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No Monster Jousting chapters for the weekend. I'm having to take a two day break to deal with family matters. See you all on Monday! 
Published: 2023-06
Hi all. Eyeball Pulling will be put on a one week break as I finish up with the  Rising Star run on Monster Jousting which will then go to 5x week. Thanks for understanding
Published: 2023-06
Eyeball will continue on the 3rd. I've fallen ill and unable to write currently. Monster Jousting will continue as I still have backlog for it. Thank you for your understanding
Published: 2023-06
Hey all, just a quick announcement that there will be no Monster Jousting for this week as I'm needing a little mental break. See you all next week and thank you for understanding

Eyeball will be released the usual amount for this week, just that it may be delayed for a few days. 
Published: 2023-07
Hey, first off, thank you so much for the continued support. It means the world to me!

So just a quick announcement. Monster Jousting will be going down to 3/week. Most likely Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday. This is because book 2 is coming to a close soon and I will need time to edit/fix content which takes a lot of time. 

In total, that's book 2 of Eyeball to be edited, and two books of Monster Jousting as well on top of that. I simply don't have the time to write 8 chaps a week while doing all of that. It won't be like that for long, maybe 2 months? I'll see what happens during that time. Again, thank you all for the support! 
Published: 2023-07
So apparently my announcement failed to send. (Thanks a lot, Patreon) 

Now that Book 3 of Eyeball is finished on patreon, I will be pausing uploads  for around 2 months for Eyeball.

It has been well over a year since I started uploading this story, and I'm very happy with how it has turned out so far. I even have a webcomic coming out soon! (I'll keep you all posted) However, I'm honestly burnt out. Writing the same story for so long is much more difficult than I had imagined it to be. But this is not the end! I will still be uploading to Patreon every now and then  Again, this will last for around 2 months, maybe 3-4 while I work on other projects and settle everything with Amazon releases for both Eyeball and Monster Jousting. (it is a lot of work) Then I'll be back when I'm feeling refreshed from the story.

On that note, I have a new story coming out soon called - Rise of the Blood Weaver. You may have seen it here a few times as I've edited and revised it quite a few times. I'm finally happy with it. I will be releasing it this Friday. I will be adding 60 chapters for you all to read in a document in the first week. I will only be releasing this for the 10 or so dollar tier (Legendary) as Patreon is being difficult when it comes to changing a lot of things.
Published: 2024-01