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Had a run of bad luck earlier this week - 3 films in a row that aren't going to be reviews. Which is an irritating waste of time but you've got to watch them through to make sure.
First up; Trauma, which is about a writer played by Udo Kier struggling with his second book and distracted by his new secretary Linda Hayden (as anyone would be). I like stories about writers and this is actually not a bad addition to the 'struggling writer' sub-genre. The problem is that the sexual content - of which there is a lot - really doesn't seem to have anything to do with the story. SPOILER (ish. It's pretty obvious) Linda Hayden is trying to kill him because he stole her brother's book - why this requires her seducing him is unclear, as is the rape scene and multiple masturbation scenes. There's not much to make fun of here. One of many post-Straw Dogs films.
Tormented is the 1st Bert I. Gordon film we've looked at without giant monsters and, to be honest, wasn't that bad. Some of the effects have aged poorly and it's all a bit by numbers but certainly not bad enough. A decent B Movie.
Crypt of the Vampire I was determined to watch whether it was good for a review or not because it's a vampire film with Christopher Lee in it, and with our Hammer Dracula special coming up I thought it might be relevant. It probably isn't because Lee isn't the vampire, but still worth a look. The films is Italian, made when Lee was forging a career as a trans-european actor (he spoke several languages fluently). It's a bit slow and a bit predictable and it doesn't look as good as Euro-horrors of this era usually do (although the print was terrible so that didn't help). But the only funny thing was the hero's complete obliviousness to the lesbian love story at the film's heart - forever entering scenes between these two women like a hopeful puppy. At the end he gets the girl, which is supposed to be the happy ending, but I don't see it lasting.




How about.... Murder By Phone/ Ring (1982) Part of what makes a B-movie fun is sincerity, and this one’s got plenty of it. It’s also aged very poorly, but in kind of a charming way. Night of The Demon (1983) Bright Corners Ben summed it up as “the worst movie I’ve ever enjoyed” and I concur. Virtual Combat (1995) A bit outside your year range, but it’s unintentionally hilarious as only a 90s karate cyberthriller can be. The Asphyx (1972) This one’s way too good for a review, but I want more people to see it. Blood Beach (1980) Tremors + Jaws basically. John Saxon being in it obligates my mentioning it. Barbarian Queen (1984) A Conan cash-in but with a lady (also extremely tacky without the charisma to make it work). It makes Ator The Fighting Eagle look like The Lord of The Rings. Winterbeast (1992) Give it 5 minutes and you’ll see why. Milpitas Monster (1976) Actually, avoid this at all costs. It’s Ganjasaurus Rex but worse. Maniac (1934) How have you not done this one already?


I’m from the bay area and was a kid when they filmed the Milpitas Monster. Not a good movie, but interesting backstory.


Of this bunch, I’d vote for Virtual Cobat. Bit older than usual videos, but hilariously awful.


I actually really like Tormented--a review of it would be fun to watch!