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Hey, Speed here. I'm just making this post to let you guys know that I'm adding a few animations in Ep3. Cause I think it's time now for that. The animation was the 3rd most requested thing people Dmd me for. And the biggest reason for making a post about it is that I spend the whole Sunday figuring out the animation. And when it comes to animation Daz sucks ass. No wonder not a lot of Devs not using great animations. Sorry for complaining but I felt like taking it out.

Anyway here is the list that you guys can expect in Ep3.

1. Animation with Maya

2. With Mikayla (Lewd scene)

3. With Chloe (Lewd scene)

4. With Jennifer (Lewd scene)

5. With Nurse Sally (Lewd scene)

It will take more time but I think you guys will like them.


Huw Gryffin

Animation? Meh. Waste of time and energy. Let our imaginations which in any case do it a thousand times more effectively without all the disruption of the insufferable mouse clicking mechanics...click...change position...click...faster...click...slower...click...faster...click...cum...starbursts times 3...totally limited in effectiveness very disjointed and then as soon as it's over...clean up, put your clothes on and more often than not, it seems, leave. You can't animate bits and pieces of the act of lovemaking. It'd be like stopping to take selfies every minute or so. Stop-start, stop-start...(see above). Alternatively you need to make it one smooth sequence from foreplay through to climax, That then reduces us to mere spectators...voyeurs with no control over anything. Change is not always a good thing, no matter what we are told or by whom. Animations, in my opinion, suit only the mentally lazy and unimaginative. They're a disruptive and, I appreciate no doubt for me alone, unwelcome gimmick that's all and a poor one at that. Animation is what porn movies are made for and that's the way it should stay. Just my opinion. Needless to say whatever happens or not won't change my love of "The Lost Love" and my enduring support for SpeedPostx.