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You are being watched.

Congratulations on your performance during the area mission - Restricted Departure.

Akrum, the Mounted Terror has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins added.

Lenid, the Monster Hunter has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins added.
| Stamina potion added.

Srussea Corp. has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins added.

Ekralo, the Beast Tamer has sponsored you.

| Grace Coins added.
| Pet Stimulant x1 added.
| Note sent.

Note? With the thought, the System opened up the note from Ekralo.

  • “Oh it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a budding Beast Tamer that fights alongside his companion, unlike the cowards who fight from range, so I thought I’d give you a wee bit of advice. Don’t think of Stats or Levels as the be all, end all. The humans on earth call it cultivation, but we of the multiverse have named it - Expansion. Just as the name applies, it expands who you are as a person, more than Levels or Skills can ever hope to achieve. I would teach you how to do it, but there are a lot of restrictions in place with these little notes.

If you are serious about evolving to the apex of the multiverse, then you must truly learn the mind of your companion. All the way to the roots of their being. Think how he thinks–see what he sees. Well, that’s the best I can do with these damned restrictions in place. Stupid Celestials, thinking they can–Ouch! Fuck! Alright, I get it! Shit, the Pet Stimulant increases your companion’s physical stats, use it in a pinch. That’s all!”

He seems interesting. Noah gawked at the information he received. Such a large letter must have cost an absolute worldly fortune. However, he focused on the contents of the letter rather than the cost of it. Cultivation, or rather, Expansion, sounded good on the outside, but how the hell was he meant to achieve that? Meditate with his legs crossed and wait for an epiphany or something?

His advice–it makes sense, but how the hell am I meant to do that? Noah thought about his words. Thinking the way Krall thinks?

Noah glanced at Krall as he was busy trying to catch a fluttering butterfly. He wasn’t capable of thinking about anything. Noah chuckled. Although it sounded crazy, Noah had an idea of what Ekralo meant. His fights with Krall were already becoming smoother as time passed. To the point Krall was able to move with but a mere thought on Noah’s part. However, it was something he would need to think about deeper later.

Apex of the multiverse. Noah grinned at the words. He could only imagine how free that person would be. Well, it was better to aim high rather than not aim at all.

Noah continued onto the rest of the System.

You defeated a - Level 17 Garemig.

You have levelled up!
| Noah ( Mounted Tamer ) level 11 -> Noah ( Mounted Tamer ) level 13

You have gained a World First achievement!
| You're the first in the tutorial to complete an Area Mission solo!
| You have gained a World First title - Lone Completionist.
| +5 to a Stat of your choice.

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.
| Krall level 11 -> Krall level 13

Basic Skills have Levelled up!

| Weapon Specialist has reached level 5.

| Objectify has reached level 2.

| Animal Taming has reached Level 5

Noah took a deep breath as he felt the added Stats take place within his body. From the Title, he also had another five to put in, and it was obvious to him where he was going to invest it in.

+5 points added to Will.

Thanks to his [Monstrous Allegiance] Skill, the added Will points empowered Krall, and in turn–empowered him. He flexed his arms. Noah nodded at the added strength. Then, he picked up all the rewards he had received from his Sponsors before gazing at his Status.

Name: Noah - level 13
Race: [F] Human
Title: Volunteer, Kobold Hunter, Trailblazing Tamer, Path of Greatness, Level 10 Vanguard, Lone Completionist

Tamed Monster: Krall - level 13

1st Pathstone: [ Dexterity ]
Skill: Mounted Combat
Skill: False Step
Skill: Shrouded Presence

2nd Pathstone: [ Might ]
Skill: Thrust
Skill: Strengthened Body
Skill: Overpower
Skill: Charge

3rd Pathstone: [ Willpower ]
Skill: Monstrous Allegiance.
Skill: Tamer’s Bond
Skill: Kill Command

Path: [ Mounted Tamer ]

Bloodline: [ Locked ]

Profession: [ Locked ]

Basic Skills:

Weapon specialist - level 5
Boxing - level 2
Objectify - level 2
Pickpocketing - level 2
Intimidation - level 2
Sneaking - level 3
Animal Taming - level 5
Shield Proficiency - Level 1
Spear Proficiency - Level 1

Strength: 39
Dexterity: 26
Constitution: 39
Willpower: 31
Magic: 9
Mana: 8
Perception: 13

Grace Coins: 712

Stats per level:

Dex 1
Str 2
Con 2
Will 1

Noah almost whistled at the progress he was making. He had almost filled out his Skills completely, and his Stat increases were moving along at a rapid pace thanks to the World First Titles.

Although Epic Pathways granted four Stats per Level, he was certain he was the strongest within the tutorial currently. Although he still had to be careful. Noah couldn't yet act how he wanted for he knew that there must be others with vastly better Skills, and Pathways. It was better to remain on the side of caution until he was absolutely certain, although he wouldn’t sit by and take any shit.

After all, there were always the “gifted” few that would stroll along without much worry with god given abilities. Noah was well aware he had to make up the difference with sheer effort. He couldn’t, no, he mustn't let his strong start go to waste.

He had to sweep up all the Titles to retain his lead.

Next up was figuring out what to use the rest of his Grace Coins on. Saving them for a higher tier item was a waste as he needed something to use right now, and especially for the race to the hub.

Noah decided on a Rare health potion that cost six-hundred Grace Coins. It was a luxury item, but it would save his life in a pinch. It not only healed more severe injuries, but it did it quicker as well.

You have obtained - Rare Health Potion x1.

The item spawned in the air and Noah quickly caught it. Unlike the regular potion that was quite large, the Rare potion was in a slender bottle and had very little contents within. It was just enough for a mouthful and no more.

Placing it within a pouch that was tied to his waist for quick access, Noah glanced at the tree line where the kobolds had attempted a sneak attack on him.

“Pesky little things, right Krall?” Noah said. Krall was glancing around, trying to catch a butterfly that was flying around his body. A silly grin was plastered on his face despite having barely lived the last few hours.

See the world through a new set of eyes, think the way it thinks. Noah thought, then shook his head. How the hell is that possible? There ain't a single thought going through that head of his. Both brain cells are racing for third place.

But it made sense. Noah had to connect with Krall’s mind if he wanted to pass the Skill level up requirements.

Smirking, Noah looked at the reward Ekralo had sent him. The Pet Stimulant.

Pet Stimulant ( Rare ): Inject your pet with the needle. Grants a massive bonus to Constitution and Strength for one minute. After the effect wears out, the pet will be weakened for five minutes.

Noah pinched his chin. Everything was going well. With the Pet Stimulant, it offered them a last ditch power boost for the race if the need arises.

With everything sorted out, Noah took the time to scavenge through the ruined houses. Although many items were lost under the rubble, it would take him too long to excavate it, and even then, there wasn’t a promise of any items.

Instead, Noah made do with whatever he could find that was visible within the ruins.

He had managed to find a few tins of food, a couple health potions, some fishing hooks and string to go along with it, and some strange white gauze.

You have obtained - Uncommon Tinned Beef: A tin filled with highly condensed juicy beef. Has a miniscule effect on Stamina.

The description of the item sent a hunger pang straight through his stomach–along with a growling he would have mistaken for a wild beast. Noah rubbed his stomach. It was something he had realised from every point of Strength and Constitution that was added. He became hungrier.

Of course he knew the reason, as he and his friends had theorised. Okay, well mainly his friends… The more Strength one had, the more energy they exerted in day-to-day tasks. Which meant that they had to increase their food intake. It was why a lot of the Strength users used more of their money for advanced foods, lest they would be eating all day, every day.

Noah peeled open the tin.

Immediately upon opening, a waft of succulent beef pierced his senses. Noting the Stamina effect of the beef, Noah pinched a sliver of beef, threw it into his mouth, then chewed. An explosion of perfectly seasoned meat danced on his taste buds.

Breaking out into a happy grin, Noah took another piece, then another, until there was only one piece remaining. He was shocked to discover how it affected his stomach. The System was right–it was incredibly dense. Just a few pieces were enough to fill his stomach.

Noah would never call himself a connoisseur of great culinary arts, as his pallet revolved around dumpster diving, or whatever cheap foods were cooked on the street corners. But this… It was something else. Is this what a regular steak tasted like? Or was this a blessing from the System?

Whatever it was, Noah was just grateful to be here to experience its delight.

He pinched the other piece between his meat stained fingers and was about to throw it in his mouth when he glanced at a particular slobbering armoured monster.

Krall gazed at him as it struck Noah with a remembrance of his best friend. Hank. The best dog he had the pleasure of [Taming]. Everytime he managed to scour a fired piece of chicken with his hard earned cash at the end of the week, Hank would look at him exactly the same way. Those huge, bulging eyes looking straight at him. Or was the piece of food?

Sighing, Noah threw the piece of meat forward. Krall wasted no time as his jaw clamped around it. The sound of his teeth clashing together almost echoed throughout the village. His beady eyes sparkled. He craned his neck forward.

“We need to save the rest for later.” Noah said and rested his hand on his head. He was strangely getting used to showing the beast some affection, much like a dog.

Animals were always better than humans.

Noah moved onto the other item he was curious about, the white gauze.

You have obtained - Uncommon Bandages: White gauze that are imbued with a healing Skill. Cover the wound and it will heal itself.

So just another form of potion, or wound healing balm. Noah stuffed everything within his backpack and rested for a couple hours to regain their energy after having been stuck on the line between life and death for half the day.

After the time had passed, he first checked that his weapons were in order, then made sure all the wounds on their bodies were healed. With that, he was ready to continue his Levelling spree.

Noah headed into the jungle and after a couple hours of wandering aimlessly, he appeared out onto a wide expansive beach–much like the one he awakened on. Whether it was the same one or not, he couldn’t remember, but judging by the time travelled–he doubted it.

Beyond it were three islands, one much larger than the other. The distance and haziness of the horizon made it impossible to gauge how far away it was.

Are those the circled islands? Noah wondered. He was curious what treasure was held over there. But where the hell would he find a ship capable of such travel?

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he was tempted to take a swim in the ocean to cool off when a sudden boom caused him to practically jump from the spot as he fell backward against Krall.

Just beneath the three apocalyptic moons, was a vibrant lightning strike of multiple colours. Blue, and white were the standouts.

He was half expecting the lightning strike to disappear, but that wasn’t the case as the following System message caused his heart to palpitate in excitement.

An anomaly has occurred. A Rare drop has been birthed into existence. Be the first to reach the item drop. Become the victor.
| Time Remaining until drop: 9 minutes 57 seconds.
| Reward: Equipment cache with a chance of a rare piece.

From the streak of lighting located just off the shoreline, in the ocean, a black box emerged at the top of the static lance. It slowly fell down. Noah estimated it would take around ten minutes for it to land.

That’s some luck. Noah grinned and stripped off his shirt.

It was time to swim.



I thought he unlocked his profession? He just has not earned one yet.


Statistics are all wrong. Willpower should be showing highest gain per level.