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Continuing with weekly updates, here's where were at so far! I'll use headers for each project currently being worked on, and then a summary right after :>

Furry Fap Hero!

(If you look above, you can take a peak behind the curtain at where most of my dryed tears and... less than wholesome words end up at 😞)

Since last week, I've now completed the staging and setup for all the rounds that will be part of the video, coming in at a total of nine seperate rounds, and thirty two minutes to really test your endurance! In total, theres about 13,500 hand created and hand placed assets, aswell as the rest of the... 'HUD' being all hand done (you'll notice the timelines on round 9 but actually says round 3 in the top. Point and case, I need to make some more headers 😅). While I can't say I'm overly pleased with how long it took to get to this stage, I definitely think that should I ever do this again in the future, there are are some time savings methods I could use that I've only become aware of halfway through the creation of FFH. On the upside however, these skills and exercises will carry over to the rest of my videos for more timely, high quality releases in the future!

I'm currently in the process of collecting and editing in footage from the amazing artists that make all of this work possible! With that said, if you ever feel like you've come across or know of a video that you think would fit into FFH, please don't hesitate to shoot me a message with a link to it, there's a good chance it could end up in the video!

Working with furry based 18+ video content compared to most forms of 'fap hero's' either using real life or SFM footage has definitely posed a challenge, part in due to the incredible amount of unique talent and art styles making it so difficult to have to pick and choose which videos to use, and ensuring that it all works together in a smooth, enjoyable experience. With that said, as there's very few videos out based on this idea, I want to create a high quality video that doesnt compromise on quality or enjoyment to make sure that it's a good addition to what's already out there.

Thank you all for your patience with this, I'm very excited to get it out to everybody once I feel it's in a stage to show to the world!

Hypnosis Virus Installation

(I'll come up with an official name for this, pwomise 🥺👉👈)

The next video's still sitting on the sidelines as the scripts done for it, but will be coming into the limelight very soon! I have some ideas for how I want to incorperate some assets i've created for FFH into it, aswell as some other ideas floating around, but I'll leave those as a secret for now. Definitely want to work on making my mainstay videos a little bit more dynamic in the future! I look forward to being able to update you more about this one!

It was a routine check-up like any other, just a simple update and you'd be good to go, same as always. However, despite your best attempts to push it to the back your mind, something this time just felt... off. No one seemed to notice, or particularily care for that matter, but what was normally the smooth, elegant system your used to, seemed to have little glitches that it normally wouldnt... almost like hiccups here and there, like it was wrestling with something in the backround to keep running like normal. Not enough to cause concern for anyone, but to the attentive eye, it almost seemed like something had worked it's way under the surface of this normally unassuming software. Feeling your heart rise up to your throat a little bit, you're re-assured that everything will be juuust fine. As the helmet and visor are placed over your head, you take a deep breath in, and wait for the sequence to start. You've done this a million times, and you've never even heard of this software having issues. Surely nothing could go wrong this time... right?

Themed GIF sets

For the GIF set that I had previously mentioned, I think I will be settling on the idea of combining kinks with species specific themes to create a series of individual GIFS focusing on each one! here's the layout I'm imagining:

Bovine / Cow - Mindless, Milking, IQ Loss,

Canine / Puppy - Leash & Collar, Complete Obedience, Training

Vulpes / Fox (By special request!) - Bimbo, Vixen, Group Play

?/? - _________

Each GIF will be in the 10-20 second range depending on how the 'mini' scripts for each one pan out! They will have different colour themes, image sets, and unique scripts for each! I may make a poll in the near future about exactly 'how' the scripts should look, either repeated words, Mantra type rhyming, or full miniture scripts to tell a quick story to get you 'immersed' in each theme as much as possible, and let your imagination run wild!

Additionally, For those in the 'Brainwashed' tier, I'll be making a open discussion page at a suitable time for you to let me know what you want to see for an Patreon exclusive gif. If you're not comfortable publically saying what's on your mind, sending me a DM will also count for the same purpose, and I'll be happy to chat with you about it there. The winner of this choice will either be picked based on majority demand if it comes to that, or by a 'spin-the-wheel' choice!


FFH - In final stages, send me videos if think it would fit!

Hypnosis Virus Installation - Have some very fun ideas, will start as soon as FFH is out

Themed GIF Set - Species / Kink merged together per gif, each will have unique theme. Will discuss more in the near future!




For the Hypno Virus Installation Project, I would like to encourage everyone here to help come up with a name if that is alright with you. Assuming this is some type of vrmmo game like in all those anime isekai, may I suggest the name “VRHypHypno”? The “HypHyp” part represents what you described as hiccups in the software as it sounds like you are stuttering when you say “HypHypno”. As new as I am here, I am super excited for your future projects as my first introduction to your work was astounding and unbelievable good. I will be back for more and wish you the best!❤️