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I do not own Bloodborne or RWBY.

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I hope this story continues to be worthy of your support.

Chapter 31 Sisters by the Shore.

Silence, true silence, was nearly impossible to achieve.

Those gathered in the central courtyard of Shrine Academy gave it a bloody good shot, however.

Their gazes were locked on the sight of something incredible, amazing, stunning… terrifying. A boy, a very, very tall boy, mind you, who already stood half a head taller than his mother, stood bleeding in the centre of one of their sparring rings. He was still in his early teenage years, his 14th birthday approaching, yet he towered over many fully grown men.

Blood was running from his left nostril, the area around it already showing signs of discolouration where he had tanked a blow to the face. His chest was bare and showed a subtle but hard musculature that hid startling strength. A better example of said strength was how he easily manhandled a young man with casual indifference.

The boy in question was Jaune Arc, and the one in his grasp was a student of the Academy named Paris Solar. Paris was currently dangling in Jaune’s grasp, his face a broken visage including a busted nose of his own as his head hung towards his chest.

Jaune gave an unreadable grunt as he dropped the unconscious student, Paris slumping to the ground like a broken toy.

This finally ended the silence.

Murmurs, gasps, whispers, muttering…

The audience was a sea of stuttering conversations, but Jaune paid it no heed, the boy turning around and wandering back over to his family.

“Jauney, you big dummy!” Sky called out as she hurried over, grasping at his leg. “Look at your handsome face!”

Jaune smiled down at his younger sibling, his lips curving upwards gently.

“Tis’ fine, just a bruise,” Jaune placated, gently patting Sky’s head.

“No, you’re bleeding!” Sky continued, unsettled by the sight.

“Come on, Sky,” Jade stepped in, placing a hand on her sister, who was nearly as tall as her. “This is nothing; mum kicks his ass harder,” Jade shrugged.

Sky paused at this, looking at the Arc matriarch, who glanced back before looking away. Seeing his sister's upset look, Jaune quickly turned away and blew the blood out of his nose, a splatter of red bursting out of his abused nostril.

“There… all better,” Jaune announced, smiling at Sky, who was still frowning but settled for giving her brother a responsive nod.

“Good!” Scarlett proclaimed, clapping her hands as she rose out of her beach chair. “Now, let's get to the beach. Here, Jaune, carry my chair for me.”

“Sis, he just got done fighting. I’ll carry it if you’re gonna be lazy, but you’re gonna carry a twin,” Saphron spoke up, taking the chair from her elder sister’s outstretched hand.

“Jaune!” Both little girls cried, reaching out to their elder brother, both being hefted up by Scarlett, who handed them off happily to Jaune. Jade came to his aid, taking the beach chair to keep his arms free for the twins. Though she did so begrudgingly, shooting Scarlett a pointed glare, the older girl ignored her.

“Hello, little ones,” Jaune smiled, bringing his head down as he brushed his cheek over their heads, the little girls pawing at his hair. Soon enough, Hella quickly walked over and kissed the opposite cheek, her face adorned by a proud smile.

“Good work, son,” Cloud proudly proclaimed, patting Jaune on the back, Hrunting once more resting over his shoulder.

“Right, so lets-“

“A moment please.”

“… I just can't catch a break,” Scarlett grumbled as she resisted the urge to throw something. It was her vacation; she was on a warm coastal island and wanted to go to the god's forsaken beach. Was that too much to ask?

“You and me both,” Hella whispered before addressing her mother. “What now,” Hella enquired, her tone calm as she looked at the headmaster with an exasperated expression. To many, the difference from her usual neutral face would be practically unnoticeable, but to those who knew her… they could tell Hella was at the end of her rope.

“… We need to talk,” Himiko stated quickly, her eyes darting to Jaune for the briefest of moments.

“Do we?”

“Yes,” Himiko said, taking a step forward and bringing her right up to her daughter, the height difference between the two showing prevalently.

Hella was over a head taller than Himiko, but neither seemed to care.


“Your son.”

“No, we don’t,” Hella replied with a sharp smile, cutting across her face.


“He just showed you why this Academy would be pointless to one such as him,” Hella cut her mother off, leaning down, her voice lowering. “Or did you miss him putting one of your fourth years on his ass?”

“He doesn’t have Aura-“

“So? It's not like he needed it,” Hella spoke, shooting a cursory look at the gathered students. It wasn’t so much a mocking look as it was measuring, but many still flinched as her purple eyes ran over them.

They didn’t measure up, not to her, Jaune.

“It’s- IT’S-“ Himiko’s words caught in her throat.

“It’s not your concern, mother,” Hella explained with all the finality of a guillotine.

Himiko flinched at this, uncaring that this was being seen as she only had eyes for her daughter and grandson.

“Don’t you see what he could be with the right instruction?” Himiko whispered, her voice carrying a sense of urgency, perhaps even pleading.

“… You don’t see what he already is?” Hellebore questioned, her head cocking back as she gave her mother a look that would make a lesser person shudder.

Himiko’s eyes darted over to Jaune again, looking at the boy who, without Aura, had just laid out a Huntsman in training. Who, without Aura, shattered the brick floor with the heel of his foot. Who without Aura… broke through a trained wielder.

Aura… that could withstand gunshots shattered beneath his attacks.

She must have been staring too long because her daughter gave a venomous hiss, turning her back on Himiko, uttering some passing dismissal about ‘going to the beach’ as she ushered her family away.

They had not even left her sight before she had instructors and older students rushing to ask her a myriad of questions or waylay her with expressions of shock. Himiko waved them off, silencing them with a flare of her burning Aura as she looked for her other child.

Hinata was not hard to find; her daughter was the only one who didn’t seem to be shocked. The other Kutsuki was instead kneeling next to her student. Himiko could not see her lips clearly nor hear her words, but her expression was telling enough.

The fierce, commanding presence also clued her into what she was discussing with her student.

She approached quickly.


Himiko was stunned when her daughter raised a hand, halting her. A part of her, an old part that ruled her in her younger years, was tempted to break that hand. But reminding herself that it was her daughter disrespecting her killed that urge quickly.

“Am I understood?” Hinata asked her student, her tone carrying that distinctive Kutsuki warning tone that let one know there would be consequences to the wrong answer.

“Yes, master,” Arslan nodded, her face a mask of conflict.

“Good… dismissed for now,” Hinata waved her student off before turning to her mother.

“Finished?” Himiko asked, a single brow raised, a slight showing of taunting to her child.

“Don’t, you need to calm down,” Hinata breathed quietly, directing her eyes to the gathered bodies around them.

“Yes, because it's not like my daughter is disrespecting me in front of the entire school,” Himiko replied, her words cool.

“It was not disrespect. It was a necessity. I would rather not have my student or any of them being dumb enough to go and challenge the boy,” Hinata responded, her tone balanced.

Her eyes were another matter; Himiko saw her stubborn child wage an internal war in those brunt orange orbs.

“You’re just as curious as them,” Himiko admonished.

Hinata shook her head, “that’s beside the point; I could fight the kid; they would get beaten into the dirt by him.”

“You make it sound like you could get past his parents,” Himiko scoffed, still sore that Hellebore was treating her so coldly.

“Considering I intended to ask for a spar at some later point and do so politelyleaves me confident I will meet with much better results,” Hinata argued, not missing how Himiko reacted.

She didn’t.

Silence descended between the two Kutsuki as the staff went about reinstating order over the campus and directing students to where they should be. Though neither spoke, their thoughts were much in line with each other. Both had just had their very understanding of the world shaken.

Himiko broached the subject first, the older woman’s voice coated in concern. “How is this possible?”

Hinata did not even have to think before she replied, “I have no fucking clue.” Hinata had been the closest to the fights; she had observed Jaune intensely and genuinely thought him to have an unlocked Aura.

It would make sense, the power reinforcing his body, allowing him to perform the feats he did… but he didn’t and consideration of what she had seen proved it.

When first unlocked, a student had to be taught how to actively manipulate their Aura to perform even the most basic of its functions, such as creating a defensive cloak of Aura. All PCS students had to practice this ceaselessly, with the end goal being to maintain the Aura Cloak subconsciously instead of needing active thought.

An excellent example of a student still honing his skill was the second student to face her nephew, Kotaro, as despite his possessing an unlocked Aura, he had to engage its defensive capabilities actively. Luckily, the boy was talented and kept his Aura up and ready throughout the fight; he could go far with more practice.

Not that it mattered when pitted against someone like Jaune.

Jaune had taken blows and dished out blows of such force his Aura should have flared, his heel drop being a prime example of such. That much force for a new student would have required them to empower their blow with their Aura.

Jaune did it with raw strength.

He might not have the same build as his father, but that strength… that was all Arc.

Then there was his skill with a weapon. While his talent with the Bo had been incredible to behold and was one of his more explainable skills, though the Bo was an interesting choice, he had not imbued it with Aura.

Kotaro’s Kunai had damn near pierced through the wooden staff, which should have clued her in more than anything. Aura reinforcement was literally the second thing they taught students. Once the student showed a decent aptitude for creating an Aura Cloak, the next step was manipulating said cloak.

Manipulate it how? Why over the weapon you are using to stay alive, of course.

This was even more important for trick weapons with many moving pieces. A hybrid gun sword might be cool to look at, especially if it was a transforming hybrid gun sword… but those moving pieces are not necessarily the strongest.

Hence, Aura reinforcement.

‘Keeping your weapons in one piece since literally the dawn of recorded fucking history… and I missed that he wasn’t using it,’ Hinata admonished to herself.

“It’s incredible,” Himiko admitted, not meeting her daughter's eyes as she roused her from her thoughts.

Hinata had a different opinion on the matter. “It's fucking terrifying, and you know it,” the younger Kutsuki cut in her voice a harsh whisper so as not to be overheard.

“… True.”

“How does someone like him even exist? That strength… that much raw strength in a Huntsman who has undergone Aura conditioning for a few years is one thing; his dad is proof enough of that… but without Aura.”

“… I killed a Faunus once, big girl, no Aura, but threw me through a solid wall,” Himiko recalled, her face scrunching as she went back over her memories, trying to make sense of her grandson.

Hinata blinked at this, “You think Jaune might be a Faunus?”

“I mean…”

Hinata hissed balefully, “Mother, Hella would never cheat,” Hinata defended her sister, looking at her mother, ready to commit violence.

Himiko quickly raised her hands in surrender, “I was actually thinking more about the big redwood being a secret Faunus. It would go a long way to explain how Brother’s damned big he is.”

“Nah, we met his mother’s tribe at the wedding. They had a few Faunus, but the humans were still taller for the most part,” Hinata reminded the elder Kutsuki.


Himiko’s non-reply brought their conversation to a stiff break as Hinata knew that Himiko was too busy rolling over her latest curiosity in her head.

But Hinata knew she had to say something, if only for the sake of her nephew.

“You can't have him.”

This roused Himiko quickly, the older woman turning to her daughter.

“You can’t; he won't go, not willingly,” Hinata doubled, shaking her head.

“Hinata, you are speaking about-“

“No, Mother, I know what I am saying,” Hinata was quick to stand her ground; with the students now dispersed, they were free to talk more openly, and Hinata would not curb her tongue. “Hellebore was right.”

“About what?” Himiko asked in a clipped fashion.

“You aren’t seeing the full picture; you aren’t looking at the boy,” Hinata explained, shaking her head.

“You are speaking nonsense,” Himiko tsked.

“No… you are doing it again, Himiko…” Hinata warned, looking at her mother with remorseful eyes.

This pulled Himiko up short, the older Kutsuki going rigid, a flash of anger skirting her expression before she reeled it in. Hinata waited, happy that her mother was heeding her and willing to give her all the time necessary for her to centre herself.

“What… what am I doing, daughter?” Himiko asked, looking at her daughter with concealed worry.

“He is your grandson.”

“I know.”

Hinata sighed, giving her mother a pitying look.

“Then start treating him like it before Hella snaps…” Hinata snarled, switching to Mistrali for an extra layer of cover.

While many still speak Eastern Mistrali, Common was the most frequently used language. With the two of them alone, it might have been just an unnecessary degree of protection, but it had a secondary effect.

Himiko always spoke more plainly in Mistrali.

“I have been! He is a child of my blood of our family, daughter,” Himiko affirmed steadfastly.

“No, he isn't, mother, Jaune is an Arc. Hell, Hellebore herself is so far removed from us that she travelled to another continent and forsook the clan name; she can't be more blatant.” Hinata groaned, her voice raised to the loudest it could go before it could be considered shouting.

“They are family!”

“Hella is family, yes. She at least knows you! But let's not forget that between the two of you is a veritable chasm of bad blood and old hate,” Hinata was prowling now; her nerves were already frayed from watching her nephew's unheard-of abilities.

She was not emotionally prepared for her mother to… relapse.

“I understand her hate, I accept it, I earned it…” Himiko whispered, her shame prevalent. “I do not and will not think of her as a stranger, nor her family… even the damn redwood.”

“Good, then think of them as Family… and not as Kutsuki,” Hinata finished, her words coming out pained as if they had dragged across an open wound.

Himiko reacted even worse.

There was no anger, no flaring of her burning Aura or the narrow, piercing gaze of a wrathful Kutsuki. There was only hurt, deep-cut hurt, as if the words had physically stabbed her through her heart.


“No mother… No.” Hinata hugged her mother in a very rare showing between the two. Hinata tucked the older woman’s head into the crook of her neck and held her there as she spoke. “Hellebore will never let her children be Kutsuki, even if our clan became the most famed and acknowledged clan across the whole of Mistral, praised and beloved… Hellebore would not allow it.”

“But… but I am trying,” Himiko breathed.

“I know,” Hinata beamed at her mother, looking at the older Kutsuki with an adoring gaze slipping into Common and its less formal speech. “I know that, Mother, but today… yesterday as well, you acted like our clan head.” Hinata sighed, knowing her words would hurt. “We don’t need the clan head mother; we need the woman who desperately wants her daughter’s children to know her.”


“Perhaps, mother… you can be Himiko, the grandmother, for a while and let Himiko, head of the Kutsuki clan, take a back seat. If only for the sake of your grandchildren.”

“I… I can try,” the older Kutsuki mumbled, her words strained.

“Good,” Hinata smiled at her mother, kissing her cheek, “you owe them an apology.”

“… all right,” Himiko nodded, accepting the statement.

“… Also, you should probably heed Hellebore’s advice about her son,” Hinata spoke after a moment.

“How so?”

“… Hmm, well, I guess it’s not exactly strange for you to consider the boy's potential because you’re right… there is a genuinely terrifying amount there,” Hinata breathed, still thinking of how badly things could have gone if Arslan had fought him.

Her girl did not know how to stay down.

She had little doubt Jaune would have given her a comprehensive tutorial on the matter.

“That there is,” Himiko nodded.

“But… well, you weren’t listening at lunch the other day,” Hinata sighed, looking away from her mother. She didn’t want to harp on the point, but better to cover this now.

“… Meaning?”

“Jaune… you spoke at him, not to him.”

“… Okay,” Himiko accepted, making Hinata smile.

“Perhaps… some reconnaissance,” Hinata advised, “observe your grandson, your other grandkids while you’re at it, learn about them… be their grandmother, not their clan head.”

“… I will do this … but it's not right,” Himiko stated stubbornly.


“No. I hear you, my daughter, and I will follow your advice… it’s- it's good advice,” Himiko nodded, resting a hand atop her daughter's shoulder. “But that boy… It feels wrong to cast aside his potential.”

“… Maybe we aren’t,” Hinata supplied.

Himiko looked at her daughter with a quirked brow.

“I mean it,” Hinata pressed, “but it’s a moot point right now anyway; go use those observational skills you bashed into my stubborn skull and learn about your grandkids. We can address the matter later… though I feel I am right.” Hinata finished her beaming smile, all confidence and surety.

“Right… and what will you be doing, daughter?” Himiko asked, genuinely curious.

“… Well,” Hinata spoke, dragging out her word, “I have kinda been stuck playing silent support for long enough… I have given my council; you’ll listen, or you won't.” Hinata shrugged, giving her mother a knowing look that gave Himiko conflicting feelings.

Mostly guilt.


“So I am gonna go off and get to know my nephew and nieces,” Hinata spoke with a beaming grin.

“Ahh… I suppose me and Hella have made that difficult, haven’t we…”

“I don’t pick sides when it comes to family,” Hinata spoke sternly. “Because there aren’t any. There is only us.”

“Stop being wise; I am the old woman here… go, be with our family,” Himiko ordered, assuming her commanding countenance, though the smile on her face somewhat spoiled it.

“Aye, aye, sir,” Hinata beamed, jogging off.

Himiko smiled as he daughter disappeared, blatantly abusing her Aura as she all but soared away with her enhanced speed. Left alone in the purposefully empty courtyard, Himiko Kutsuki was stuck with only her thoughts for company.

Turning, she began to make her way back to her office, deciding that it would be best to start observing her family after her daughters had a chance to spend time with each other.

As she walked, her face hardened until the killer she was rose to the surface.

“Hell is too great a mercy for you… Jason,” Himiko spat before she swallowed her old hate, knowing it would do little good.

After all… her first husband was already dead.


Scarlett would not be denied, and following her brother’s triumphant victory, she had all but hauled her family to the beach close to Himawari village. It was as wonderful as she remembered; even in her memories, she could recall the sapphire blue sea and the pristine white sands.


The beach was practically barren of other occupants, making it simple for Scarlett to carve out a section for herself and her family. With a flourish, she discarded her clothes, her red top and shorts plopping atop her bag as she laid back in her ‘family time appropriate swimsuit’.

With the sun on her bare flesh and the relaxing sound of the waves, Scarlett finally felt like her vacation could begin.

“Ahh,” she sighed, stretching out on her beach towel. “Now, this is more like it.”

A snort to her right had her leisurely opening one eye to see Saphron staring down at her with her hands on her hips. She had worn a sporty orange two-piece and shorts, her top even more modest than Scarlett's black two-piece.

“Finally gonna chill out now that you’ve got your precious beach back?” Saphron snorted, amused by the sight of her older sister’s basking.

“… Yes,” Scarlett stated plainly, just happy to finally be able to enjoy the heavenly beach.

This answer had Saphron laughing, her hands coming down to rest on her knees at the insanity of her sister. Scarlett knew she had been particularly prickly the last few days, but she was under the preconception that this was a vacation.

She would like to enjoy it.

“Saphron, play nice now; Scarlett’s entitled to her vacation as well,” Cloud called out to his two eldest.

“Yeah, yeah, Dad… so you gonna join in on volleyball later?” Saphron asked a hint of hopefulness in her voice.

Scarlett smiled at her younger sister, “Of course, we could have a few good games with all of us here.”

“Awesome!” Saphron cheered, quickly running off saying something about finding some sticks.

“You’re gonna play too!” Sky cheered, falling next to Scarlett, her body wrapped in a blue one-piece with white polka dots and frilly sides.

“Of course I am; it’s a beach day?” Scarlett spoke, confused by the surprised by the young girl's amazement.

‘How bitchy have I been lately?’ Scarlett thought worriedly; she didn’t think it was so bad as to have this effect on her family.

“Great, no takebacks!” Sky cheered, running off before Scarlett could reply.

“… What did I just agree to,” Scarlett worried aloud.

“No clue, but I think you’re right to be nervous,” Jade spoke from near the bags. She was also already in her swimwear but had decided to imitate Saphron with a bikini and shorts. Her top was less sporty than Saphron’s and was originally black but had been discoloured by varying streaks of colour.

“… We really need to get you some more clothes,” Scarlett decided.

“Why,” Jade sniffed, holding sunscreen in one of her hands, “not like I’ll suddenly keep paint off them.”

“Ever thought of using an apron… or overalls?”

“Too hot,” Jade shook her head, “Jauney! Sunscreen!” Jade bellowed in no particular direction, fully expecting her brother to hear her.

“Behind you,” the quietest of the Arcs spoke up, standing a foot away from Jade, looking at her calmly.

“Ahh good, sunscreen,” Jade ordered, pointing at her back. “Do me and make sure someone does you; need you to keep your skin healthy.”

“Mm,” Jaune nodded quickly, taking the bottle from his sister and covering her back, as well as her ears, much to Jade’s discomfort.


“You always forget your ears,” Jaune spoke, his voice docile.

“No, I don’t,” Jade denied, crossing her arms though not struggling.

Jaune didn’t say anything, but Scarlett could see him glance at her, the two older siblings sharing a silent moment of agreement.

“You gonna do me too little bro?” Scarlett asked, only keeping one eye open as she enjoyed the late morning sun.

“Would you like me to?”

“Yes, please.”

“Then, of course,” Jaune nodded.

Scarlett couldn’t help but notice that her brother seemed… relaxed. Twisting somewhat to get a better look, she eyed her brother curiously, trying to puzzle out this change of attitude. He didn’t seem remarkably different except that he was in boardshorts and a white sleeveless top. Amusingly, his shorts were bright pink; Scarlett had bought them as a joke.

A joke that went right over her brother's head.

The only other odd thing was the tissue stuffed up his left nostril, with a tiny bit of blood on it. Jaune had been unfazed by the blow to his face, but it wouldn’t do for him to walk around bleeding for no reason.

That was just unsanitary.

Aside from these differences, there wasn’t anything different with her anti-social little brother…

Turning back so she was on her back, Scarlett found herself looking out at the vast blue sea, and her mind immediately made the connection. It was just like how he had been on the boat trip over.

“… Hey bro?” Scarlett waved, getting her brother's attention.

“Hm?” jaune looked over as he finished applying sunscreen on Jade, who scrambled away chasing after Sky, hollering at her to put some on herself.

“… What’s up with you and the ocean,” Scarlett asked while holding out an expectant hand, letting Jaune pass her the bottle. She took one look at it before recoiling, “Uh uh, pass me mine. It's in my bag,” Scarlett instructed, returning the bottle.

“What’s it look like?”

“Brown bottle, called Traveler, a big white orb for a logo,” Scarlett informed.

“Got it,” Jaune quickly found it with her description, handing her the bottle.

“Cheers, now as to my prior question?”

“About the ocean,” Jaune affirmed as Scarlett began to rub her sun lotion on her legs.

“Yep, you always become… different around it; why?”

“… Different bad?”

Scarlett flailed a little, “No, no, no, Jaune, nothing bad, just… loose?”



“You become floppy!” Sky cheered as she barrelled into her brother at top speed, knocking Jaune onto his back.


“See, I knocked you over! Floppy!”

“Don’t run into people like that; what if someone gets hurt,” Scarlett said crossly.

“I’m okay… maybe I am floppy,” Jaune wondered aloud as he looked up at his younger sister, who was perched on his chest.

“Jade says I need sunscream before I can go swimming.”



“It’s sunscreen, not sunscream,” Jaune corrected.

Sky frowned.

“Are you sure?”

“Relatively,” Jaune supplied.

“What’s that mean,” Sky asked, confused by Jaune's response, the tall boy still sitting immobile beneath his younger sibling, admiring how cute her confused face was.

“It means you should ask a relative,” Scarlett supplied teasingly, having moved onto her abdomen with her sun lotion.

“Oh… hey Scar-“

“It’s screen.”


“Here, you do your front. I will get your shoulders and neck,” Jaune instructed, quickly lifting Sky off his chest as she was only roughly the same size as Jade.

If she kept growing at this rate, she would easily be as tall as Hellebore in her teens. Maybe she would be taller if she grew faster when she hit puberty.

Sky quickly followed her brother's instructions, and when he was sure she was protected, she dashed off, rushing at Jade, who was waiting for her in the surf. Jaune smiled as he saw the waves crash over their legs, Sky and Jade running about, jumping over them as they came in.

“Oi, baby bro, you mind?” Scarlett asked, pointing at her own back.

“Sure,” Jaune agreed.

Scarlett smiled at her taller brother before rolling on her stomach and undoing her top. Jaune applied some of the lotion to his hands, his nose rapidly noting that some other stuff was mixed in with his sister's lotion, including something floral and… some kind of spice.

‘Peculiar,’ Jaune thought before he noticed his sister's bare back.



“Why did you undo your top? Won't the strap protect you from the sun anyway?” Jaune asked curiously.

“I’m tanning,” Scarlett supplied.

Jaune was silent at this as he knew a few different meanings for the word tanning; somehow, he did not think his sister meant any of them. “What?”

“Tanning? You know, lying in the sun so my skin gets a healthy glow,” Scarlett explained, looking back over her shoulder.

“… Why?”

“Cause I want to,” Scarlett answered succinctly.

“All right then,” and with his curiosity sated, Jaune hurried to cover his sister’s bare back.

“Now that I think about it… do you tan?” Scarlett asked, craning her neck back.

“I don’t know. Also, I recommend not rising higher less you wish to expose yourself,” Jaune warned his older sibling.

“Oh please, my arms are covering me, and no one is nearby. What do you mean you don’t know? Didn’t your skin get darker while you were roughing it out in the woods?” Scarlett continued, genuinely curious.

She knew that their mother tanned super easily, and it was a trait she somewhat wished she had gotten from her parents. Her father, however, tended to burn if he wasn’t careful, not that it mattered too much as the man was almost always sporting a tan from the amount of time he spent outside.

Jaune however…

“No, not that I am aware of,” Jaune answered honestly.

“Hmm… show me your hips,” Scarlet ordered.

“What?” Jaune chuckled at his sister's strange demand, his hands pausing at the curve of her spine.

“You always dress like some kind of goth, so I want to see if you have any tan lines.”

“On my hips?”

“Yes, your skinny stupid hips now stop being difficult; I want to know,” Scarlet began reaching back, clawing at the air futilely trying to get Jaune.

This was the scene Saphron returned to; her brother perched behind Scarlet, his hands appearing to be pining her back to the ground while she clawed at him and covered her chest. Saphron knew instantly that whatever was happening here was her sister’s fault.

“Scarlett, what are you doing?”

“I need to see his hips!” Scarlett growled, trying to wriggle free.

“… That answered actually nothing.”

“She wants to know if I tan,” Jaune added helpfully, clearing up the matter.

Scarlett felt her mischievous side stir.

“Quick, sis, grab his shorts!”

This was, of course, the exact time Hella and Cloud arrived, holding the twins in their cute little swimmers. Much like his son, Cloud was wearing only a pair of shorts but had forgone the top, his scarred chest visible to all. Hella wore a black one-piece with red highlights on her sides and an orange floral patterned sarong.

Neither adult knew what to make of the scene they were looking at. As was his duty as the more talkative member of their marriage, Cloud was given the ‘terrific’ duty of being the first to speak.

“So… something you kids wanna tell us?” Cloud spoke, his words coming out as straight as he could manage despite the absurdity he was witnessing.

“Nope, I have nothing to do with this,” Saphron proclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at Scarlett, “your oldest is trying to corrupt Jaune.”

“I am not!” Scarlett quickly objected, a flash of red coming to her ears.

“Scarlett, why were you asking your sister to grab Jaune’s shorts,” Hella asked, exasperation breaking through her usual placid mask.

“I just want to know if he tans, dammit! I am not the weird one here!”

“Not only are you wrong, but you are also a liar,” Saphron informed her older sibling.


“Language,” Hella cut in swiftly, nodding to the two little twins wearing matching swimsuits.

“All done,” Jaune spoke up, having used his sister's distracted state to finish coating her back, “I will leave you to do your own ears as I know how particular you are about your hair.”

“Ahh… sunscreen; good job, Jaune,” Cloud praised, “did you get Sky and Jade?”

“Yes, they are over there,” Jaune nodded, pointing to where the two were tumbling in the surf.

Hella stepped forward, handing the twins to Jaune, who took them happily; both girls looked adorably precious in their deep blue swimsuits decorated with little puffy skirts. “Hello, you two. Don’t you both look lovely today,” Jaune complimented, shuffling the girls so they could sit on the towel comfortably.

“We blue!” Lapis cheered.

“Blue!” Lazuli echoed.

“Yes, you are, very blue; now we need to put some sunscreen on so we are safe from the sun,” Jaune informed them, reaching back for the regular bottle of sunscreen.

“Husband,” Hellebore uttered, gesturing over her shoulder, the word more than enough for Cloud to pull Hella into his lap and hold her.

“That was not what I meant, Cloud,” Hella sighed.

Cloud unrepentantly rested his head atop hers, “oh?”

“Sunscreen Cloud.”

“Jaune’s using it,” Cloud pointed out, not moving an inch, nor did Hella as she lounged against her husband.

“Very well.”

Saphron, of course, had to cut in, “Well, isn't that sweet enough to make you sick.”

“Indeed violently ill,” Scarlett agreed, jumping on the joke.

Both older girls laughed, earning a pointed look from their mother that lacked all its usual ferocity.

“Hey, sis, can I borrow your lotion? This stuff looks pricey?” Saphron spoke while examining the bottle of ‘Travelers Ligh Screen’.

“It is very pricey; now put it down, and you can keep your fingers,” Scarlett threatened, eyeing her sister maliciously.

“Geeze fine, so materialistic,” Saphron mocked.

“Is this some kind of peasant joke-“

“Girls behave,” Hella cut in, her voice a bit more severe this time, making her eldest children pull their heads in.

Soon enough, Jaune would wind up helping Saphron with her Sunscreen while Cloud and Hella did each other.

Jaune had his done by the twins.

They tried their absolute best to make sure Jaune was ‘protected from the big mean sun’.

It reached the point that Hella had to step in, doing her best to cover the large patches the twins had missed and smooth out the vast dollops left everywhere… including his hair. But in the end, the twins had gone above and beyond. Jaune didn’t mind so much as the sight of his baby sisters giggling euphorically as they made him into their living canvas was simply precious.

In the end, Jaune waded into the sea, letting the salty ocean wash off most of the excess sunscreen as the water brushed over his form.

“Accepting of all there is… And all there can be…” Jaune whispered as he ran his hand over the surface of the water.

Jaune found he really did love the ocean.

“Kos… is this the peace of your home?” Jaune asked the waves, fully aware they were unlikely to respond.

A wet *Thwack* rung out as Jade exploded from the ocean and clung to her brother's back.

“Hey, Jaune!”

“Hello,” Jaune smiled, peering back to watch as Jade scrambled up his torso while smiling.

“So what do you think of the beach, big bro?” Jade asked, her arms wrapping around his shoulders, Jaune taking hold of her forearms to secure her.

“I… find it quite pleasant,” Jaune admitted, still smiling.

Jade smiled in turn, enjoying her older brother's relaxed nature.

At least she was until Sky erupted from the water and began fighting her for her place on their brother’s back.

Jaune wasn’t entirely sure how he became the ‘hill’ in this game, but he didn’t mind.

His sisters weighed very little.


Arslan knew that what she was doing was skirting the instruction of her master.

But curiosity is a powerful emotion, and Arslan had been taken over by a fierce desire to know more that would not abate. To be completely accurate, she was still obeying her master; she had been instructed not to fight the Arc boy.

Her master didn’t say she couldn’t observe him.

It helped that as she was leaving, her master and the headmaster began to have… a private conversation. Arslan was by no means a coward, but even she was not brave enough, nor dumb enough, mind you, to stick around for that particular show.

The fact that she heard shouting only made her run to the beach harder.

Now, while she usually would not be one to flake on her classes and lessons, the fact was that today was their rest day. Shrine Academy only had a single day off a week instead of two, like some schools had. However, it was more like one and a half, as they had a day that consisted of ‘light’ training.

It was like going to the gym in the morning and then collapsing for the rest of the day; they weren’t even marked on it. It existed solely to ensure that students maintained their conditioning and physical ability.

It was also known as detention day; if you were issued a detention, you served it during your half-day, which became much longer. You only lose your day off if you do something terrible, as rest is integral to improving oneself. Today was a half day, but their morning lessons had been cancelled to observe a unique showcase.

None of them had expected said showcase to be a fighter without Aura decimating student body members.

Arslan could still see it in her mind. The way the Arc boy had taken apart those students as if they weren’t even worth the effort. He went up against a senior student; all he got for his troubles was a bloody nose.

Not broke, just bloody.

And all without Aura.

Arslan needed to know more. She considered herself one of the best at the Academy; she had thought herself a talented combatant.

Jaune had just redefined what the term talented even meant to her.

She moved quickly through Himawari, waving to a few residents, who waved back. Himawari could make even her feel relaxed; it was a peaceful village. The residents were all kind and very respectful, and Arslan did her best to reciprocate.

The few students who didn’t either didn’t last long or quickly learned the error of their ways.

The Kutsuki were not always the heads of an academy, but they have been the protectors of Himawari since before the conception of their clan on the island. No matter their year, any student who stepped out of line was swiftly and, more often than not, harshly reminded of their place.

It was one thing to discipline a child; it was an entirely other matter to discipline a child with Aura.

When a child suddenly gains enhanced speed and strength, combat training, a bulletproof shield and superpowers… the kid gloves come off.

Arslan had never seen it herself, but the rumours and stories on the matter were many and in-depth.

She couldn’t figure out why anyone would want to come down here and spoil the peaceful atmosphere. If you want to fight, grab a staff member and head to a ring, or hell, some senior students were allowed to officiate. If you want excitement, wait until the next Grimm showcase. Want to have fun…

‘Shit, what do people do for fun… train?’ Arslan thought, pausing in her journey to consider the matter. She just trained and hung out with her master; she never had time to consider what to do during her downtime.

Hinata was like an endless well of hyperactive energy and hype. The woman’s idea of taking things easy was to practice her accuracy with her monstrous Shuriken. Never mind that said training had once deforested a section of the island.

That had been a difficult day, not for Arslan, but Himiko had not been pleased to receive the complaint from one of the island’s residents… again. Though watching her master replant all the trees was fun.

She wondered what the Arcs did for fun.

With her curiosity reinvigorated, Arslan cut through Himawari village and began to trace her way along the coast, making sure to be subtle about her approach. It wasn’t hard to spot the Arcs. They had claimed a section of beach all for themselves. It looked a little like a camp due to its size, with umbrellas and towels swathed together to make a little island in the sand.

Arslan moved closer but found her approach interrupted when she heard voices.

Ducking low, Arslan crept over to the source of the voices, staying hidden in case it was staff sent by the headmaster. Her worries were found to be pointless when she instead spotted two boys half hidden beneath some bushes, both flat on their stomachs, looking towards the Arcs.

“Wow, she’s sexy as hell!” One of the boys whispered excitedly to his fellow.

“Yeah… wait, is she even wearing her top!”

“Of course not, she’s tanning, damn country boy.”

“Wha- hey fuck you, man.”

“Shh, do you want them to spot us.”

Arslan quickly realised the two upper years were perving on the eldest Arc daughter, stretched out on her beach towel. Arslan had never really understood tanning but figured to each their own. She doubted the girl would appreciate that a couple of teenagers were perving on her.

“Hey, look at that one over the.”

“What’s she doing with those sticks?”

“Who cares? Her ass is even better than her sisters!”

“Yeah though… their mum’s is better by-“

Silence was heralded by the sound of metal dragging free of a sheath.

“So… how would you boys like to die?” A familiar voice asked, both boys letting out startled squeaks as sizeable metallic blades came to rest on the back of their necks.

“Master… Kutsuki-“

“Yep, so, did you boys know that you just happened to be perving on not only my sister but my nieces,” Hinata asked, the weapon pressing down, causing both boy’s Aura to flare.

“We’re sorry!”

“Oh, not yet, you ain’t,” Hinata growled down at the boys, her face practically a mask of fury as she pushed down more, both boys not moving an inch as their Aura continued to flare. Arslan leaned to get a better look and saw her master crouched with her colossal shuriken, pinning the boys down by the back of their necks.

If they didn’t have Aura…

“Sensei, please!”

“We won't do it again, we’re sorry!”

Hinata must have detected some sincerity from the boys as she pulled her Shuriken back, letting both boys hurry to prostrate themselves before her. Both were blabbering about how sorry they were and that they weren’t thinking, but Arslan could tell her master wasn’t even listening.

“Shut it, both of you,” Hinata snapped, making both boys freeze. “I should kick the shit out of both of you and ship your unconscious assess off to medical! Out here perving on our guests like a couple of degenerates, and to top it off, you’re both in our Academies uniform!”

Both boys went rigid at this, realising that they had trespassed twice.


“Did I say you could speak, boy!” Hinata cut the inconsequential plea off, swiping her shuriken down and leaving a thin gouge in the soil right before their fingers.

Both boys were smart enough to keep their mouths closed.

Hinata drew a long breath, calming herself as she resisted the urge to punt the two about like ragdolls. “… Now, as distasteful as your actions are, this is a public beach. You are hardly the first to stare at a woman on the shore, nor will you be the last.”

Both boys took a breath, no doubt enjoying that their worries were over.

‘Fools… they clearly have no idea what they’re in for,’ Arslan thought pitifully, watching as they were about to be prepped for execution.

“Unfortunately, our school expects better of our students, especially if they are representing us,” Hinata all but growled.

The two boys, with their faces down, paled.

“Both of you are to immediately return to campus grounds and notify the headmaster of what you were doing and to whom you were doing it to… and if either of you for even a second consider leaving something out, so help me, I will make you wish for expulsion,” Hinata hissed letting her Aura flare, her presence, her soul, pressing down on them.

“Get the fuck out of my sight,” Hinata ordered.

Both boys began to slink off.

“Now, dammit, move your asses!” Hinata roared, sending both boys fleeing as if hell itself were on their heels. Once both were gone, Arslan heard her master sigh, “fucking teenagers,” before the woman replaced her Shuriken on her back, her holster latch clicking the weapon on.

“Now, for the fun part,” Hinata spoke aloud, making Arslan Curious about what she could be referring to.

“Arslan… get out here,” Hinata beckoned in a sing-song voice.

Arslan was so startled that it felt like her stomach might fall from her feet.

But knowing her master, Arslan took two steps out from behind the tree she had been spying from and waited for her dressing down. Despite her expectations, Hinata didn’t seem bothered that she was there, just ushering her over quickly.

“So… did you actually listen to what I said or did you just decide ‘fuck it, let's do this’?” Hinata asked her student, one hand cocked on her hip.

Arslan grumbled at this, “I’m not going to fight him. I just wanted to-“

“Hide in the bushes and stare at him without his shirt?” Hinata cut in her student, floundering under the rapid switch in conversation.

“Wha- no!”

“Well, that’s what it looks like from where I’m standing,” Hinata gestured to her hiding spot, “I mean, really, Arslan, I didn’t think you even had an interest in boys… or is it my nieces that have your attention?”

“Stop! That’s not what’s happening here!” Arslan shouted, her face gaining a dash of red at her master's incorrect assumption.


“I just wanted to see him cause I was curious…” Arslan trailed off as she realised she wasn’t entirely sure why she had followed the Arcs down to the beach. It wasn’t like they came down here to train, so why did she come?

‘To see what they do for fun?’ Arslan thought weakly, knowing her master wouldn’t buy that for a second.

“… I am waiting, Arslan,” Hinata pressed.

“… I wanted to see what they would do…” Arslan gestured with her head, “At the beach, I mean.”

Hinata’s response was a silent raising of a single brow, her lips twisting. Arslan looked away but bared the judging look with all she had, not wanting to falter under her master’s inspective gaze.

Then she giggled.

Arslan’s face shot up, and she met her master’s burnt orange eyes as they danced with delight, and the older woman spluttered mirthfully. Arslan didn’t know what to say, and the matter was taken out of her hands when Hinata scooped her up.

“Oh, my precious student, look at you, so cute, and you don’t even know it!” Hinata laughed as she spun a now thoroughly confused Arslan around.

‘What the fuck is happening,’ Arslan wondered, her arms pinned to her sides by her teacher’s immense strength.

Arslan was suddenly planted on the ground, her master’s hands clutching her shoulders as she looked at her seriously. “What are you wearing under that uniform.”

‘What the fuck!’

“Umm, sports bra and some shorts?” Arslan answered, wondering if it was too late to flee.

“… Well, that might be fine, but I grabbed this for you if you want it,” Hinata sang, pulling out a sleek, athletic-looking one-piece swimsuit that was olive green like her eyes with a gold tiger stripe pattern. “Tada, do you like it?”

“What is that?” Arslan shrieked, now more than a little scared by her master.

“It’s a one piece… you more a bikini girl, cause while that’s both exciting and quite shocking, I can work with that,” Hinata babbled.

“No one piece is fine,” Arslan hurried to respond, knowing exactly how dangerous an open premise was around her master.

“Aww, I was gonna make you so sexy,” Hinata huffed.

“I’m thirteen!”

“You need to stake your claim now, girl. Be first in the door,” Hinata exclaimed powerfully as if trying to hype Arslan up.

“What the fuck is this conversation right now,” Arslan bemoaned aloud.

“Hush, just trust your master… ok, your right sex appeal might be a bit… tacky given your age. Besides, besides, today is no time for something so blunt,” Hinata continued, completely ignoring Arslan.

“I’m so confused,” Arslan whimpered. She really should have just stayed on campus.

“Quick put this on… or don’t if you feel comfortable getting your underwear wet,” Hinata instructed, pulling off her half-adorned robe.


“Because… well, to be fair, I feel kind of bad that you haven’t seen my family at its best and well… you’re my student,” Hinata explained, her voice taking on a shy quality with such speed it was enough to leave Arslan with emotional whiplash.


“… I want you to come spend time with me and my family… you’re my student,” Hinata stated as if that explained everything.

‘… Cute…’ Arslan thought unbidden as her master looked at her with barely restrained hope.

“… Give me the one-piece,” Arslan surrendered.


“And turn your back while I change,” Arslan demanded.

“Why, it's not like you have something I ain't got more of,” Hinata replied, showing her adult form.

“Pervert, you are as bad as those boys,” Arslan decried her master.

Hinata’s swimwear was just what she wore under her usual teacher's clothes, her black and gold chest binding and a pair of bottoms that hung high on her hips. It made sense when you lived on an island to be ready to hit the water at any moment.

Aquatic Grimm could be an absolute bitch.

“Hardly; those little twerps should be lucky my sister didn’t catch them; otherwise, they would have been used as target practice… she’s done it before,” Hinata recalled.

“Stop changing the topic and turn around!”

“Fine… prude,” Hinata sulked.


“Yeah, yeah, hurry up. I want you to get a chance to hang out with my nieces and nephew.”

Arslan knew this was a bad idea.

It was one her master came up with, so whatever her goal was, she would likely achieve it, but the collateral…

But knowing it was a lousy idea, Arslan couldn’t help but stare at the beach where she spotted Jaune Arc wading out of the surf with two sisters clinging to his lithe frame. It might have just been her imagination, but she could have sworn that she could see his quaint smile even from the edge of the beach.

He was so different.

He was nothing like how he had been in the ring.

She wanted to know more… Needed to.

Quickly, confident her master would safeguard her from peeping toms, she slipped into her new swimsuit.

Only to come to a very concerning realisation.

“Master… why does this fit me perfectly,” Arslan deadpanned.

Hinata’s innocent look couldn’t fool a rock.


Ok… so the votes have been tallied, and romance will be a thing… shit.

I am unsure how I will manage it, but for now, I will say that Jaune will more likely have to be pursued than pursue. Also, there will likely be a poll at some point for it because I have terrible decision-making skills.

Also, because I am flying by the seat of my pants, but that summarises a lot of this fic, so… eh.

Also, in personal news, this is super serious.

I finally got around to watching Edgerunners…

I will need to immediately purchase Cyberpunk and its new DLC and grind that shit out asap because that shit was impactful.

Also, if any of you have the connections, I need fanfic written immediately; it doesn’t need to be a fixemup’, but it has to have a couple hundred thousand words and a lot of Rebecca. Also, I demand it immediately in a syringe that I can inject into my brain posthaste.

If you could make that happen, that would be great cheers.


Alright, well, the next chapter, I think, shall be a happy vacation chapter! Beach fun, Jaune enjoying the ocean, sister excursions around the island and gaining a second friend!

Also, you know Kutsuki family makeup… because I need it.

Right, love ya, but I have to go make some ill-advised impulse purchases.


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