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I do not own Bloodborne or RWBY.

A very special thank you to Patrons; your support is the fuel that lets my creativity burn all the brighter. So, thank you to –

E-Elf, Lee yang, Laplase, DocBot200, Richard, SkeletalPheonix Games, J-Rubia, Reed Gel, Alex, Jared Whitten, Tuber, Doubledoor, Colin, Dominik Michalczyk, Rice, Ryan Roberts, Not the smartest guy, Kolton, Andre, Chris, Loneshadowolf, Dev123playz, WoolJarl, Richard, Biowar, Ramon Diaz, Timothy D Theis, RangerNyhm, alex Fang, Eternal Frosty, Banana Meiste, Alberto, StormDrake, Bo Tran, Aelak, xydra22, Jeremy Hernandez, TheNamelessOne, Spex, JoeLikes Coffee, Doot DareusX, Fakhrurrozi, Matthew Hennes, Matthew McRoyall, Raven, clagann, Isaac Clutter, Isaac Najera, DogmaPiece, Jaina, ThePanzerMedic, Jellow345, LiAndo, SeidrRaum, A Bad Rose, Sam Lee, Altaslaalsa, Dunton, Duane V, morten sonne, Twitch Twitch, Giovanni Lara, ShadowLord, Chalino, Brownie2020, Stephen, Hyptherion, NexUS9000, Sover­_Invic, Trey Stevens, Nauq, Skinnybonz, Grieve, Alexander Gilman, Frank, PoisonPen37, The Feral Gale, Dovadork, Angus Etheridge, Sirhawk, LOLZMAN, Krypto, ZBHuman, LoneStar, Beeman, Archmagos Veneratus Errant Rho, Albert Alvaro, idontexist, Tacoman3, Fazeclan Gandhi, Mercer Smiit, Benjamin Herschel, uo b, Tyrell Facey, Dustin Dubbo, Casey Valentine, Daraon, Mr.Mystery101, Hayden Harrison, Junsheng Limwilfrid and Adelphos Praeses.

I hope this story continues to be worthy of your support.

Chapter 30 Flesh and Aura



“… Do you hate Grandmother?”

“… No.”

“Are you sure…”

“I am.”

“Ok,” Jade nodded, continuing to draw on her brother's bare back, the marker she was using leaving a trail of black ink as she practised her designs. She had learned long ago that she could take her brother at face value for the most part. It didn’t hurt to consider his responses, but she didn’t want to right now.

She wanted to focus. She wanted to keep practising.

But her mind did not sit easy, and so she kept talking.

“It seemed like you did earlier,” Jade mumbled, pausing her work momentarily.

Jaune shifted beneath her grip, just as she suspected he would. “I do not, she just… upset me.”

“You mean pissed you off,” Jade corrected, giving her brother a knowing side-eye.


“That’s a yes,” Jade snorted.

“Mm… yes,” Jaune begrudgingly surrendered, “I have no wish to be told where I belong.”

“Oh, trust me, big bro, no one is unaware of that fact anymore,” Jade laughed dryly, remembering their grandmother's expression. “And to think the lunch had been going so well…”

Jaune tensed.

Jade rewarded him with a swift smack, the sound filling their quiet room. “I told you to stop coiling!” The younger girl snapped, thinking about how apt that word was to describe Jaune’s movement.

Unlike their father or even their mother, Jaune’s musculature was oddly subtle. It was odd; everyone said he was strong, but despite this, Jade noticed that if you weren’t looking, you couldn’t see any sign of his strength. There were no bulging areas where his muscles made themselves apparent or sculpted paths where the thickened fibres gathered.

It gave her brother a very… misleading appearance.

But then you touched him.

Which Jade would be the first to admit was a rarity in itself, only her family and Orr being granted such freedom to do so.

Jaune’s body was a mystery to her. When she touched her father’s or mother’s muscles, she could trace the different groups easily, not with Jaune. Jaune’s muscles were hidden until he tensed, and then it was like watching cords press up against his skin.

He wasn’t thin, but he just wasn’t as bulky as Jade figured he should be.

It made him tensing, a complete pain in the ass for Jade, who was trying to practice his future Slayer Marks.

“Sorry,” Jaune quickly apologised, but Jade heard the amusement in his tone.

“You can be so aggravating… why did you challenge grandmother?”

Jaune’s muscles didn’t coil this time; her brother instead huffed.

Like a child.

“Because it seemed the most surefire solution to see the matter settled.”

“I think that’s bullshit,” Jade rebutted, continuing her work, her eye not leaving her brother’s pale flesh as she etched another of the symbols from his diary onto his back. They always managed to capture her attention so completely.

“Jade, I have no wish for this trip to be anything less than a vacation for all of you; this will let us return to that,” Jaune argued, his voice cutting through her focus.

“What about you? This is a family vacation, Jaune, family.”

Jaune moved so his deep blue eyes were easily visible to his younger sister as he smiled at her, “Jade, do I not look relaxed to you.”

Jade couldn’t refute that statement. Jaune looked like a massive cat lounging on the floor, his tall form stretched out loosely.

“Not just now, you goof. I mean, when we are out and about,” Jade rolled her eyes.

“I have been relaxed,” Jaune argued lazily.

“Not since the boat,” Jade shrugged, returning to her art.

Jaune seemed to become even more relaxed at this. “Ah… I did like our ocean trip; that was nice.”

Jade glanced at her brother with a new look as he reminisced peacefully about their time aboard the ‘Odd Odyssey’. It had been a delightful surprise that Jaune had enjoyed that segment of their vacation so much. He disliked all transport and despised almost all forms that had him, in his own words, ‘trapped’ with strangers.

“Do you think you’ll be able to enjoy your time here at the academy?”

“… No.”

“Why not,” Jade sighed, desperately wanting her big brother to enjoy this time.

“Grandmother intends to try and make it so that I become a student of this academy. She wants me to come here and leave-“

“That won't happen,” Jade was quick to interject.

“… No, it won't,” Jaune agreed, but Jade heard the steel in his voice.

“That’s why you challenged her then? You think that will hold her off?” Jade questioned, finishing her work and patting her brother's back.

“Yes… no…”


“I don’t know,” Jaune admitted, showing off his flexibility by bending back to observe his sister's design. “Hmm… an interesting place for that particular one,” Jaune commented, seeing that his sister had decided to put the Blood Rapture Rune over his liver.

“Hmm, gonna tell me why?”

“No… but I will tell you that this Rune carries certain… feminine implications,” Jaune admitted, his mind carrying him back to a certain queen.

“What!” Jade exclaimed, turning about to see her brother's bare upper body bending back in a feat of pure flexibility. “What do you mean ‘feminine implications’?”

“I mean that the Rune relates to… a story about a queen and those who yearned for her,” Jaune elucidated, laying back on the floor.

“… Wait, these Rune’s have stories?”

“Oh yes,” Jaune nodded in a moment of openness, “their meanings are often so tied to their stories…” he trailed off, deciding that he would rather not think too much of the stories related to this particular Rune.

Nor those who had once held it.

“Wait, that story about the moon-“

“It has a few Runes… maybe I will share some with you when you finish my marks,” Jaune nodded, figuring he could at least tell her of the ones that were not so… painful.

“Really?” Jade exclaimed, surprised as Jaune tended to become prickly about the Runes and her knowing of them when the topic arose.

She would say cagey, but his expression was too gentle for such a harsh term.

He also became almost clingy when she worked with them, his long body tending to be near or touching her. She also knew that when he thought she wasn’t looking, her brother’s face would shift into a mask of seriousness.

She wished he would relax.

“… I also want you to tell me another story, one of the Rune ones,” Jade pressed, flopping back on her brother, her back pressed to his ribs. She loved that Jaune was big enough for her to lounge on.

“… I don’t-“

”Please Jaune! At least the queen one… come on, I don’t want to accidentally mark you with like a rune that means ‘sexy’ or something,” Jade pleaded.

The conversation paused for a moment before Jaune erupted into laughter.

Jade startled as her brother began to laugh boldly, his amusement coming out in harmonic little huffs as his chest spasmed. His face was mirthful, but his smile seemed to have a sharp edge that made his features appear fierce.

“Heh ‘sexy’… I tell you what, should you ever etch such a Rune on my person, I promise I will tell you post haste,” Jaune offered, his amusement still blatantly apparent. “Oh, here’s an idea. Why not make that the meaning of that chimeric Rune you made, dear sister,” Jaune teased.

Jade flushed; it was one thing for her brother to laugh so boldly, but for him to now tease her! Without a doubt, this was Orr’s influence, and Jade would not stand for it.

“You ass! That’s it! I am going to cover you head to toe in a bunch of weird phrases and words until you can't even look at yourself in the mirror without feeling embarrassed!”

“No, you won’t; you have far too much pride in your work, Jade,” Jaune chuckled with a shake of his head.

“I will take pride in my vengeance! I am going to write ‘YOLO’ on your neck and make the o’s smiley faces! You will fear me!” Jade proclaimed loudly, beating her brother’s back, her fists not even making him flinch.

Then he stood up.

Jade was under no illusion that her older brother was stronger than her. Hell, he was stronger than all their siblings. But knowing it is one thing, having her brother pick her up by her ankle as easily as he would a jug of milk was a different matter entirely.

“Jaune, you let me go this instant!” Jade yelped, flailing in his grip but not making her brother budge an inch.

“In a moment,” Jaune teased.


“What the hell is all that scre-“

Cloud just stared at the sight of his son holding a flailing Jade aloft, the younger girl kicking his wrist angrily as she tried to swipe at his knee. He must have stood there for a good handful of seconds trying to piece together exactly what he was looking at.

Jaune was no help, just shrugging at his father's confused look, making Jade bob and hiss angrily.

“… I give up; what am I looking at here?” The father of seven surrendered.

“Sibling bonding,” Jaune said with a knowing smirk, the expression enough to make Cloud realise he was dealing with Jaune in one of his ‘Orr’ moods.

“Tell this socially obtuse ass to let me go so I can kick his shit in!” Jade raged, twisting about to face her father.

“… Jaune, put your sister down, Jade… don’t do whatever you did to make Jaune hold you like a rabid racoon,” Cloud ordered before bidding a hasty retreat, already planning to seek advice from his wife.

“Dad! Damn you, I am in the right here!” Jade called after her fleeing father angrily.

Jaune took her moment of distraction as a perfect chance to heft her up and catch her in a bridal carry. The yelp she let out was pure surprise as she found herself quickly displaced. “For the record, I have no idea what Yolo means,” Jaune admitted to his sibling, still cradling her in his arms.

“… it means you suck!” Jade barked, trying to roll out of her brother's grip but failing and surrendering to the fact that she would now carry around.

‘Jokes on you, Jaune… I am going to have a nap,’ Jade thought spitefully, slumping in her brother’s grip, not that he noticed as he carried her around nonchalantly. All too soon, she drifted off smiling, all while her brother did not even strain hauling her about.

She is pretty light, after all.


The burning irritant that was his fury was simmering just below the surface, and it bothered Jaune more and more. He had long since learnt restraint and did not fear his rage slipping through without reason, but…

It was not a sensation he had any wish to feel while in the comfort and company of his family.

Once more, he cursed his grandmother. He had no connection to the woman, he knew they shared a relation, but that was not enough for Jaune to consider the woman family.

It did not give her leave to try to pry him away from his parents, siblings, and Tami.

Orr, too, he supposed.

Though he had little doubt the woman would break into the Academy had she the desire too, a desire he was sure would come about. Jaune smiled, thinking of his friend; this was a situation where he would not oppose her brand of advice. Not at all.

Were The Isle of Gold not so disconnected, Jaune would likely call her if only to pick her brain.

Though perhaps not immediately as he was currently in the bath… His mother was currently murderous enough without further reason to go berserk.

That the water had gone cold a while ago suited Jaune just fine. The chilly water was working well to keep him level-headed. He took comfort in the extreme feel of the water. It was also keeping his family away for the time being… not that he was avoiding them.

Or maybe he was…

Jaune growled, sinking deeper into the cool water.

He was frustrated.

Who was his grandmother to think she could dictate his actions, to move him like some poor piece on a board? He had only met her not even two days ago, yet she was all too happy to throw herself into his business with enthusiasm. It was arrogant, and it grated against his sensibilities something fierce.

It was doing worse to his mother.

Hellebore had become his match in tightly wrought rage; she prowled about much as he had, but she didn’t settle. She found that being in the Kutsuki compound… disagreeable.

The sound of the door opening alerted him as he had not heard anyone approach.

A quick inhale settled his nerves.

His mother all but stalked into the cold water, her visage one that he would not be surprised to find on his own.

She was boiling in rage but had just as tight a hold on her wrath.

“Are you alright?” Hella asked, concern cutting through her anger as she addressed her son, unbothered by the cold water she was sitting in.

“No… I am… frustrated,” Jaune surrendered, sinking deeper into the cool.

“Me too,” Hella responded, slowly reaching out to stroke at his hair.

He let her, even leaning in somewhat. He was in no mood for comfort but would happily… stew, for lack of a better term, with company.

Jaune shifted, raising his torso back out of the water, bringing him up until he sat above his mother. His growth spurts had only put him above her recently, but he noticed how her eyes gained a playful hint as she eyed the crown of his head.

Jaune smiled, but it was gone swiftly, replaced by the face of his restraint.

“You don’t need to hold it in, Jaune. Your sisters are not happy, and your father and I… well, to say the least, we have made plans to leave should such be necessary,” Hella admitted.

“… This was supposed to be a chance for them to relax…” Jaune groaned, blaming himself for all the unpleasantness.

“No… no, this was me foolishly thinking my mother had pulled her head out of her ass,” Hella cut in. Her words made her son turn to face her; the woman he knew was so unflappable, appearing very open.

His mother shifted in the water, her chest heaving as she breathed a baneful sigh.

“She always needs to have her way… damn the consequences; she gets what she wants,” Hella snapped, splashing the water away.

“But… you still came to visit?”

Hella turned to her son, seeing his confusion. “Yes… though I still don’t fully understand why. I suppose it was envy; seeing you and your father made me desire a similar interaction, I guess…” Hella spoke aloud in a contemplative manner.

Jaune tilted his head, eyes searching.

“Suppose you don’t hold much love for your Kutsuki side anymore?”

“… I do not view it negatively as much as I am displeased that it gives my grandmother the false impression that she may dictate my life for me.”

“From my experience, having others dictate your life for you is in line with the Kutsuki experience,” Hella admitted sourly.

“… I may perhaps now view it negatively,” Jaune said with some remorse.

Hella let slip an amused huff, “That too is pretty in line with the Kutsuki experience… at least for my generation.”

Jaune’s head tilted again, “Aunt Hinata seems not to be so?”

“She had a somewhat different Kutsuki experience for one from my generation… plainly put, I blame our fathers.”

Jaune did not miss the pertinent detail of his mother’s sentence.



“… This may put some things into context, yes,” Jaune contemplated aloud, thinking about the very different personalities between the two Kutsuki women.

Hella leaned into his side, Jaune noting the feel of the slightly raised claw scar on her upper arm as it brushed against his skin. “My Sunshine… Do you want to leave?”

“… Not yet.”


“No… I have issued my grandmother a challenge, I… I would like to meet it,” Jaune explained, leaning to catch his mother’s eye.

“… You might lose,” Hella warned.

“True,” Jaune agreed.

“Hmm, it could upset your sisters, especially the twins,” Hella put forth.

This made her son twist his face, pulling into an expression of worry for a brief moment.

He shook his head, “that won't do… I will have to not lose then.”

“Don’t get cocky on me, Sunshine,” Hella warned, once more reaching to pat his head.

Jaune smiled, leaning into the touch, his weight pushing against Hella, who didn’t budge despite his mass.

“Never,” he supplied an oddly knowing look in his eyes that Hella recalled seeing many times.

She saw it every time they sparred.

It made her smile.

“Good boy.”


Arslan could feel the excitement in the air.

The headmaster had gone above and beyond to express the momentous occasion that was to be a student of a fellow Kutsuki displaying their prowess. Arslan, now having got a peak into what could only be called a family clash, thought that perhaps this little showcase should be a more private event.

Her master was in complete agreement, and Arslan had not missed that Hinata had her weapon equipped. The sight of the massive shuriken on her back was usually something that made Arslan feel reassured.

Today, it turned the energy in the air into something problematic, like the feeling before an exam, only… worse.

The whole student body and nearly all the staff had moved from the great hall to the central courtyard. It was where combat exams were held, showcase bouts, and in-school tournaments as well.

Today, it would be where Headmaster Himiko Kutsuki met her grandson's challenge.

The Arcs had not come to breakfast; they ate at the compound and only showed up when it was time for the ‘exhibition.’ They moved in as a pack; the sisters filled in the space to the sides, but Arslan had only eyes for the three in the front.

Hellebore was in her full Huntress attire and looked how Arslan pictured some Hanyou from legend would. It reminded her of the tale of ‘The White Lady’, her pale skin adorned with Grimm masks that seemed to dance in the dark fabric of her gear.

Her terrifying weapons made Arslan gulp quietly; she had been told little of Bloom and Blight… only that Hellebore did not make them with clean kills in mind.

Her husband was far more casual, perhaps even too casual. He was wearing nothing above his waist, showing to all a series of markings that peaked out beneath his arms and over his ribs. She was curious about what it would look like from behind and decided to sneak a peek later.

For now, she let her gaze settle on the man's massive, muscled frame. The Arcs were tall, but Cloud stood head and shoulders above them. Add to that the bulging muscles and many scars…

Well, Arslan wasn’t into older men, but… Hella had done well for herself.

It was good that the Arc patriarch was so jovial because he would be terrifying if he had a different temperament.

Their son, Jaune, approached flanked by his parents. Gone was his attire from the day previous, jeans and a long-sleeved top cast aside instead for clothes that revealed much more.

His shirt was removed, the apparel wrapped around his waist, and his torso was as pale as the rest of him. In line with his family, it was much more apparent that his complexion was far fairer than any other member. His pants were loose and unobstructed, a charcoal black that hung down about his ankles.

‘Huh… not bad, might snag me a pair,’ Arslan thought, admiring how the black fabric fluttered with his steps but didn’t hang low enough to be hazardous. The academy pants were lacking in the comfort department. It might be nice to have something looser for when she graduates.

She quickly scanned his torso but found no markings; she had half expected him to have tats like his father.

‘He is quite… lithe?’ Arslan thought to herself, surprised that he didn’t have more definition to his figure. She hadn’t expected him to be nearly as bulky as his father, especially considering his age, but… he was almost thin. He moved smoothly, his steps gliding, which made her again think of great predators.

‘His body is more like his mother's,’ Arslan noted, seeing that he was only somewhat broader in the shoulders than Hellebore.

When they reached the courtyard, there was quiet murmuring as different groups observed their arrival. The Arcs seemed uncaring for the chattering, the eldest daughter even laying out a beach chair and plopping herself down comfortably.

She then pulled out a book; Arslan snorted at the girl's complete ease. It was admirable.

She listened as the older girl looked at her brother, “Make this quick, bro. I wanna explore the beaches later.”

“Of course, dear sister,” Jaune swiftly agreed, his expression easing as he addressed his sibling. Arslan wanted to comment that perhaps they were treating this a touch too casually, but then Cloud Arc slammed his big-beyond-reason sword into the ground.

It pierced and crushed in equal measure as it sunk into the courtyard brickwork.

Arslan heard her master whisper, “So that’s Hallowed Hrunting… things big enough.”

“Hallowed Hrunting?” Arslan whispered.

“The sword is as famous as Cloud,” Hinata explained softly, gesturing to the colossal weapon.


“How many swords do you know that have split a mountain?” Hinata asked with a quirked brow, her usual jovialness forgotten this morning. The amusing thing was that her serious face made her look even more like her sister, save the different hair and eye colour.

“Split a… is that like hyperbole?”

Hinata just shook her head, and Arslan was left reeling in disbelief. She had heard some awe-inspiring feats in her lifetime; surviving an Elder Grimm came to mind, but splitting a mountain… was something out of myth.

“Game face on, little lion,” Hinata said, tapping Arslan on the shoulder.

“Ahh, daughter,” the headmaster spoke widely, capturing everyone's attention, “thank you for coming. Are we ready to begin?”

“Let's get this over with,” Hellebore nearly growled, her voice harsh as it came out beneath her face mask, “where’s your ‘best’?”

If the headmaster was bothered by the disrespect, then she didn’t let it show. With a sweep of her mantle, she moved to the centre of the arena. “Ahh, see, I was hoping to address that matter,” she began, turning her attention to Jaune.

The boy didn’t even twitch, just eyeing the older woman blankly.

“As I am not presently aware of where your son would rank amongst my students, I was hoping you wouldn’t mind… demonstrating?” Himiko proffered.

Arslan wondered what the headmaster was talking about; she had shown up in her training gear because she half expected to be thrown into the fray. As she and the boy were of close age, would it not make sense for her or another first-year to be his opponent?

Hellebore rolled her eyes, “Jaune said to send your best; select a champion mother. Let us hurry this along; you are wasting our vacation time.”

Arslan observed some of the older students twitch and shift, clearly put off by Hellebore’s attitude. She noted that none of the staff did, and Hinata even snorted, shaking her head at her sister's mannerisms.

“… Very well, a first-year then, Ars-“

“Perhaps Mother!” Hinata quickly called, cutting the headmaster off, “Another student might be selected to ensure a fair showing. Better for us to judge this young man's worth and offer another student a chance to display their prowess?”

Arslan was shocked; her master didn’t want her to fight. Why?


“Hush, trust me,” Hinata whispered back quick as a whip.

Arslan paused but nodded; she would not dishonour her master, so she bowed and stepped back.

Even if it burned. Hinata had earned Arslan’s trust.

“… Jupiter, step forth,” Himiko ordered, her voice now curt as she had not enjoyed both of her daughters cutting her off.

“I am honoured, headmaster,” a young man exclaimed, hurrying into the ring.

Arslan turned to the Arcs, but if they were bothered with the selection, they didn’t show it. Jaune just untied his shirt from about his waist, his younger sister Sky claiming it for him, earning a pat on her head. Saphron clapped him on the shoulder, wishing him luck, Jade echoing their elder saying to be quick about things.

The twins cutely received kisses on the head, each sitting next to the lounging eldest. Both giggled in delight at the attention from their elder brother, and even Arslan was forced to admit it was a precious sight.

Cloud gave his son a thumbs up and a nod.

But Hella’s words put a chill in the air.

“Try not to maim the boy,” she instructed her son, her tone serious.

“Yes, mother,” Jaune replied swiftly.

Arslan was beginning to understand her master’s decision. She got the feeling that the mother-son pair were not joking.

“Excellent! Well then, Hinata, as the boy’s aunt and an instructor of the academy, I elect you as the referee,” Himiko announced her words, broaching no argument as Arslan’s master strode into the ring, her massive Shuriken catching the light as she entered into the cleared area.

“Yes, mother,” Arslan bowed.

Jaune marched into the ring at this point, and once more, Arslan got to truly see his height compared to others of the same age. To say he towered over Jupiter was an understatement.

Jupiter had dirty blonde hair tied back in a ponytail that went down to the curve of his back and was wearing the black and yellow of the school uniform. His head was only level with Jaune’s chest, and he had to crane his neck to meet the Arc’s eye.

“Do you wish for a weapon?” Jaune spoke, his voice level as he met the smaller boy's gaze.

“… I believe that might be too dangerous for this match as I do not possess Aura,” the boy admitted.

‘Smart, doing so would let the Arc know the level of competition he could put forth, hopefully keeping the fight tame,’ Arslan realised.

“… You don’t have Aura?” Jaune spoke after a moment, his voice hinting at disappointment.

Arslan went rigid. Did that mean Jaune did? Had his parents unlocked it? She did not doubt that both were more than skilled enough to force another’s Aura to awaken. What if they didn’t, though... what if Jaune was just so talented as to have unlocked his own?

He would rip Jupiter apart, and his mother’s warning would prove very important.

“D-do you have Aura?” Jupiter asked, unable to keep the brief stutter from his voice.


Jupiter blinked, “Oh… oh good then.”

Jaune disagreed with this, letting out a soft “Hm.”

“… Right,” Hinata cleared her throat, “take your positions.”

Jupiter slipped into a ready pose, his arms raised in front of his torso, one palm facing outward, the other clenched in a fist. Arslan noted his legs were too spread and would throw off his balance.

She looked at Jaune, curious to see if he noticed, but her eyes widened when she saw that he hadn’t moved and his face was a mask of… confusion.

“Um… nephew, are you ready?” Hinata asked, also noting that the boy had not moved.

“… Yes, I suppose we should get this over with,” Jaune nodded, rolling his shoulders.

“Kay… Jupiter?”

“Ready, Sensei…” Jupiter replied crisply, his brows furrowing at the disrespect he was being shown.

“Alright then,” Hinata spoke, taking two steps back. ‘I hope you know what you’re doing, sis,’ she thought, shooting her eyes to an unbothered Hella. Her gaze darted to her eldest niece, who was still lounging in her beach chair and only spared her brother a glance before returning to her book.

“Go Jaune!” Sky cheered.

“Fighters ready!”

Jaune still did not shift.

Arslan sniffed unconsciously, breathing in the warm morning air.

Jupiter grunted.


Jupiter lunged, fist firing off a straight jab, his feet caught, limiting his range as Arslan knew they would.

Jaune tilted, his body bent and leaning outward; Jupiter’s punch missed entirely.

A black blur.

Jupiter crumpled.

Jaune went still, looking down at his crumpled form.

Silence reigned.

“… What?”

“I think you need to call the fight, Aunt Hinata,” Jaune said in a bored manner.

“Huh… Right. Yeah, umm, Jaune wins,” Hinata proclaimed.

“Wonderful, can we get to the beach now,” Scarlett said, laying her book in her lap.

“I don’t see why not,” Saphron replied, lightly applauding her brother.

“Yeah, nice, Jaune!”

“You’re the best bro!” Sky and Jade cheered over each other.

“Jaune!” the twins erupted.

“Welp, that was honestly a letdown,” Cloud spoke up, scratching at his neck, “here I am dressed up in my duellist best, and that’s all I get.”

“You’re just shirtless, dad?” Saphron spoke up.

“And I look great.”

“Why are you like this old man?”

Cloud pouted at his second-oldest daughter before crying out, “Jaune, hurry up and get over here. Your sisters are bullying me.”

Arslan just watched, her eyes wide, and then it settled; the shock passed.

In its wake was excitement.

She wanted that!

She wanted to fight and hurl herself at this mysterious boy and see him fight; she wanted more than a single kick.

She wanted a damn fight!

And from the looks of it, the Arc boy did also, as he sighed and began moving back to his family. She could see it on his face, how he was let down, all his eagerness swept up and dumped on him as a disappointment.

She had fought Jupiter before; it was nothing like fighting the older students or her master.

This boy was like her!

He trained with a Kutsuki just like she did. No regular student was going to match up to him.



Jaune halted, looking back over his shoulder, trying to push down the rushing of his blood.

It was his fault for getting worked up; he was too used to sparing with his family and Orr, and this would serve as a good reminder of his placing. He sincerely hoped he hadn’t caused any of the boy's organs to rupture; his mother would be annoyed if he disobeyed her instructions.

He seemed okay. His aunt had directed a pair of students to take him to the medical centre. There didn’t seem to be any blood in the vomit he had thrown up from his kick, which Jaune took as a positive.

The students were already hurriedly cleaning the sick up, the haste of it making Jaune nod appreciatively. Shrine seemed entirely on top of things, which wasn’t surprising considering his grandmother ran it. She may be overbearing and demanding, but Himiko held a tight reign over her academy.

“Grandson, where are you going?”

Jaune focused on the headmaster, who was eyeing him with an expression that sang intrigue, her form unmoved since the declaration of the bout.

“Are your worries not yet abated, Grandmother?”

Jaune watched as his grandmother smiled, her lips pursing, “Not even by half.”

“… I did tell you to send your best,” Jaune sighed, switching back to common openly, showing how bothered he was by the… pedantry on display.

Himiko chuckled; it was earnest and amused, and Jaune listened to the noise tiredly. Hellebore made her presence known with the click of metal, alerting all present that she had begun to drum her fingers on her gauntlets.

The sharp pricks were a staccato warning.

“Yes, you did… forgive me for not taking your words at face value,” Himiko replied, her eyes running over the gathered students.

“Perhaps grandson… a level playing field,” Himiko nodded, pointing towards a section of the crowd. “Kotaro, would you like to match yourself against my family?”

A boy with onyx black hair stepped forth; his fringe nearly covered his eyes, and he was only marginally taller than the last boy. But he moved better.

Jaune’s eye locked on him, and for a second, he let that excitement stir anew, let his blood hum in his veins.

“I would be honoured, headmaster,” the boy accepted, bowing to Himiko before calmly entering the ring.

Jaune glanced at his family, receiving Hellebore's nod and Scarlett's exasperated sigh. “Gods dammit! Make it quick, Jaune. I want sand between my toes before midday or so help me-“

“Sis stop being a butt,” Jade barked.

“Hush squirt, I want to relax on a beach; if I wanted to watch fights, I could have stayed home.”

Jaune smiled and returned his focus to the boy who stepped forth to challenge him. He was still short, but… he was better. The boy moved confidently; there was discipline in his stance his movements, and even his breathing was better.

“I am Jaune Arc, do you have Aura?” Jaune asked the shorter boy, curious to see if this fight might be more his pace.

“I do,” the boy admitted, making Jaune smile and nod his head pleased.

”Do you wish a weapon to wield?” Jaune asked the boy.

“… Would you mind if I said yes?”

“Not at all.”

“Then yes, if it is not too much to ask… training weapons only, of course,” the boy proclaimed.

“Wonderful,” Jaune spoke earnestly as a rack, two in fact, were quickly hurried out and placed on the side of the arena. Kotaro moved swiftly, plucking two curiously shaped knives off the shelf, the weapons slotting in his hands comfortably. They were blunted, but Jaune could smell the metal. They would not be overly lethal, but being hit would be ill-advised.

Jaune tried to recall the name of the distinctly Mistrali weapons, but he kept drawing a blank. It was pretty annoying, but he kept his face pleased. He was sure the name would come to him.

“And you?” The boy asked Jaune, gesturing to the rack.

“… You pick,” Jaune spoke up, his smile still on his face.

“P-pardon?” the boy uttered, surprised by Jaune’s instruction.

“Pick a weapon for me to wield, if you would,” Jaune replied, nodding his head to the selection.

The boy seemed to glance between the rack and Jaune, utterly perturbed, but Jaune just continued to nod, his slight smile encouraging. Eventually, the boy walked over and hesitantly reached out for a Bo staff.

“H-here, is this alright?” Kotaro asked, tossing the boy the weapon, which was quickly snatched from the air.

Like a master, Jaune twirled the weapon about; though it was noticeably shorter for him, he wielded it with ease and dexterity. Swipes, jabs and flourishes came in quick succession as he tested the weapon in his hand and then settled again.

“This will do quite nicely,” Jaune admitted to the wide-eyed Kotaro, who nodded in surprise.

“Shall we,” Jaune nodded back to the centre of the ring, his Aunt waiting with a look of curiosity on her features.

“Oh, yes,” Kotaro quickly nodded, hurrying to his place.

Whatever hesitance Hinata had before was gone now; she had watched Jaune utterly annihilate a first year… perhaps it was for the better he faced off against a second year.

A part of her couldn’t help but think it was safer, too.

“Jaune, are you ready?”

“Yes, Aunty.”


“One moment,” the boy spoke, turning to Jaune and offering a polite bow, “apologies for my poor manners. I am Kotaro Hajime.”

“A pleasure,” Jaune nodded back.

“All ready now?”

“Yes, Sensei,” Kotaro nodded, taking two steps back and drawing his knives. Jaune stared at them for a moment longer before finally recalling their name. ‘Kunai… that was bothering me,’ he thought happily.

Unknown to him, his smile grew a bit wider, and several watchers became somewhat unsettled by the placid boy's unusual expression of joy.

“Fighters ready!”


This time, Jaune struck first; he went from standing to motion with speed that impressed all present, the staff in his hand lashing out in a stab.

Kotaro, though, was a second year; his speed was greater and enhanced to even higher limits by his Aura. He had entered the ranks of those who could now count themselves among superhumans. He was a Huntsman in training.

This was probably why he was shocked when the staff impacted his crossed blades and sent him sprawling back.


Kotaro rolled; his back hit the ground, but he immediately moved with the momentum. He got his feet under himself and bounced, springing back up to his feet. His eyes were wide as he looked for the next attack.

But none came.

His opponent, Jaune Arc, was still standing at his starting point with the staff he had selected for him outstretched.

Their eyes met—deep blue against murky green.

Then Jaune Arc nodded, his smile not disappearing for even a moment. He shifted, and Kotaro suddenly felt his heart pick up as Jaune Arc entered a combat stance. His body leant slightly forward, the staff gripped like a spear, pointing down, exposing his body and covering his legs.

Kotaro gulped and adjusted the grip he had on his daggers.

He was sure now; the boy had lied before; he most assuredly had Aura. That hit had blown through his defences and reminded Kotaro why they used practice weapons even with Aura. Had that been a direct hit…

‘No… I could take that much, at least; remember your training,’ Kotaro thought confidently as he breathed deeply.

He couldn’t afford to slack; this boy was skilled beyond his years; he had thought him perhaps like Arslan… but no. He was a Kutsuki despite his name. His attacks showed that same killer instinct he had glimpsed in the few bouts he had seen demonstrated by both Sensei Hinata and Headmaster Himiko.

The boy was waiting, that open stance, a blatant counter form… he was letting Kotaro adjust … he was being tested. Kotaro couldn’t blame him; he probably doubted the academy after that first bout. This wasn’t just a fight now… he had to represent.

For Shrine Academy.

One last breath, relaxed but firm grip, shoulders level.

Kotaro launched forward; he called on his Aura just as they had in training to accelerate. This was proof of his skill; he had unlocked his own Aura at the end of the previous year and was the first in his grade to do so. Some still in his year had yet to do so, and Kotaro took pride in his ability.

It wasn’t enough.

Despite his Aura-enhanced speed, Jaune Arc was not threatened. The boy moved, and Kotaro realised his error. The staff came up, Kotaro’s Kunai came down, and once more, it was a contest of strength.

A contest he lost.

His arms were shunted up, his guard broken, and Jaune rushed into his exposed front. Kotaro dodged right and felt the staff clip his side. He was ready, though; his Aura absorbed the blow.

But what a blow!

He was able to feel the drain on his reserves clearly.

‘That was a glancing blow!’

Kotaro rolled, a foot stomped on where his arm had been but an instant before, the sound deafening to his ears as he realised… Jaune was done testing. Kotaro scrambled, ducked, dodged… fled.

Jaune did not break his pursuit.

The swing of his staff was a constant sound as he swiped in and about Kotaro’s evading body. Then, a pause; Kotaro rolled and, with the break in the assault, launched a desperate attack. His Aura flared, and he hurled his Kunai with all his strength.

Jaune’s staff caught the attack.

Though blunt, the Kunai sunk in deep into the un-reinforced wood of the staff, so much so a crack was heard. Kotaro hurried back to his feet as Jaune looked at his now ruined weapon, his expression curious.

Then he smiled, and Kotaro, panting and harried, felt his gut drop.

With ease, Jaune plucked the weapon free and lightly tossed it back to Kotaro, happily returning it to his opponent. Kotaro wanted to collapse. He wasn’t even taking him seriously; this was a game to the Arc boy.

‘… One blow,’ Kotaro decided. He might be outclassed, but he would land one blow and at least see the colour of his opponent's Aura. He reversed the grip on one of his Kunai, a plan to disable his opponent's guard forming in his mind. It was dangerous as Jaune was stronger than him, but if he could hold his staff at bay for even a moment.


Jaune snapped the staff over his knee, flourishing the two halves with expert skill. Kotaro felt the urge to give up but beat it down. He would land that blow!

Kotaro was forced from his thoughts as Jaune approached, slowly, probingly. With his shorter reach, he was no less dangerous. He immediately had Kotaro backpedalling. Any attempt Kotaro made to block or parry was overcome brutally.

Jaune was powerful.

The battle continued with the sound of their clash, a mix of Kotaro’s grunt and the clack of their training weapons. Kotaro tried to dodge, to put space between him and his opponent, but Jaune was too aggressive. He was able to herd Kotaro with ease.

Kotaro’s arms burned, and then… Jaune got even faster.

Kotaro tried to doge a swipe, his reward being the attack hitting his hip instead of his gut. Next, a stab collided with his forearm instead of his chest. A kick hit his shin instead of his knee.

Kotaro hadn’t even managed to get his Aura up for the last one, and now his whole leg was numb.

How he envied those who could keep their Aura up subconsciously. He would need to increase his training; this fight was nothing if not informative.

Jaune ducked low.

Kotaro raised his leg on reflex, but Jaune caught his ankle between his staves, and then Kotaro was moving. Using his greater height when Jaune ducked, his shoulder came down to Kotaro’s chest, and he pushed in when he caught his leg.

His shoulder barge felt like a blow from a sledgehammer, and like that, his Aura shattered.

Then came the Nausea and the exhaustion.

The pain was already there.

Aura breaks were awful and nearly impossible to prepare for, as their effects were devastating. They were often the last thing a Huntsman felt before their life came to a quick and bloody end.

Kotaro was but a student.

But he refused to lose like this!

His wrist ached, and were it not for his Aura, he was sure it would be broken, but it wasn’t. So, with only his own strength, he hurled his Kunai at his opponent and lunged. With the knives as a distraction, he planned to land that blow.

Then, his world went dark.


A soft chorus of sympathetic noises rang out as Kotaro collapsed. Half of Jaune’s staff clattering next to him, the circular welt on the onyx-haired boy's head showing where the projectile had landed.

“Jaune wins!” Hinata cried immediately, directing two students to aid Kotaro.

Hinata was sure of it now. She had made the right decision to keep Arslan from fighting Jaune. She would learn more through observation that being the venting object for the kid to express his displeasure to his grandmother.

‘I hope you’re happy, mother,’ Hinata thought, praying that Himiko had seen enough even though she doubted it.

“Cool, we done yet?” Scarlett called out, not looking up from her book.

“Scarlett, you’re being rude; that last boy tried really hard,” Saphron admonished, somewhat enjoying this display as it reminded her of a sports event. She had never really attended any fighting clubs at school except for trying out for the shooting club.

She would have probably joined up, but she had better guns at home to practice with.

She might not want to be a Huntress, but she was an Arc and the seco-… third best shot amongst the siblings. ‘Damn you, Scarlett!’

“Did he even land a blow?” Scarlett asked, looking at her brother, who wasn’t even panting. “Jaune’s not even breathing heavily. Clearly, it wasn’t much of a fight!”

“Well, that’s not Kotaro’s fault. Jaune is a little out of his class, sis,” Saphron defended the polite young man. He had been far better than that first boy in both manners and showing.

“Jaune appreciated it,” Jade agreed, gesturing to their brother, “that’s why he took those breaks in the fight, to let Kotaro have a chance to plan.”

“Hopefully, the young man realises that and doesn’t mistake it for Jaune playing with him,” Cloud sighed, leaning on his sword. He was bored, but he had to behave. Though looking at Hellebore revelling in her Mother’s utter defeat did make him smile.

Seeing his wife smile and take pride in their son’s accomplishments was nice.

“Well, mother?” Hellebore crowed, unable to keep the viciousness out of her voice as she looked at Himiko with taunting eyes. Jaune just stretched, his tall form looking even taller as he lifted his arms above his head. The field had again been cleared swiftly, a staff member helpfully reclaiming Jaune’s ruined weapon.

Though he wouldn’t say it aloud, he felt pretty disheartened. His parents and Orr had ruined Combat Schools for him.

Himiko was about to reply to her daughter when another voice cut through.

“Alright, I think that’s enough embarrassing our guests here with this circus show,” a young man said, striding into the ring. Unlike the others before him, he was closer to Jaune’s size, standing at a respectable 5’10 so as not to be dwarfed by the Arc boy.

This didn’t save him from the same disinterested Jaune look, though.

“Oh great, another one,” Scarlett cheered sardonically.

Jade looked at her older sister with a raised brow, “… You really wanna go to the beach, huh?”

“Shut it, brat, you’ve never even been to a beach,” Scarlett admonished Jade, making the younger girl shrug at her older sibling.

The young man was another blonde, but his hair was notably curly, his skin was prominently tanned, and he had a speckle of freckles across his face. He wore the Shrine uniform but with notable alterations, including a blue sash decorated with gold wrapped about his waist and a cowboy hat of all things.

He sauntered into the ring, his face decorated with a cocksure smile as he turned to face Jaune, his leather boots scrapping on the bricks. With a dramatic flourish, he stripped his hat off, swinging it out and about to bring it to his chest. “Howdy, kiddo, names Paris! Paris Solar, and I would like to offer you… a real challenge,” Paris boldly stated, meeting Jaune’s gaze with one of his amber eyes.

Jaune’s head tilted, and his blue eyes unflinchingly met the new kid's amber gaze. He did not speak but sighed, rolling his head to look at his grandmother with a quirked brow. Himiko again met the young man's eye, but Jaune saw she was still determined.

He decided to enquire verbally all the same.

“Are your worries not yet abated, Grandmother?” Jaune asked once more, slipping flawlessly into Mistrali, his voice now harsher than the first time he had asked.

Not quite,” Himiko replied once more to her Grandson.

Jaune made a low rumbling noise as he addressed the boy who stepped into the ring, the young man having risen out of his dramatic bow. He was officially over this little song and dance, but he would humour his grandmother again if only for their connection as relatives.

Then he should head to the beach.

It would be nice to once more be near the ocean. That thought was enough to settle his ire, allowing him to recall his manners.

“I am Jaune Arc… do you have Aura?” He asked to cover his bases.

Paris snorted humorously, “Yessiree, I am a fourth year; I ain’t even gotta think about it.”

Jaune just nodded and turned back to get permission from his mother. Hella looked up to Himiko and saw the older woman had lost her amusement and was eyeing her right back instead. Like her son, Hella was also becoming fed up with the charade but would let Jaune go through another bout.

If only to shut her mother up for the duration of their trip.

She gave the nod.

“Alright,” Paris cheered half-heartedly, a chuckle on his breath.

“Do you wish a weapon to wield?” June repeated once more, hopefully for the last time today.

Paris let slip a dry chuckle, “Well, normally my answer to that little query would be an all round yeah, but I am feeling ol-fashioned today.”


“Beat each other till our knuckles bleed, of course!”

“… Acceptable,” Jaune nodded.

“Outstanding! Righto, let me show you what a realstudent of Shrine can do,” Paris boasted, passing his hat to a boy in the audience.

Jaune didn’t say anything, merely moving into place next to his aunt. Paris followed quickly, though he didn’t lose the saunter in his step.

“Jaune, are you ready,” Hinata asked her nephew; this time, her voice carried only concern. Who it was for, though, was anyone’s guess.


“Paris, are you ready?”

“Let’s go, Sensei! I am ready to rock!” Paris cheered, bouncing on the spot.

The crowd was more active, and excitement was awash amongst them this time. The teachers did not share in it. Their faces ranged from stoic to outright intrigued. Paris was a fourth year; he was in the last year of his PCS education. He would be heading to a Huntsman Academy soon enough.

Jaune was the same age as a first year.

But his skills…

“Fighter’s ready!”


This time, two bodies blurred.



Jaune felt the force of Paris’s blow as it impacted his palm, and he was sure the boy felt his kick collide with his shin. The older boy was grinning broadly, even as he moved again.

Jaune felt his blood stir with more vigour than it had all day.

Perhaps this would be a fight worthy of his attention.

Jaune leaned in; his fist raised as he let his eye follow Paris.

The boy moved quickly; his footwork was rapid, and the sound of his boots on the floor was nearly constant.

*Thump, Thump, Thwack*

Jaune watched as Paris continued to fire off rapid-fire punches, focusing only on jabs and crosses. Jaune blocked and swayed, covering his face with one arm and retaliating with his own shots.

Jaune had reach, and it showed as the momentum shifted, and Paris was forced to backpedal as he couldn’t find a way under Jaune’s guard.

“Hey, you’re pretty good kiddo!”

Paris shifted, his stance moving into a more solid base. It was quick, a mere alteration of his balance. A less experienced fighter might have missed it.

Jaune was the polar opposite of an inexperienced fighter.

A kick, high and fast, aimed at Jaune’s neck.

He blocked with a cross guard, and the momentum had his feet audibly skidding on the ground.

The strength of an Aura user.

Jaune’s blood began to rise.

Paris pressed in, jumping high, leg pulled back.

Jaune stepped into the kick, letting the limb swing high.

Jaune was in Paris’s blind spot.

A right hook crashed into Paris’s head, sending the boy flying.

Jaune was done holding back.

The flash of blue Aura was enough to make Jaune visibly smile; this was what he was used to.

Paris rolled, his hands dragging on the courtyard floor as he halted himself, crouched on all fours.

“Ow! Mother fu-“

A heel drop missed his head as he rolled again but devastated the bricks, sundering them whole.


Jaune spun to build momentum, pivoting on the leg he used for his last attack as he swung his other about like an axe.

The sound of flesh on Aura was heard as Jaune’s barefoot met Paris’s raised arm guard.

Jaune was vulnerable, his stance broken, his lower body exposed.

When Paris pushed his leg back, Jaune could only fall.

“Yeah!” Paris went in low fist drawn back, a textbook uppercut, his excitement apparent on his face.

Jaune dropped his elbow.


Paris winced in pain as his fist was halted by an elbow strike that left his fingers numb behind his Aura.

The two broke off.

Paris with a rolling flip. Jaune with a show of flexibility as he twisted until standing upright.

“Not bad kid- Argh!”

A rock, no, a piece of broken brick cracked against his eye, or more accurately, the Aura over his eye.

Jaune was on him before he had any hope of restoring his guard, two steps carrying the taller boy into range of a stunned Paris.

Two throat jabs. One was a direct hit, and the other glanced off his mandible.

A Left cross to the jaw. A teeth rattler that had the boy stumble.

Upward elbow strike right along the brow. His eyes rolled in his head as the force whipped his head and flared his Aura.

Paris was rocked.

Such was the weakness of Aura.

It would prevent your body from sustaining physical damage, preventing all hurt from affecting the user as long as their reserves were plentiful.

It did not stop the sensation of the stimulus.

A blow to the head was still a blow to the head; it just didn’t fracture your skull.

Jaune frenzied like a shark with blood in the water.

He grasped the boy's blond curls, unsteady and stunned Paris couldn’t even react.

Then his nose was crunching into a knee.

His Aura had been flaring nonstop.

Paris’s arms flailed, an attempt at a rebuttal, but Jaune let him go, the boy’s body backpedalling on dizzied feet.

Jaune unleashed a series of hooks, forcing Paris back, his steps stuttering and desperate as blow after blow rocked him.

Finally, Paris got his arms up.

Jaune switched to a grapple.

His hands clutched his wrists like vices, and Jaune tugged; the smaller boy heaved back, dropping his centre of mass, but it wasn’t enough. Jaune wasn’t trying to lift. He was pulling.

With his feet still unsure beneath him, Paris stumbled forward into Jaune’s waiting guard.

Jaune’s foot stomped, and Paris’s knee buckled, his leg folding beneath the angled might of Jaune’s attack until the boy was left kneeling.

A pained cry sounded for all to hear from the curly-haired boy.

With his arms grasped in Jaune’s clutches and his body nearly floored, Jaune decided to go for the kill.

Over and over, a barrage of knees and kicks riddled Paris’s body.

And all anyone could do was watch, including Paris.

Sure, his arms safeguarded his head, but the kicks weren’t aiming for his head; they sought the soft, exposed meat of his gut and chest.

It was too much.

Paris threw ordered thought to the wind and lashed out, flailing like an animal. He kicked back, and Jaune pivoted but kept Paris’s arms in his grasp.

Jaune spun, and Paris twisted.

Jaune took two more steps following his pivot to build momentum, and Paris was dragged behind him. With a final twist and a heave, Paris was lifted from the ground, brought over Jaune’s hip and thrown bodily across the ring.

He hit the bricks and just slid.

His Aura flared one last time but in a sputtering, weak manner.

He was nearly done.

And all Jaune had to show for it was red knuckles.


Paris was shellshocked; his mind was rattled as he scrambled to find purchase despite the whole world moving. Pain, or the aftershocks of it, danced about his body, making him grateful for his Aura’s protective shielding.

This wasn’t right.

Paris had stepped forward because he was sick of all the hype, the whispers, the rumours. All the campus talk had been about the coming family for ages before they even arrived. When they got here, it became even worse!

This morning was the last straw.

The showmanship, the speech at breakfast given by the headmaster… only for them to throw a first and second year at this supposedly outstanding student of a Kutsuki.

Paris had stepped forward to set the record straight, a fourth year, who would remind them all that despite his talent, he was only good up to a point. He was going to silence the hype.

Now, he was praying his Aura would hold.

He looked up, his eyes still swimming in his head as the Arc boy marched forward.

His eyes…

A chill rushed down Paris’s spine and pooled in his guts.


Driven by a cocktail of emotions and feelings he was too lost in to consider, Paris threw himself at his opponent.

It was like fighting mist.

Those blows that did come close were batted aside, his punches avoided or swatted back like irritants, and Paris lost himself even more.

“Try this!”

Paris activated his Semblance, his ace in the hole, and watched Jaune's eyes widen in surprise for the first time in the fight.

His Semblance was Solar Dust.

A swipe of his hand disguised as a feint sent the white, hot, burning sparks scattering in front of the unprepared Valean.

Jaune was forced to backstep, the heat of the sparks prickling along his flesh as he danced away to avoid the tiny white hot stars.

Paris revelled as he moved through his Semblance without harm, Jaune retreating in the face of the heat.

Now Arc was on the back foot with his guard down, and Paris intended to get some revenge with his fist drawn back as he put his back into his punch, stepping into it.


Paris finally landed a meaningful blow, his fist impacting Jaune’s nose. It was off too far to the left to be considered a good hit, but it was a hit all the same.

It felt good!

Then, an ironclad grip was about his wrist.

“Oh, you shouldn’t have done that,” the eldest Arc daughter spoke up, her words carried far in the wake of the silence his punch had caused.

He threw a punch to break the grapple, but it too was blocked, and his arm jerked up as his wrist was twisted, pinning his other arm to his front.

Before he could even consider retreat, a leg coiled about one of his and suddenly, he was pulled flush against the taller boy.


A dash of red fell past his eye to splatter on the ring floor.

Paris looked up, and the blood in his veins turned to ice.


Jaune Arc was looking down at him; his teeth bared and red trickling from his nose.

He was bleeding.

Paris’s punch had made him bleed…

“W-what… h-how? Where’s your Aura?” Paris stuttered, looking up, confusion and fear impairing his tongue.

The Arc boy bared more teeth, which clued Paris into the fact that he was smiling.

“What Aura?”

Then he cocked his head back.

Paris felt his Aura shatter as his world went dark, his nose breaking beneath a vicious headbutt that the Arc boy physically lifted him to deliver.

Pain and unconsciousness should have wiped all other thoughts and feelings away.

But they didn’t.

They couldn’t.

The fear would linger… with the smell of salt.



Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's been too long since I wrote a fight scene, and I hope I got this one right.

It felt good; it felt right.

This was a lot different to the Spriggan, of course, that was a fight to survive and was like the skin of their teeth type fighting. This was a fucking FIST FIGHT!

I think I got it, though. I wanted to capture the up-close reality of the fight, the tiny things like footwork and balance, and their importance. But most importantly of all, I hope I captured the pacing and momentum.

I will leave it up to you guys, but I think I got the fights right, their differences and how Jaune approached the different opponents.

Tell me what you all think!


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