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Starting now, and for every Monday onwards, I'll be starting to make weekly update posts on where current projects are sitting, thoughts on the future content and plans, and talking about given feedback and thoughts I have, addressing any key points that I think should be shared with everyone and going over improvements I think can be made to my work!

So, where are we right now?

Currently, Furry Fap Hero is sitting at six out of (???) songs fully edited and put together for the final video! My aim with this video is to have it reach around 30 minutes in length, and is currently sitting at just shy of 25 minutes! Once all songs are done being edited and put together,  I will be working on creating a video intro, transitions, and outro, as-well as tier 3 Patron shout-outs! While I don't have a hard deadline for this, if you do want your name in this video, I would recommend signing up to Tier 3 by the end of the week, before Sunday.

Additionally, While all rounds will be released on patreon at once as soon as they're finished, I'm split between releasing each round as individual videos onto Pornhub, or releasing a full 30 minute video instead. Let me know what you think! As this video is NOT hypno related, I won't be posting it onto Hypnotube as it won't be suitable.

What about feedback from the teaser round?

Glad you asked! The most prominent feedback received was that the beat to follow was difficult to... well follow, and that the given videos did not match up to this beat as well as it could. To help remedy this, I've tweaked the first round that i showed off last week, as-well as every round created afterwards to follow a more consistent beat, making both the videos used line up better, and encouraging you to focus less on trying to follow along, and more on enjoying that sweet rhythm~

Ok, how's the next video going then?

The next video, 'Hypnosis Virus Installation' (name subject to change!) is currently ready to be put into the editing stage! I have a full script written up for it, sitting at a little under 1000 words, and a strong identity for it in my mind for when I'm able to start the editing workflow for it. I currently plan to start work on it immediately after Furry Fap hero to get some juicy hypno content out for everyone! Additionally, this video will be a Patreon exclusive!

Wonderful! Anything else?

Yeah! On the note of improvements, I think that currently my main focus for the next video or two is going to be on creating some new visual effects for my hypnosis videos, as-well as focusing on creating consistently high quality audio for my videos. My hypnosis vids in my opinion have a consistent identity and quality to them, and as such I want to start improving them to further cement this editing style, and work on more elaborate effects to improve the... immersion of them~

Audio wise, my last video 'Bimbo Bunny Breeding' seemed to be on the quieter side when released to video upload channels such as HypnoTube, PornHub, and JOI Database, as-well as my own personal video host for Patreon embedding. This was mainly due to applying a blanket audio level reduction in premier due to some audio spiking from the back round female moaning audio, and also lowered the volume of the binaurals. In the future, I will be lending a much closer ear to ensure that the audio remains consistent once exported to make sure it can be made suitably loud or quiet depending on your viewing preference.

Ok! What else?

Finally, I'm planning on making a set of GIFS at some point in the near future to get content out for my RedGIFS, Reddit, and Discord presence. While the theme of these is undecided, I'm thinking about maybe either doing species specific sets for each GIF, or kink focused sets that may not be suitable for a full video length, but perfectly hot and devious for a short form GIF! I will most likely make a poll in the future when it's time to start working on these to get your opinions on what they should focus on!

... You done yet?

I am :>

Thank you very much, as-well as every other patron for supporting my endeavours so far in making this form of content for everyone to enjoy, it's been a great experience so far exploring both my video and photo editing passions through this medium, as-well as getting to write about idea's i've been wanting to explore for a long time, as-well as idea's other's have discussed with me that I've had the privilege of bringing into reality.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank every single one of you for letting me make content for you, and I hope you'll never hesitate to tell me what you want to see, what I can do better, and what thought's you have on what I do. Every word of feedback means the world to me, and helps me strive to make the best possible content I can.

See you soon!

Dreddy <3



Thank you so much for the updates~!