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Hey guys. First of all sorry for the whole week's silence. The last week was very hectic but I was able to work on the game. I will explain them In a few points.

STORY: FInally, the story is complete. For all 20 scenes, the only reason that bar is still not complete is because of proofreading I will be giving the script of ep3 to proofreaders soon. Till now I have only given them the concepts of the story to get their feedback.

SCENES: More than 25% of the scenes are done. Now that I'm done with the story I will be able to focus on making scenes. 

CODING: I'm writing codes along the side of making scenes so there will be less chance of making any errors this time.

RENDERS: Renders are being done very quickly this time. I'm letting my system run overnight. And even though the rainy season is on us but there were only a few blackouts past few weeks I hope that remains the same.



Huw Gryffin

Thanks for the progress report, keeping us up to speed with development(s). It's weird to hear word of rainy season. Here in UK we're expecting the next few days to be the hottest on record, which admittedly, compared to South Carolina, where I used to live, is going to be a laughable temperature. I guess it's all relative though. Anyway. keep up the fantastic work. I'm looking forward excitedly (as I'm sure we all are), as always, to the next update as and when you can complete it. No hurry, no worry! Quality first, quantity second, please and, as long as it's not quantity for quantity's sake, the more of the latter the better, thank you very much.


Absolutely, Huw. That's precisely what I'm trying to do this time giving more time with each scene and letting them render properly, using better lighting this time. And it's a fantastic feeling seeing improvement in your art. Yeah in my country we do get this horrible rainy season which raises humidity off the chart and increases blackouts. The only good this is that my temperature is bearable now. Thank you for your support as always.