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Well, this is the end. 

This is an emotional episode, both of the podcast and the TV show Supernatural. There's a lot not to like here, and there's some stuff that really works. From seeing people's reactions on twitter and talking to people in our Discord, I think most people ended up not liking this, but I don't know what the actual consensus is. 

Wow this is really hard to talk about. Chris and I both got really emotional on the show, and at some point implied Sam didn't know how babies are made (a recurring bit that never fails to make me laugh). So yeah, this one is going to be extremely weird to listen to. I hope y'all enjoy it! 


Mitchell Rixon

Can't believe that you made it all this way! Simply amazing guys, thank you so much! I'm not ready for the finale, the penultimate episode is so good it's hard to re-watch "Carry On"


I'm not sure if you guys know but your headcanon finale of everyone hanging out in Harvelles in heaven was actually supposed to be the finale, they even booked Kansas to play but Covid screwed that ending unfortunately. Thanks so much for the journey, definitely the best SPN podcast out there. I can't wait to see what you guys have next!