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Maera and her knights used the opportunity to approach Noah.

“Stay back, I can’t protect you against something I can’t fight myself.” Noah double checked his equipment before hopping onto Krall’s back. The moment his body came into contact with his mounted pet, blue strands of mana latched around his body, hugging him tightly. He activated [Unbreakable Reins].

“Wait.” Maera looked genuinely confused. “If it’s something you can’t fight, why are you heading there? Basic survival training has taught me to never head towards the loud monster capable of tearing us apart.”

“For the rewards, obviously.” Noah cracked a grin, he was about to command Krall to move forward, but Maera took something out of a small sachet that snuggled her waist.

“Please take this,” Maera said and placed a syringe within his hands. A vial filled with purple sludge was located in the middle. It had a large plunger, and then he gazed at the–

“Holy shit.” Noah exclaimed as he looked at the damned needle. It was as thick as a pens ink cartridge and longer than any needle he had ever seen before.

“Is the mighty warrior afraid of a little needle?” Princess Maera teased.

Noah wasn’t in the mood to notice the rare temperament from the princess, his gaze was glued to the needle. “You call that small? Will that even fit into my veins?”

He hated needles. Taking a breath to calm down, he said to Maera, “Let me guess, you’re not giving me this out of the goodness of your own heart?”

“Someone recently told me that nothing is free in this world. I’m gambling, and you just happen to be the game.”

“Alright, first let me see what it is.”

Maera nodded while Noah [Inspected] the terrifying vial.

Uncommon Level 10 Strength Stimulant: Injects the user with 20 points of Strength. Beware, once the fluid is flushed from your system, there will be negative effects such as, but not limited to; vomiting, weakness, hallucinations, and diarrhoea. Note, do not take it if you have an underlying heart condition, it may cause cardiac arrest–therefore death.

Noah glanced over and ignored the part where it mentioned death. Diarrhoea, not again. Noah grimaced, yet the item would be a great boon to have if he needed it.

If the monster was too strong, he would leave. If there was any opportunity, a gamble–he would risk it.

“Alright then, depending on if I receive a decent reward, your debt will be written off,” Noah continued. “However, if I use it and don’t receive anything, I owe you.”

“And how will I trust you?” Maera asked.

“Oh c’mon Maera, have a little faith will you?” Noah chuckled and wiped the sweat from his forehead into his air, slicking it back.

Maera looked at him for a moment, as if gazing into his soul before emitting a helpless sigh. “Then I will place my trust into you, Noah.”

“Yeah, you do that,” Noah said, then mentally ordered Krall to start into the jungle's depths.

Taking a spare glance at the tower of light in the distance, Noah dried the annoying sweat that dripped from his brow with what remained of his sleeve. The distance was closing.

It was so wide it almost took over the entirety of his vision. He didn’t know how big this ‘hub’ area was, but judging by the width of it–it was huge.

Approaching the hub area also meant another thing. He was getting closer to the monster, or in this case, monsters. A powerful thud in the distance almost made Noah’s shoulders flinch.

If that was a hit, then Noah severely doubted whether or not he could receive such a heavy blow. But he had one advantage. The monster didn’t know he was approaching. Hopefully.

The densely populated trees had relaxed a little, offering a lot more space to freely move around. In its place however, were thick bushes. The roots to the trees had also undergone a strange mutation. They almost appeared to have been pushed by a stronger power. It had entirely warped the ground around the trees.

Some areas were now raised, as if the roots had sprouted up against their will and formed walls.

It was strange, but Noah wouldn’t complain. If the monster finished its prey early and sniffed him out, or it was simply too strong,  the hardened roots would provide a solid chance of escape. Although he really hoped escaping a high Level monster was a last resort.

Slower Krall. With a mental order from Noah, Krall’s run turned into a walk. His footsteps lightened. They quieted from a harsh thud to a muted step.

Noah also took extra precaution and activated [Shadowed Presence]. The shadow billowed out from under Krall’s feet and surged into the surrounding darkness. Now all that was heard from their steps was a light thud, crackling of twigs, and leaves underfoot. To an untrained ear, it was impossible to tell that an armoured kobold was skulking forward like his unevolved form could.

Just like that, Noah neared the intense fight. Each hit caused the muscle fibres in his body to flinch. Thud. Noah flinched again as he meandered past a raised wall of roots, into a thick push.

The moment his eyes peered through the foliage, a set of eyes twitched in his direction. Its nostrils twitched. It could see him.

Noah grimaced as he got a look at the beasts that were locked into a brutal brawl.

Level ?? - Horned-Keloton.

Level ?? - Armoured Ape.

One was strikingly similar to the rexodon he had faced before, but this one had two horns instead of one, and four legs hitting the ground in unison.

The other beast was a huge ape with almost bone-like forearms. It struck the dinosaur with a thunderous punch.

Sliding back on all four, the beast roared. Head down, horns facing forward, it charged for the stalwart ape.

The beast beat its chest, then focused its vision. One second turned into two. It twitched its knuckles, then shot its enormous hands to the front of its body. They latched onto the horns. Its body pushed back. Tensing the muscles in its legs, it shifted its weight to the side, then threw the dinosaur onto its side.

Noah’s shoulders sunk backwards. It wasn’t a fight he could win head on. No way.

Moving his vision to each bush, branch, and tree in the surrounding area, his eyes caught a glimpse of a familiar face. Hiding was the densely muscled man that had attempted to chase him in the waters.

How the hell did he get here? Noah frowned. Was he not as ahead as he originally thought? But his mind eased somewhat as the man’s group shifted into vision.

Their faces were grim and savage wounds were marked into their body. Although Noah didn’t get a full look at his group before at the beach, it was far larger than it was currently. Judging by their faces, they had seen hell and back.

So that meant two things. He had pushed on without waiting for his party's wounds, and without care if they died or not. And he was reckless beyond belief.

Just like me. Noah gently exhaled a breath of air. ALthough he wasn’t too worried. There was still quite a long distance to travel to the hub area, and with their current injuries–they couldn’t press on for much longer.

However, Noah studied the man's face. It seemed his greed now had another target. But one had long pointed horns and the other even larger hands.

He either knew something Noah didn’t, or he was about to do something incredibly stupid.

Noah closely inspected the monster’s bodies. Searching for any wounds he could take advantage of, and there was. But with the monsters knowing he was there, the risk was far too great.

But there was always a way as Peter always reminded him.

Shifting the bag off his back, he took a quick glance within. Thankfully, he had a few tricks up his sleeve. Or rather, it was just the one trick, but it would be enough. Maybe.

Noah retreated back into the safety of the raised roots and dirt walls. He first had to erase the pungent human scent he had on him. Reaching forward to the dirt walls, he grabbed a handful of the moist soil and rubbed it all over his body.

He repeated the same process on Krall. His monstrous pet’s lips upturned into a grin as Noah caught an itchy piece of scales on his back.

Is it cool? Noah shook his head. The dirt did indeed provide a cooling sensation as it was hidden with the shade, causing the temperature of the wet dirt to lower.

Of course, he wasn’t doing it for a cooling dirt bath. Once they both had a layer of dirt all over them, Noah took out a spray bottle that he had received from Ekralo as a sponsored item from the area mission before.

He inspected it.

Uncommon Scent Blocker x1: The scent blocker is capable of erasing one's scent. The user will still be detected if a scouting Skill is used on the user. Monsters over a certain Perception Stat will detect the user.

Since it wasn’t of Rare quality, it of course couldn’t delete his scent completely. But it would be enough.

Noah gifted Krall his mace once more, then dug out a small hole in the side of the dirt wall and placed his bag within.

Within his pockets were the pet stimulant he had received from the previous mission, and the Strength stimulant given by Maera.

Taking a breath, he slapped Krall on the shoulder to hype himself up. Krall bobbed his head and repeated the same thing with a smile. Smack. Noah stumbled forward and glared back at his tamed companion.

Krall simply tilted his head in confusion. He thought it was something humans did. Something to replicate to make him feel better.

“Let’s go,” Noah whispered.

Climbing on the back of Krall, Noah couldn’t help but massage his now aching shoulder. The damned brute had high strength, that much was evident. Almost dislocated my damned shoulder again.

Despite Noah’s pain, Krall was ecstatic. His blood was boiling. He couldn’t wait to begin his hunt and win another victory against a predator.

Once more, they creeped forward. As they emerged at the same position, Noah paid close attention to the reaction of the monster’s. This time however, they didn’t glance at his direction, nor did their nostrils twitch. Instead, during their fight, they sent cursory looks toward the muscle bound man.

The dirt and moss also helped Noah blend into the bushes. Noah was invisible. At least for now.

Hit-after-hit, strike-after-strike, the fight raged on between the two monsters. Neither of them wanted to back down.

Noah wasn’t sure if it was some territorial dispute, or they were herded to the nearby area for the hub and decided to display their dominance.

Whatever it may have been, he patiently waited for the opportune moment to strike.


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