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I wanna start off by saying that you guys have been phenomenal. You may be 1$ tiers, but you are the ones who are still making a world of a difference and helping out so much with this project.

I would like to be more active on here. So, I wanna know what you all would like to see more of on this patreon!

Also, I'd like to add an extra reward to your tier and only your tier.
Monthly polls about the game, questions about actions you would take in certain situations involving the game, merch ideas, whether or not I should not burn myself out from lack of sleep or eating.
You know, the usual.

So, In this poll (I'll be posting 2 for you all this month), I would like to know of what you would like to see more on here.

And unlike Telltale games, your options matter. XD

With that said, 

What would you like to see more on this patreon?



Just some sketches how characters would interact with other would be funny see.And honestly,I kinda curious how Peter therapist interact with him.I can't imagine how these two psychos speak with each other XD


Torn between artwork and Script teasers AHHHH!


I feel like artwork will win XD but honestly I'm torn too!


I'd Love to see more art with Don, No other reason besides being a simp for him lol


Scripts my number 1 answers, 2nd would be artwork and 3rd would be lore. I saw someone suggest this and now I want it.


What option would be "other"?


We don't get nearly as much script teases as much as the artwork so it'd be a nice surpise


I love this game. But sadly I have a Chromebook so I sadly cannot play it. I have to rely on play-throughs in the route that I want to go for. I know it takes a lot of programming and stuff, but could you try to make it available to people using Chromebooks?


There was a few previews for day 3 and then 4 iirc? I'll have to scroll through again to find em.



Suki Grim

I appreciate all of it but I wanna be surprised and scared 😂


LMAOOO the telltale shade is what got me 😭 twdg is still my fav game tho