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Noah scrambled around the room and grabbed hold of all the lanterns. Then sprinted toward the door. He didn’t know how much time he had until the Garemig, whatever it was, arrived–but he had to prepare for it.

A Level fifteen area mission was not something he could just battle with brute force. The Level was the recommended Level that he should be at to even attempt the mission, but more than that, the fact that he was currently highlighted by the Watcher’s was what tingled his spine.

It meant there was a high chance of death, and they wanted to watch.

Of course, there were always other methods than merely relying on brute force.

Commanding Krall to go keep lookout and warn him when the beast arrived, Noah rushed to the small hill that led into the village and placed the lantern out of sight. Then placed the others in other hidden areas around the village.

From Krall’s currently calm mind, it meant that he hadn’t spotted the monster yet, So Noah gathered even more lanterns and placed them in a huge pile behind a building.  With everything set, Noah hid his backpack behind one of the buildings in case his plans happened to turn sour.

Noah, with his bow in hand, and an arrow nocked, stood ready and waiting for the monster in the middle of the village.

It didn’t take long for Krall to transmit the feeling of worry towards him. Noah could feel a hint of anxiousness arise within his tamed monster's mind, only for it to be pushed back a moment later as he steeled himself.

Noah smirked as Krall rushed back into the village. The monster was coming.

Thankfully, he knew exactly what a Garemig was. It was a slow predator, but once it had your stench, it never let go, even if one was at the other end of the world. He had personally watched it do so. Finally, it killed the man in his sleep without him even realising it.

It was a four legged beast of a stalwart nature. The beast sported a large horn on its forehead, and armoured plates covered its spine. The high defence of the beast was going to be a pain in the ass, but hopefully the unstable nature of the flame stone was able to counter it. In theory, it would work. He just had to watch out for its powerful movement form.

Suddenly, the ground rumbled. Noah knit his brows as he bolted up the nearby hill; on top of the nearby house.

Noah stood on his tip toes in an attempt to see the monster, only for a crash to be heard from a nearby mount.

With a blast, and debris to follow it, the Garemig emerged from a house and rocketed towards Noah.

With his heart almost jumping out of his chest, Noah leapt to the side, and slid down the hill as the rampaging monster slammed straight into the house he was standing on, and continued out on the other side.

Somehow, the reckless beast dodged all the lanterns, but with the movement over and done with, it had to recharge its consciousness.

Although Noah knew it was slow, that was when looking through the eyes of an Otherworlder with far more stats than himself currently. The beast shook its head. Its stumpy, but powerful legs, stomped around the building before snorting, then charging straight at the juicy prey.

It was about to pass the hill when Noah loosed an arrow straight for the lantern. Miss. Shit.

Noah bolted up another house mound. Thankfully, the force of the garemig tore straight through the hill, enabling Noah a safe position to stand. For a few moments, before it stopped and turned its raging eyes straight at him.

From the corner of his eyes, Noah spotted Krall pick up a lantern.

That’s it! Noah smirked. “Pull!”

Krall didn’t know the meaning of the words, but he felt his master's intention. Krall threw the lantern straight at the monster that was located a few metres behind the hill that Noah was standing on.

Noah aimed another arrow straight for the lantern and let the sharp-tipped shaft go. It flew through the air, it looked like it was going to hit, but it missed.

Groaning, he was about to reposition himself when the lantern smashed on the floor. The result was a sudden burst of flames that engulfed the garemig whole.

Why didn’t I think of that? Noah resisted the urge to facepalm as he leaned forward in anticipation for the results, yet he recoiled back when the beast charged straight for him all the while the flames buffeted its tough hide.

“Same plan again Krall!” Noah didn’t despair, rather, he patiently repeated the same actions. The beast would charge, Noah would reposition himself on another hill, then Krall would throw the lanterns as he hid himself from the garemig’s vision.

At first, he was rather hesitant on relying upon his Earthen knowledge of Ubos. Clearly, this wasn’t the same world as Ubos and he had personally attest to that fact by facing different species of monster he had never seen before. But after facing the garemig for a few minutes, his knowledge so far was accurate.

He waited and waited, and finally, a red, mad tint shone within the beast's eyes. It had lost control. Its crazy roar only affirmed his thoughts.

Noah, instead of running up a hill, bolted through the village as the monster charged straight for him. Nocking an arrow was a lot easier standing, he fumbled around for a moment, before pinching the arrow to the string.

Passing by the cluster of lanterns, Noah spun around after making sure he was ample distance away. He aimed straight for them, then waited. The Garemig emerged from behind a hill and tore the ground up as it chased his smell.

Just as it was about to pass the lanterns, it recognised the image, but it was too late. Noah fired his bow while scrunching his brow in pain. His shoulder still hadn’t properly healed but thankfully with such a large target, it was difficult to miss, even with his shoddy marksmanship skills, and his shot shoulder.

The arrow pierced through the air and shattered the glass container thanks to the increased strength from his arms, and back. Noah’s vision of green was replaced by a blazing sea of red, and orange.The garemig was blasted to the side as its body smashed through a building's doors. He could feel the intense heat licking his flesh even standing a good twenty-five metres away from the bonfire. Then, the building caught on fire, presumably from the blazing inferno that had engulfed the beast.

Another roar made Noah gnash his teeth together. When would the damned monster die?

It stomped out of the building. Its flesh was mangled, and the smell of charred flesh wafted straight into Noah’s nostrils. Straining his breath, Noah repeatedly fired arrows into the monster's tough hide.

While Krall picked up boulders and threw them with his high strength. His aim was worse than Noah’s as one out of four rocks would hit, but when it did it, it caused a resounding thud. Thwack. Another hit.

The garemig languidly trounced forward, only for it to finally collapse to the floor with a pained groan.

Noah sighed in relief as the beast had finally met its demise. He had managed to come out unharmed, but that was only because he was aware of the beast's strengths, and weaknesses. He was also lucky enough to have used objectify on the lanterns and understood what it could do. It was a reminder to always use his environment to his advantage.

However, he knew he wouldn’t always be so fortunate. This time, the garemig was as exactly as he remembered. Next time, he couldn’t say with confidence that it would be like that.

Maybe the further in he goes, he won’t even know a single monster?

If it was not a garemig but something else entirely, what would he have done differently?

Noah was never a fan of learning. Even if he did study, he doubted his failing result would ever be different. But when it came to learning about monsters and the Otherworld–Ubos, he was as studious as his friends who had helped him prepare for his volunteering.

He loved learning about the monsters, how to fight them, and how to kill them. Of course, it wasn’t the only thoughts he had. He and his friends had theorised on how to tame different monsters.

Some would only be coerced by food, others liked shiny things, and certain other beasts just needed to be shown who was boss.

Krall glanced at him with a happy smile.

Why hadn’t the reward came? Noah thought. The garemig was dead, so that could only mean…


Krall was quick to react as he used his stalwart body to stand in front of Noah. Peeking around his tamed monster's arm, Noah glanced at a few kobolds that were chancing their luck by firing a few arrows. Only for them to turn tail and run when they realised that their arrows did nothing but piss off a heavily armoured evolved kobold, and a human that had summoned a blazing inferno that could only be created by one of their distant ancestors.

Calculating completion rate…
| Level 15 Area Mission complete - Restricted Departure.
| Completion Rate - B Grade.
| Extra bonus reward granted - Rare Bandages: Tie them around your wound to instantly stop blood flow. Also minimises pain, allowing you to concentrate.

Extra completion rate… Noah pinched his chin as the reward landed at his feet. He pocketed the white bandage.

He was certain this was another new addition to the System. It would change how he interacted with certain events from now on.

Would he be granted an even bigger reward if he reached the hub under a certain time limit? Noah smiled at the possibility. It seemed he would need to take on a bigger risk.

Reward gained - Monster Reins [Uncommon]: A harness made of mana, created with a monster tamer in mind. Attach it to your tamed monster for a tighter grip to enable you to attack more accurately, and with more strength.
| Increases accuracy and power with weapons while mounted by a small amount.

Although it sounded less than ideal, it was just what he needed to hold onto the awkwardly built Krall. He did evolve into a mounted variant, but it wasn’t perfect. He didn’t exactly come installed with hand holds.

Bonus reward gained - Skill Level Upgrade Stone: Select one of your Skills and upgrade it.

It was an incredible reward, but receiving it so early wasn't something he expected. The Skill upgrade stone was an item any high Level Otherworlder would froth at the mouth to receive. Effectively letting them skip past an entire stage.

However for Noah, he had no intentions of doing the common sense method. Items would come and go, but a Title was different. Even if he didn’t receive the Title, using it on a Rare Skill to Epic was hardly a wrong choice. Especially for a Skill that was vital to his Class

His choice was between Shrouded Presence, Overpower, and Pact of Two.

Although he had no idea what the Epic effect would be, a stealth Skill of that rarity that could be used by Krall as well was a strong choice It would enable him to hide away from stronger enemies if he got caught in an undesirable situation.

Overpower would provide an overpowered attack. However, with power, came drawbacks. Even when using Rare [Overpower], his arms screamed in protest. Hell, he was still getting used to the added momentum of [Thrust], let alone a Rare tiered attack Skill.

Lastly, there was Pact of Two. Currently, it was by far the most useful Skill he had. And even though it was just of Rare quality, it’s capabilities were more like an Epic one. The Stats it provided him were incredible.

It was between power and subterfuge.

Noah nodded. He had made up his mind.

You have used the Skill Level Upgrade Stone.
| Pact of Two [ Rare ] > Monstrous Allegiance [ Epic ]

Monstrous Allegiance: You have experienced the pact of being with another being, now it has evolved. Your tamed monster is a part of your Allegiance. His power is yours to share, and his power is yours to command.

| You now receive 75% of your tamed monster’s Stats, instead of half.
| Within a small radius of your tamed monster, your physical Stats are increased by a small amount.

Woah. Noah whistled with giddy excitement. It sounded incredible. It would give him the extra Stats he sorely needed to survive.

Then, with the thought of [ Monster Reigns ] he had received, they spawned out of thin air. He clicked them onto Krall’s shoulders as Krall’s shoulders twitched. Noah felt a sensation of relief coming from his companion.

Got an itch there bud? Noah tilted his head. Krall nodded in response.

Noah flashed a smirk as he itched the spot in between the armour plating at the top of his back. Shaking his head at Krall’s happy expression, Noah turned his attention to the extra System notifications that filled his vision. Levels, Sponsors–the sight made his mouth water.

Plus, it looked like the Sponsors were happy.



You now receive 75% of your tamed monster’s Stats, instead of half. | Within a small radius of your tamed monster, your physical Stats are increased by a small amount. --- Why is benefit repeated? What does second part means then? MC gets double boost?


Maybe the first one apply always now, and the second is something like a bonus?