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The sun has fully set, it's a new moon and the stars are nowhere in sight due to the clouds over head. You can hear thunder rumbling in the distance, getting closer every passing minute. But the threat of rain is the least of your concerns as you have escaped from him. You knew it was likely he noticed and is possibly on your trail. You can't stop now. You rummage the item in your pocket, a flashlight that would help you see through this thick forest. But if you used the flashlight, it's likely you will let him know here you are.

You hear a twig snap in the distance. . .

What do you do?



If I can hear him, then he can hear me. Also, stumbling around in the dark would create more noise and risk injury. So I would try to hide and be still and quiet.


Honestly i don't see how any of those options are supposed to be the 'right' choice considering that Peter has excellent night vision& can run insanely fast feels more like a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario


I feel like you die or end up back in his house either way you’re gonna have to kill him to escape in one piece


God. This would be a so terrifying if Peter jumpscares you when you make a wrong choice or idle for to long.


If this is going to be in the game, you should make an option to hide because all these options are dangerous since Peter can see in the dark.

Flora Loudieu

A part of me is happy to see that we can try to escape but at the same time... As soon as Peter realizes this, his dark side will take over and he will hunt us down like a real predator. ... Impossible to run faster than him and he will see us even in the dark, which makes me think that the end of all this will be on the table seen before while waiting to have a leg cut off... T-T

Tyler the Destroyer

Keep it off and stay still, but keep it in hand, you can use it a weapon/ blind him suddenly if he grabs at you.


My fight flight or freeze has always and will always be freeze


there's no escape


Always got to be stealthy, no matter what.


Alright, I'm not sure why my comment got deleted. I didn't think it was that bad, just a bit of yandere humor...but fine. If we're talking realistic, and after reading through all the replies, Peter has: - Night vision - Acute hearing - High speed and endurance - And the capability of thinking strategically. Simply put: Options A and B would doom you from the very start because they draw too much attention. In the event that you were actually trying to escape from a predator like this, the only option that provides a slim chance of success would be to make yourself invisible. No sound. No light. No movement. PERIOD. In fact, if possible, I would try to ease into the nearest object large enough to conceal me and try to relax. However, if there's a risk of making too much noise just to get to it, forget it. There is a reason why animals living in forests go dead silent and immobile when a natural predator is nearby. Unless a predator already has you in its sights, by blending in with your surrounding, you actually heighten your chances of it passing by none the wiser.


this makes a lot of sense, i changed my anwser cus of this


Ok so i would take an alarm clock with me, throw it somewhere, and climb up a tree.. if im lucky enough to be near a low enough tree..


Love this

Jeon Jungkook

obviously i wouldn’t make a run for it as peter is known for his speed. i wouldn’t turn my flashlight off just to stand still. if my flashlight was originally on, before turning it off i’d stuff it under my shirt to dim the light, look at my surroundings, turn my flashlight off and tread carefully to relax behind any large objects i can find.


Honestly I'd be like a deer in headlights, I wouldn't even breath.


wheres the option to throw the flashlight in the opposite direction and sneak away while he hopefully checks out the where the light went?

Maryam Rasheed

At least rain would wash away tracks, and make it harder for him to find you