall. It was as if the enemy he was expecting was just an illusion.

Noah felt an intense impact tear at his shoulder as his spear made contact with the ape. Thanks to the huge size of the monster's chest, his aim was true.

The spear immediately disappeared into the apes body.

Krall was unable to stop himself as he collided against the monster. Their entire weight of the charge caused even the stalwart ape to lose its balance.

With the monster crashing to the ground, Krall was able to use the impact against the ape to stop his body.

Even with such a short attack, the effects of the stimulant had vanished from both of their bodies. It was like an IV drip had appeared into his bloodstream, instantly causing the intense heat to wash away. Replacing it was a weakening cold that he could feel at the pit of his stomach.

You defeated a - Level 28 Armoured-Ape.

| Extra experience is rewarded for defeating an enemy ten Levels above.

You have Levelled up!
| Noah ( Mounted Tamer ) level 18 -> Noah ( Mounted Tamer ) level 20

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.
| Krall level 18 -> Krall level 20

You have defeated an opponent 2x your Level three times with a tamed pet.
| You have gained the Title - Giant Slayer.
| Giant Slayer: You know what it means to take a risk and are not afraid to battle way above your Level in order to reap the rewards.
| 5 free Stat points.
| Extra damage granted for you and your tamed pet against enemies twice your Level and above.

Noah took a breath, his arm lay to the side, but he needed to add his points. The muscled man’s team were currently glaring at him. In total, six sets of eyes were all around him.

He placed all of them into Willpower. Thanks to [Monstrous Allegiance], the stronger Krall became, that strength then turned into Noah’s.

[Shrouded Presence] has reached the peak of Level 1.
| [Shrouded Presence] Level 1 -> [Shrouded Presence] Level 2
| [Shrouded Presence] Level 2: Range increased minimally, footstep noise reduced minimally.

Alright. Noah slammed his shoulder into Krall’s solid back, popping it back into place. He tried to move it around, but a faint clicking sound made him aware that he had to be careful, or else it would pop back out again.

Just as Noah was getting ready to charge out of the area, and avoid direct confrontation with the remaining survivors, a crackling sizzle awakened him from his current plan.

The light made the others' eyes widen in greed.

It was a blue Pathstone.



Should he have not finished his quest by now? he killed allot of monster above level 15 at this point. Also what about his lvl 15 quest that he didn't pick? or is it Lvl 1, 5, 10, 20 ya get a quest?

Eric M

So at lvl 18, twice his level would be lvl 36, did you mean for the ape to be lvl 38?


Uhh, quick maths but 18 times 2 is 36 not 28 lol. Also if Noah is getting 75% of Kralls stats how did Krall almost bowl him over? Like, really what is the effectiveness of his current stats?